White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1544: Mancheng

Chu Lidao said: "I always have a doubt, I don't know if I should ask."

Sun Mingyue glanced at him obliquely and didn't speak.

Chu Li smiled: "I'll ask."

"Never mind," Sun Mingyue hummed, "what can you say!"

Chu Lidao said: "In principle, it shouldn't be only Song's predecessor. What about the big emperor? If he joins forces with Song's predecessor, Song's predecessor won't be so seriously injured!"

Sun Mingyue shook his head.

Chu Li continued: "Furthermore, it's all here. His emperor should be more anxious than his predecessor. How do I think that you and his predecessor are more anxious than the emperor, it's really strange!"

Sun Mingyue hummed: "How do you know he didn't do it!"

Chu Li frowned and said, "Have you ever fought with Chen Zhenji?"

"That's natural." Sun Mingyue said: "It hurt Chen Zhenji, but it didn't work. Daqiu was so hard-hearted that he wanted to fight. He could only fight if he was strong, and no matter how strong the master of the gods was, he could not take action against people outside the gods. May go to war over the military. "

Chu Lidao said, "I have not seen the martial arts of the Da Li emperor."

"He usually retreats." Sun Mingyue said: "Don't mention him anymore, don't go to Zhuanlun Temple, the monk of Lunming is too sinister."

Chu Li groaned: "What if I have a way to get you away from the army to fight a victory?"

"How do you do that?" Sun Mingyue said.

Chu Lidao said, "You should have gathered the news of the Daqiu army generals?"

"Of course." Sun Mingyue said: "Do you want to see?"

She understood Chu Li's plan at a glance, to use his deduction power to calculate the movement of the Daqiu army.

If this is the case, knowing their military strategy one step ahead of time, it is indeed a victory within reach, knowing each other and knowing each other's battles, knowing the other party's movements and then being invincible, that's a big surrender from the army!

She didn't wait for Chu Li to speak, and turned to the northwest corner of the Bright Hall, where there was a bookshelf high to the top of the hall, filled with dense files, and numbness at first glance.

She flew into the air, pulled out several files, and flew to Chu near, handed them to him.

Chu Li reached out and smiled, "I'll figure out their plans."

Sun Mingyue pointed out two dossier saying: "These two are marshals and deputy commanders of the Peking University, the rest are commanders of each road, two battalions of iron riders, six battalions of infantry, and a battalion of scouts."

Chu Li looked at these files and nodded: "It seems that they sent 100,000 soldiers."

Sun Mingyue nodded: "One hundred thousand soldiers and horses."

Chu Li opened one of the volumes and enlisted Marshal Zhong Wancheng, a 66-year-old martial arts officer from the lowest level. Long, Wan Qichang, eventually became the deputy marshal, marshal, one step at a time, each step went very solid, the use of soldiers is a feature-stability.

There is no opportunity to ride, level and stable, as hard to shake as a rock.

It is reasonable to say that it is difficult to establish special skills in this way of using soldiers. He cannot rise to such a high level. He is based on a stable foundation and has a very high training ability. The Daqiu Tieqi has the prestige of today, thanks to him alone.

Today ’s military strength, in addition to Da Fu ’s heavy ride, is Daqiu ’s iron rider. Dali ’s cavalry is inferior. Even Dali ’s military wizards ca n’t catch up with Daqiu ’s iron rider.

"Actually, we don't have to do much. As long as we can calculate his whereabouts, we assassinated him and Daqiu lost half of it." Sun Mingyue said slowly: "His prestige is too high. Because of this, once he is killed or seriously injured, The soldiers will be scattered, and they will not be defeated. "

Chu Li shook his head: "Maybe the soldiers will win."

"Da Qiu's generals were under his coercion and failed to establish enough prestige." Sun Mingyue hummed lightly: "Although this man is a talented soldier, he is better at the way of the whole body, so that the Emperor of Qiu Qiu can't do his best. Tibet, so once he had an accident, the entire Daqiu army would collapse. "

Chu Li nodded suddenly: "This is also the way of his whole body. The Emperor Daqiu wants to move him, and the army is over."

"Yes," Sun Mingyue said, "so it's easy to assassinate him."

"You mean we two assassinations?" Chu Li smiled.

Sun Mingyue said: "Tianjin masters can't do it, only we two."

"... Okay." Chu Li looked at her helplessly, knowing that this was her condition: "Kill him, let's go to Zhuanlun Temple!"

"No problem!" Sun Mingyue nodded slightly, Ming Ming smiled.

Chu Li shook his head: "I'm afraid I will be punished when I go back to the mountain. As a disciple of Yinxian Mountain, I can't get involved in these things."

If he can understand the mystery of the runner tower, even if he is punished for retreat, it is worthwhile, and he also needs to retreat for a while to avoid Tang Xu's focused cultivation. In the place of retreat, Tang Xu cannot come. If Tang Xu uses any means, Master Zhou Dunli will certainly come forward.

Chu Li carefully watched Zhong Wancheng's news, and even Zhong Wancheng's portrait was extremely detailed. He closed his eyes and deduced it in his mind, but it was blank, there was no image on the large round mirror.

He opened his eyes and shook his head, "No way ~ www.readwn.com ~ You have to see Zhong Wancheng in person."

Sun Mingyue said angrily: "How can you see Zhong Wancheng!"

Chu Li thought for a while: "I have seen Zhong Wancheng among the big ones. The more you see, the better, and the longer you get along, the better."

Sun Mingyue thought about it and said, "This is true."

"See you then," Chu Li said.

Sun Mingyue said, "Come with me."

She stretched out her left hand like Baiyu, Chu Li shook her hands, and suddenly her eyes twisted.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly lighted up, but he was standing in front of a magnificent mansion, two huge bluestone lions curled up, looking down at the two of them as if they had come alive.

Chu Li looked at the two stone lions in surprise, admiring: "Master."

He looked up and knew that the mansion of this mansion was faint, but most of them gathered on the two stone lions. This turned out to be a formation method, which brought the mana, and one would not hinder the lives of the people in the mansion. The magic of town evil, people with malicious intentions approaching the door of the house, will be affected by these two stone lions, and appear illusion, really wonderful.

Sun Mingyue said: "This is our strange surname Wang Ye Hou Zhengming. Wang Hou is the founder of Da Li Tieqi. Originally, he was mixed with Daqi's insider. He started with a cavalry and followed Zhong Wancheng all the time."

Chu Li smiled: "This is a rare opportunity."

"Yes." Sun Mingyue slowly said: "The original big departure was weaker than your big season, and now the big departure has its present status, thanks to Wang Hou who founded the big departure iron ride."

Chu Lidao said: "Such a character will see each other."

Sun Mingyue looked at the mansion: "However, this Prince Hou has retired and no longer pays attention to the affairs. He usually stays in the house and barely meets outsiders. We can only break through."

"Then go in." Chu Li took her hand again, and the flicker disappeared.

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