White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1668: dissuade

"Well ..." Chu Li sighed long and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Leader, Elder Fan, I really don't have a face to see, I'm always dragged down, no credit for it."

"Who says you have no credit?" Elder Fan groaned with a smile: "If you don't save yourself, I may not escape Sun Mingyue's pursuit."

Chu Chuli shook her head and smiled bitterly: "The elders have lifted me up, and Sun Mingyue doesn't chase the elders, but it's not my sake. I used the skill of giving up my body, and I couldn't stop Sun Mingyue from doing half a trick."

"It ’s good if you understand!" Song Zhifan hummed: "Don't go back this time, practice directly in the floating mountains, when will you practice the immortality to the sixth floor, and when you will come out and do things again."

Wu Chuli busy said: "Master, I'm afraid that I will delay major events. I'm still familiar with Chongming City. This time it's a big deal, not next time."

Tong Song Zhifan sank and stared at him: "Are you still not dead? Still want to go to Chu Chuli?"

"Leader." Chu Li sighed: "Can I watch Chu Li freely, but can't do anything?"

"Why martial arts, why not?" Song Zhifan hummed.

This is what he said to himself. There is only one way to clean up Chu Li. He has to practice hard, and his martial arts far surpasses that of Chu. It is not too late to clean up him.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "The leader can do this, but I can't do it. I know that it is impossible to beat Chu Li even if he worked hard the whole life. He is really too powerful. He is a real wizard, like a wizard. Not a mortal like me can reach! "

Elder Fan Fan chuckled and said, "Bali, you are also a Wizard, but you are out of luck and bad luck. As long as you return to Fukong Mountain and practice well, you will have a chance to avenge it someday."

Chu Chuli shook her head: "Even if it can beat Chu Li, I'm afraid the leader will not let me wait until then, when Chu Li was killed by the leader!"

"Haha ..." Song Zhifan suddenly burst out laughing.

Wu Chuli said this sentence in his dream, and he couldn't help cheering up.

Elder Fan Fan glanced away faintly, and said lightly, "Leader, in my opinion, take it easy."

"What's slow?" Song Zhifan smiled and asked casually.

Elder Fan Fan said: "Take care of Chu Li."

Ji Song Zhifan frowned and looked at Elder Fan, showing his displeased expression: "The elders also think that I can't overcome Chu Li, don't they?"

Elder Fan Fan nodded and said, "Yes."

Xi Chuli was desperate to wink at Elder Fan, begging her not to say that.

Elder Fan Kefan turned a blind eye and said calmly, "Godmaster, you should know, but you don't want to admit it. Chu Li is deeper and deeper now, and the leader can't please him."

"That may not be so!" Song Zhifan hummed dissatisfied: "This guy is so cunning, every time I want to show a killer, he is hidden from him."

Elder Fan Fan shook his head: "The leader has an advantage over Chu Li, but the leader has never used it."

"What advantage?" Song Zhifan said.

Elder Fan Fan said: "Leaders enter the country faster than Chu, and the elders are better at life."

"Well, that's true." Song Zhifan nodded proudly.

The eternal life of the elders is truly an extraordinary skill in the heavens and the earth, and it must be better than the Yulong tactics cultivated by Chu Li. The Yulong tactics cannot be regarded as a top-level skill.

Elder Fan Fan said: "In this case, why bother to find Chu Li, as long as you calm down and practice for a year, you will be able to clean up and succeed, no need to bother!"

一年 "One year ..." Song Zhifan frowned and thought, and finally shook his head and sighed: "I can't wait for a year!"

"Leader ..." Elder Fan was a little impatient.

Zhi Song Zhifan waved his hand and said, "Let me think about it."

"... Yes." Elder Fan nodded helplessly.

Tong Song Zhifan closed his eyes again and began to practice his skills. His withered face slowly removed a few wrinkles.

Elder Fan Fan got up and left.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Chuli followed Elder Fan to a wooden house in the distance.

"Elder, I have something to say." Chu Li busy said.

Elder Fan fan glanced at him obliquely, and narrow and narrow Dan Fengming's eyes narrowed slightly: "Say it."

Chu Chu left: "The elders had better not persuade the Lord to let go."

"Oh-?" Elder Fan smiled with a smile: "Why?"

Chu Li sighed: "This is not only a question of Qi Tianjian, but also a struggle for the dignity of men. I feel that if the leader can't overcome Chu Li, he will always be unwilling, and he can't calm down when practicing, instead he will not be good for entering the country. "

"According to you, the leader has to deal with Chu Li and eat 瘪?" Elder Fan hummed.

Chu Lidao said: "It ’s good for the leader to be defeated and brave again and again. In addition, ..., the leader has a strong temperament, is young and vigorous, how can he not shrink back, why should the elders go to waste, but it makes the leader unhappy. ? "

"As long as I think it is right, I must say it.

"Elder Fan" said: "Not blindly welcome. "

Wu Chuli sighed: "Since the leader is the leader, we just follow the orders of the subordinates. As for what to do, we will leave it to the leader!"

"You are a good subordinate!" Elder Fan hummed softly: "The future is immense!"

教 Which leader does not like such subordinates?

And he has already shown enough loyalty, the leader will obviously trust him. This Barry is a smart guy. It is estimated that he will soon climb to the middle level of the teaching, and then step by step, the final status may not be weaker than Yourself.

When she thought about it, she sighed, "Just listen, I won't persuade the Lord to let go."

She just didn't vomit, but she also understood the distress of the leader, not just because she was a winner. The reason was unknown to Baili.

Chu Chuli smiled: "Elders are wise!"

"Come with me less and practice your skills!" Elder Fan posed his hands.

Xi Chu left his fist and left.

长 This elder Fan is no wonder that his temperament remains unchanged, and he still remains young, because he is a simple and simple person, behaves severely and rigidly, and should not show mercy when he should not show mercy.

In the evening after 23 days, Chu Li's injuries recovered very quickly. The elders could only practice the first layer, but they were exquisite and exquisite. Song Zhifan lost the inner strength of Sun Mingyue and recovered quickly.

When the three of them ate together, Song Zhifan suddenly said, "Elder Fan, I decided to go into the 100,000 Mountains!"

Chu Chu cried out, "The leader cannot!"

Qi Song Zhifan's complexion restored his young and handsome appearance, and his original withering appearance disappeared.

Elder Fan Fan also changed his face ~ www.readwn.com ~ After changing, he didn't rush to oppose, he groaned, "Is the leader confident?"

"I thought of a way." Song Zhifan calmly said: "The last time I did something wrong. I shouldn't go in as a god. I should be a master of the heavens and the sky. The superb spirit beast would not be so strong. reaction."

"What about this time?" Elder Fan frowned. "Teacher what to do?"

"I will revise most of my body, and only go into the innate realm." Song Zhifan smiled. "Once you get the spirit beast, devour it after you devour it, and still keep yourself in the innate realm. The internal force of the tube is repaired. "

"... good idea." Elder Fan nodded slowly: "But it is also dangerous."

"Congenital masters will not attract the attention of those superb spirit beasts." Song Zhifan is full of confidence.

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