White-Robed Chief

Chapter 157: condemn

Xue Ling finished feeding a bowl of porridge, and when she was about to feed the second bowl, Xiao Qi drifted into the room with a faint fragrance.

Chu Lichong Xiao Qi smiled: "Miss."

Xiao Qi froze coldly: "Prank!"

Chu Li shook his head and said with emotion: "I didn't expect Daleiyin Temple to have such a superb school, admire it!"

Xiao Qi hummed: "The Da Lei Yin Temple is so easy to deal with. The court has long destroyed them. Do you think that you are not afraid of them when you are good?"

She sat in front of the couch, and Xue Ling was busy giving way.

The tender green fingers hit Chu Li's wrist, feeling the vitality full of vitality, Xiao Qi slowly retracted his fingers and said lightly: "Xiao Ru, Xue Ling, go out first, I have something to tell Chu Li."

"Yes." Su Ru pulled Xueling and closed the door.

Xiao Qiming's eyes were like water, watching Chu Li quietly.

Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Qi said: "You killed it?"

Chu Li raised a brow and slowly nodded.

"You are getting bolder!" Xiao Qi said lightly.

Chu Li smiled: "If it wasn't for the monks at Daleiyin Temple, I wouldn't dare to kill them."

Xiao Qi said: "Want to plant stolen money to Da Lei Yin Temple?"

Chu Li smiled: "Miss, do you think I am dead?"

Xiao Qi frowned and shook his head. He wanted to get away from it, but it was a piece of cake: "Why?"

"Thanks to Lu Yurong for his attention, he wrote to him specifically to let him kill me." Chu Li shook his head helplessly: "Either he died or I died."

"With your light work, he can kill you?"

"He threatened with Xue Ling and Akiba Temple." Chu Li sighed: "Nothing but him."

"It's Lu Yurong again!" Xiao Qi frowned.

This Zhao Zilai was too envious, thinking that using these to force Chu Li, Chu Li did not dare to escape, but could only fight with him, and also determined that Chu Li did not dare to kill him. This is the way to take death, and it is no wonder Chu Li To kill him.

Chu Lidao said, "Will our government be in trouble?"

The identity of the forbidden palace is not ordinary people.

Xiao Qi frowned and said: "The court will not stop doing good things, and Zhao Zilai's identity is also the court's face."

"It really doesn't work, I'll just sacrifice myself," Chu Li said. "It also saves me trouble."

He can think that the court will certainly put pressure on the government. After all, the state government is the state government and cannot compete with the royal family.

"Look at it." Xiao Qi shook her head.

The status of the state government is aloof. Unlike the government, the court cannot handle it.

Chu Lidao said: "Miss think, can I plant my stolen money to Daleiyin Temple?"

"Are you sure?" Xiao Qi asked.

The method of Chu Li's treatment is very clear. Zhao Zilai has a flying knife wound on his body, which seems to be the killer. However, if you take a closer look, which one of Zhao Zilai's heart wounds is not a flying knife, it makes people doubt.

Xiao Qi was a little stunned, and the heart injury was the key: "What martial arts injury hurt his heart?"

"Ask your heart." Chu Li smiled: "The unique school of Daleiyin Temple."

Xiao Qidai raised her eyebrows lightly: "You still ask the heart?"

"Only tangible." Chu Li shook his head: "Only in the realm of heaven and earth can they perform."

Xiao Qi groaned for a moment: "Stop it, the soldiers will come to the block, you will be wounded first."

Chu Lidao said: "Not in a hurry."

Xiao Qi frowned.

Chu Li smiled: "The court will send someone to investigate, right? Let them take a closer look!"

"Extinction means poison, be careful not to set yourself on fire!"


Xiao Qi looked at him and felt nothing to say.

The killing of Zhao Zilai was not an impulse, it was thoughtful, and he thought of a way out. Even if he changed himself, he would do it. He could not not kill him because of Zhao Zilai's identity.


"Driving!" Six horses rushed into Chongming City with gold medals, and ran on the streets of Chongming City unscrupulously. The noisy streets suddenly jumped with chickens, exclaimed, and cursed.

Chongming City has the largest state government, and even the guards of the state government will not be so rampant.

Six middle-aged knights, dressed in purple clothes, were gloomy and glanced at the scolders like electricity.

These people stared with no fear, and the master of martial arts, who had to go to Chongming City, had to clip his tail honestly, really dare to kill, and the state government never let it go.

So the residents of Chongming City are not afraid of martial arts masters.

The six knights sneered, speeding up and throwing the screams far away. After a while, they rushed to the gate of the National Palace.

"Stop here!" The two guards stood out from the shadow beside the stone lion, stood by the sword, and sang loudly.

"Hmm ..." The six horses hissed softly, and the hoofs stood up and stopped in front of the two guards.

Six middle-aged knights fell to the ground, and a shining gold medal was thrown to a guard: "Forbidden Palace guards are here!"

The guard was about twenty years old, with a long face and narrow eyes, and was full of laziness. He turned the gold medal over and over and watched it twice before he slowly twirled his fists: "Please wait, let me report!"

For the presumptuousness of these six knights, they have long been out of sight. If it were not for their duties, they would have stepped forward and pulled them off the horse.

"Let your father-in-law come out to greet you!" A middle-aged knight said coldly.

The guards of the two government offices rolled their eyes, squinted them, and smiled. The narrow-faced guards closed the gold medal and strode into the house.

The six middle-aged knights glanced coldly at the remaining guards.

The guard was in his early twenties, with a baby face, looking very happy, but stared coldly at them, holding on to the wind.

The eyes of these six guys are really like swords, they have to pierce themselves.

"It's a bit guts." The six knights looked at him for a moment, seeing that he did not flinch, nodding his jaw and nodding: "Not waste."

The baby-faced guard stared at them coldly, without saying a word.

He faintly felt that he really wanted to speak out, and they might be seized by the opportunity. They are not opponents. He is a good man who doesn't suffer from immediate losses, but only hopes that people in the government rush to come.

Hurrying footsteps sounded, Xiao Tieying rushed to the door with a group of people, and fisted far away: "All the angels are far away.

Xiao Tieying followed Lin Quan, Zhao Qingshan and six other masters were also there.

The six knights glanced at the people of Xiao Tieying, and coldly clenched their fists: "Song Xiao, we came to life and offended."

"You angels have been working hard all the way, go for a tea break and moisten your throat. It's not too late to say anything." Xiao Tieying smiled brightly, and seemed to not mind the other's arrogance and indifference.

Six middle-aged men slowly nodded and were embraced by Xiao Tieying.

Iron Eagle Island Hall

After everyone was seated ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tea was served quickly, Xiao Tieying sat down with six people including Zhao Qingshan, Lin Quan stood behind Xiao Tieying.

The six middle-aged knights set down their tea cups and looked coldly at Xiao Tieying.

The middle-aged knight headed with a yellow-faced face and a sick face, but with a stern expression, his eyes shot like Chu Li: "Master, we are going to offend this time, please give up the murderer who killed Brother Zhao!"

"The murderer?" Xiao Tieying put down the tea cup and slowly said, "Song senior knows who is the murderer?"

Song Siwen said coldly: "It is said that Chu Li was traveling with Brother Zhao, is it Brother Zhao who killed him?"

Xiao Tieying's handsome face slowly gloomed and said coldly, "Six angels, do you say that senior Zhao was killed by the people of Lufu? Chu Li killed?"

"Brother Zhao has great martial arts skills. How could he die for no reason." A middle-aged man slowly nodded, sneer: "Is the government government covering the murderer?"

Xiao Tieying grinned and said coldly: "Senior Song, you will be the murderer as soon as you come, you will know that the murderer is Chu Li without even looking at Zhao's corpse?"

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