White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1480: regret

Sun Mingyue went to where Chu Li disappeared and remained silent. "W. ⒉

Her beautiful and amazing face showed a complex look, cloudy and uncertain, bright eyes flickering, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, at this moment, all kinds of minds were entangled and could not be clarified.

There are two thoughts in the mind that are in a fierce battle, and it is difficult to distinguish. One side decides to help, the other side decides not to help, the helping side is desperately trying to make an excuse, and the non-helping side only has one reason.

The two thoughts were as if they were fighting in a fierce battle.

She suddenly looked up behind her.

Chu Li stood behind her silently and smiled, "Can you be willing?"

"What is unwilling!" Sun Mingyue hummed.

Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "I know, you must not be reconciled, now is your best chance!"

Sun Mingyue frowned at him.

She was so excited that once she became a **** of heaven, she could not do whatever she wanted, and was bound by the rules of the sky. It was impossible to treat the grandfather. She had to place hope on the next generation and her own successor.

Just like the original Master, Master may have experienced the same mentality as himself. His efforts were futile and he could only hope for himself. Therefore, he demanded himself so severely that he would work hard and make great efforts. Become the first person under the Master of Heaven and Earth and prepare for becoming a stronger God of Heaven in the future.

Unfortunately, she still lived up to Master ’s high hopes and failed to make a difference. Now she is only one year away from the master of the gods. Once she can no longer beat the master, there is no chance and she will end up like Master.

The chance this time is great. Although risky, how can things in the world have only benefits and no harm.

Chu Li smiled: "How do you want to fight?"

"What are you going to do?" Sun Mingyue hummed.

Chu Lidao said, "You understand."

"... Okay." Sun Mingyue nodded slowly.

Chu Li smiled: "That being the case, let's go now."

"If I really regret this time, let's not meet again in the future!" Sun Mingyue hummed.

Chu Lidao said: "This is nature."

Sun Mingyue said: "Also, you owe me a favor, and once you use you in the future, you have to be like me today, without hesitation."

Chu Li shook his head and said, "You hesitated for a long time."

Sun Mingyue sneered: "I really want to hesitate, it's not a while, I might consider it for a few days."

"Okay." Chu Li nodded. "Then I owe you this favor."

The two quickly reached a tacit understanding. He caught Sun Mingyue's sleeve and disappeared.


Grand Fu Chi Lan City

The largest restaurant in the city of Chi Lan was empty, with only twenty people eating on the third floor.

In the middle of the table is Tang Yan, he is lazily holding the silver goblet, picking and picking, not taking a bite for a long time, facing the large table of mountains and sea with a disgusting look, and finally put down the silver goose, nothing to eat, I took a silver cup and drank it, and snorted, "No appetite, you guys are standing by. How can I have any appetite, find some beauties!"

"Master, the emperor has orders, no strangers." Xu Shixing, the middle-aged guard, shook his head and sighed, "Let's be careful about the surname Chu. He is now anxious for fear that he will not stop."

"Where are your guts!" Tang Yan said dismissively: "On him, dare to kill me?"

Xu Shixing said: "The dog is forced to jump over the wall when he is forced. He is such a master that he will never endure in silence."

"Then he's not afraid of death?" Tang Yan sneered: "If he wasn't afraid of death, he would have killed me already, but I stood in front of him, and he only dared to slap me, so rest assured!"

At the thought of those two slaps, he felt a pain in his cheeks, as if Chu Li was still standing in front of him, and his mouth opened wide, showing a cruel smile, and he must be killed!

"Well ..." Xu Shixing shook his head and sighed, knowing that he couldn't move him.

He faintly guessed that Tang Yan's idea was to desperately exasperate Chu Li, and excite Chu Li to kill him, so as to kill Chu Li with the help of the emperor.

The emperor did not miss this thought, otherwise he would not arrogantly send troops to the border of the season and set off a war.

All this is forcing Chu Li to assassinate Tang Mao. Once this is the case, the emperor has an excuse to kill him. Chu Li is now too dangerous to the great fu, and must be removed, otherwise the endless troubles will be endless.

He looked around, and finally shook his head. Do not know if Chu Li dare to come, he sighed: "I'm afraid it is not Chu Li, but Lu Yurong, who came to assassinate the king."

"That's right." Tang Yan's eyes lighted, Haha laughed: "She's coming, just don't go back, Chu Li can't handle it, Lu Yurong can't handle it? Then you might as well stay home!"

"Master Wang rest assured, Lu Yurong really dare to come, we must have caught her for Wang Ye!" The crowd responded suddenly.

Tang Yan sat at the table in the center, and the others occupied four tables, keeping exactly four orientations, and surrounded him in impervious air.

He has no appetite, but their appetite is very full, and they are very happy to eat. Only when they are full can they have strength. They have been preparing, their heart strings are tight, and the pressure is turned into appetite.

Chu Li ’s prestige is getting more and more prosperous, giving them a lot of pressure. Once it appears, they ca n’t stop one move, and they may die in one move. This time is different from the last time, and the last time there are still scruples. Take lives.

But to this point, Chu Li should have no scruples anymore, fearing to kill directly.

"Master Wang, is Lu Yurong so beautiful?" Someone said with a chuckle: "Just let Wang Wang remember it so much!"

"Unparalleled in the world." Tang Yan snorted at a glance, "You naked people can't find her beauty!"

Everyone laughed.

Although Tang Yan is arrogant and aggressive, he is very good to the guards around him. He looks rude and speaks rudely. Instead, the guards feel kind and don't have to guess his mind all day.

"It's a pity that she is already married." A guard sighed. "Master Wang, do you still like it?"

Tang Yan said coldly: "There is no woman in the world I can't get ~ www.readwn.com ~ she will definitely be my woman."

"Or Pingfei?" Xu Shixing asked curiously.

Tang Yan sneered: "What do you say? She deserves to be a concubine? Chu Chuli cheap, I will let her know and regret it!"

Xu Shixing saw the flickering coldness in Tang Yan's eyes, knowing that he had inspired his tyranny. If Lu Yurong got married, it would not have been a good life. I ’m afraid it ’s not a long time. It ’s a pity, violent heaven!

He can only think about this idea, but dare not speak it out.

Tang Yan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, sneer: "Lu Yurong, Chu Li, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

"Really?" There was a clear laugh.

Chu Li appeared in front of everyone, standing next to Tang Yan.

The people startled and froze, afraid to move.

Chu Li looked at Tang Yan: "Do you want me to regret coming to this world?"

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