White-Robed Chief

Chapter 164: set off

When Xue Ling returned to the courtyard, she saw Su Ru standing in front of the gate.

"Master," she called, and stepped forward to salute.

"Xue Ling, did you go to Yanwu Palace again?" Su Ru asked with a smile.

Xue Ling said: "Thank Sun Jun and Wang Xuanyi for the son, and send them a prayer for Yuandan."

"Chu Li is generous enough." Su Ru shook her head and smiled.

Xue Ling hummed: "What can the boy want, who can stop it?"

Su Ru shouted with a smile: "Look at your distress, rest assured, he still lacks Qi Yuandan?"

The two spoke and pushed the door into the courtyard.

Chu Lizheng is sitting cross-legged on a low couch under the Tianling tree, and if the old monk is settled, Baoxiang is solemn.

He slowly opened his eyes, smiled at Su Ru, and glanced at Xue Ling again.

Xue Ling said busyly: "It has been given to them, ... rest assured, I am good-natured."

Chu Li nodded with satisfaction.

Su Rudao: "Chu Li, you are healing faster, you have found the trace of the thunder knife, and the lady will leave tomorrow!"

"I found it, so fast?" Chu Li was surprised.

A secluded place for a master outside the sky was so easy to find, even for the state government, he found it too easy.

Su Ru laughed: "This is also luck, and I didn't expect to find it so soon."

"How did you find it?"

"It was accidentally heard by a security guard during the mission. After a little inquiry, the thunder knife once appeared in Fengming Mountain." Su Ru said: "I don't know the specific place, but he should live in Fengming Mountain, miss Means to look for it after it has passed, so as not to frighten the snake. "

Chu Lidao said, "Is there such a coincidence?"

"Maybe God can help Miss Er." Su Ru laughed.

Chu Li shook his head and frowned.

"Chu Li, are you unhappy to hear the news?" Su Ru tilted his head and looked at him: "What's the look?"

"I'm afraid empty likes one." Chu Li Road said.

Su Ru said: "This matter must be concealed from Miss Er, wait for the Miss to find the lightning knife, and then tell Miss 2, when will your injury be okay? Can you hurry tomorrow? ... If you can't catch it, Miss go alone."

Chu Li frowned even more.

Su Ru said: "Relax, of course, you will bring a few masters!"

Chu Li groaned: "Well, let's go tomorrow!"

"Can your injury be cured?"

"Well, try it."

"Don't mess around." Su Ru said: "Miss said that your injuries should come little by little, not in a hurry."

"I have a way." Chu left.

"All right, let me tell the lady." Su Ru looked at him uneasily and got up to leave.


In the early morning of the next day, the sun rose, and the magnificent Jinmang became golden.

Under the spirit tree, Chu Li wakes up from entering the setting.

After one night of hard work, the finger of silence was eliminated.

Previously, he recovered his injuries little by little, in order to feel the mystery of the finger of silence, and realize the meaning of dryness. He was not assured that Xiao Qi went to the thunder knife alone, but he could only tolerate the love and completely expel the finger of silence.

He wants to be with Xiao Qi, not to be uneasy about Xiao Qi ’s wisdom. She has insight into human minds and is not easy to be fooled. But if he is by his side, he can take her away at a critical time. , Be regarded as another insurance.

Xiao Qi and Su Ru stepped into the small courtyard. She fluttered in white, the fragrance was clear, and she looked at Chu Li quietly: "Is the wound really good?"

Chu Li nodded.

Xiao Qi sat on the edge of the couch, and the tender green fingers touched his wrist, felt his arrogant internal force, and nodded with satisfaction.

Chu Li was caught by her cool fingers, and she felt half-numb and numb, trying to restrain her heartbeat, and did not want to be seen by Xiao Qi.

"It's really good," Xiao Qi let go of his fiber fingers, and lightly jawed his head: "Follow me to Fengming Mountain?"

Chu Li smiled: "Of course."

Xiao Qi said: "Da Lei Yin Temple is still looking for a chance to kill you."

Chu Li laughed without answering. He was not afraid of the chasing of Da Leiyin Temple. Be careful next time.

"... Alright, let's go." Xiao Qi groaned: "Go back quickly, walk away secretly, and unknowingly pass, you can have a few twists and turns."

Chu Li said: "Miss, take some extra-terrestrial guards."

Xiao Qi frowned at him.

Chu Lidao said: "I'm worried. Is there any Lu Yurong blending in here, in case this lightning knife was bought by Lu Yurong?"

"Uh-?" Xiao Qi frowned.

Although Bingxue is clever, she is not good at making plans, she is good at perceiving insights, seeing moves, and actively calculating others, she is still out of reach, far from Lu Yurong.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Even without Lu Yurong doing a stalk from it, you can't help but prevent this lightning knife. People's hearts are separated by the belly. After more than ten years, what has happened to the friendship between the lightning knife and the Grandpa? quasi?"

Xiao Qi contemplates.

The mention of Chu Li is indeed unavoidable. Lu Yurong's conspiracy and tricks are endless, and the calculation is deep. Chu Li can be counted, Lu Yurong may not be counted.

Chu Li Dingding looked at her.

After a while, Xiao Qi shook her head and said, "It's the two of us!"

Chu Li smiled helplessly.

Xiao Qi said: "If it is really Lu Yurong's plan, the two of us will leave if we are in a bad situation. There are Zhao Lao and they are too implicated. It is also useless. We go silently and it is not easy to be counted."

When the two are on the road together, they can hide their tracks. Together with Zhao Qingshan, they are too conspicuous, and their tracks will definitely be in the hands of others.

If it was Lu Yurong's plan, Zhao Qingshan would be here, and they would at least remain unbeaten. It would be impossible to beat the Renguo. Instead, why bother with them and just leave.

Chu Li saw her mind was determined, but nodded.

Xue Ling had packed up a bag and handed it to him indifferently.

Chu Liheng gave her a glance, took the baggage, went out of the courtyard with Xiao Qi, and boarded a painting in the woods.

Standing on the painting is Su Ru, who is struck by a green shirt, and two horses.

Chu Li recognized that two of the steeds seized in Qiwu faction were extraordinary.

Hua Yan slowly left Yuqi Island, entered the lake, and Chu Li entered the cabin.

Xiao Qi sat on the low couch near the window, and Chu Li sat across a few pairs.

Su Ru handed two cups of tea and stood aside.

Chu Li smiled: "The director also goes with him?"

Su Rubai gave him a glance: "What am I going to do, it's just a drag!"

Chu Li smiled, knowing she was losing her temper.

Xiao Qi said: "I only blame you for not having to work normally. Martial arts are rare and unbearable."

Su Ruyi said: "Who is like you two, I don't have such a great talent!"

Xiao Qi glanced at her and said, "Chu Li, Feng Ming Shan is two thousand miles away. If you are fast, you can arrive tomorrow."

Chu Lidao said: "I'm afraid it's not easy to find him after entering the mountain ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Qi said:" The situation of the second sister is not very good, we must step up. "

Chu Li frowned: "Miss Er is sick?"

Xiao Qi sighed: "Yesterday I had typhoid fever. It was a change of solar terms.

Chu Li looked dignified.

Xiao Shi's body is too weak. For ordinary people, typhoid fever is not too severe, but it is a big hurdle for her.

"With Guo Lao's conditioning, it should be able to pass." Xiao Qi said: "But this time can pass, what will happen in the future? I think her health is getting worse and worse."

Chu Li nodded slowly, his heart was heavy.

The painting scroll slid silently, and after a cup of tea was drunk, the painting scroll leaned to the shore.

Chu Li and Xiao Qi disembarked, rode on the steed, waved Besulu, and ran along a path, disappearing from Suru's vision in the blink of an eye, leaving only billowing smoke.

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