White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1676: Royal Tiger

"Oh!" He stroked a circle with ease.

The sword is like a tofu in the stone wall. It forms a circle without hindrance. It is gently sucked and mentioned. The round stone slab is raised by him and set aside gently.

Suddenly the soft brilliance shot out and fell on him.

He saw at once a cave inside.

This cave is much more spacious than the outside. Everything inside is made of white jade, jade bed, jade table, jade chair and jade stool, as well as jade cupboards. There are rows of ancient books on the shelf, and his eyes are extremely hot.

This is obviously a cave house, and must be left by seniors.

An old man sat in the central jade bed.

The old man was lifelike, as if he was being settled. He had no rotten atmosphere. His face was rosy and his skin was tender and smooth. He was described as a boy with a snow-white gown covering his body, which scared Song Zhifan.

He hesitated for a while, and he felt a sense of indifference. The old man really had no vitality, but he was so lifelike. I could not help thinking that the old man must be a god, but this **** did not have the heavens field diffuse.

If the **** of heaven ascends to heaven, leaving behind his own hand, he will disperse the field of **** and form a great deterrent. The master of the heavens and the heavens can hardly approach, cannot approach, and cannot destroy.

Only the **** of heaven can approach, and the **** of heaven often does not destroy the legacy of the **** of God. Respect for the **** of God means respect for himself.

He frowned, thinking, is this old man really alive?

He fluttered into the cave, slowly approached the old man, then saluted with a fist, and coughed, "This senior, disturbed, knows the next Song Zhifan, I don't know if the senior is here to clean up, and forgive me."

After he had said this, he saw the old man motionless, so he became bold and approached two steps, still unable to sense the Tenjin Field.

After getting so close, he could sense that the old man was not a god.

He grew bolder and made a circle around the old man. After careful examination, the sword slowly reached the jade box that the old man pressed, which was about the size of a book page.

After the sword came to the jade box, he stepped back, lest the old man suddenly wake up and get upset.

Although he judged that the old man was dead, he was so silent and lifelike, always giving him an illusion, as if the old man had not died, but was just settled.

Long sword opened the jade box. There was no mechanism. He again picked up a booklet in the box with the long sword. The yellowed booklet flashed the bright yellow Guanghua, which is absolutely unusual.

He picked up the outermost one with a sword, saw the first one, and then stunned: "Yuhujue."

"Yu Hu Jue ..." Song Zhifan thought for a while, murmured in his mouth, remembered for a moment, then overjoyed: "Yu Hu Jue, haha, Yu Hu Jue!"

He thought about what martial arts it was.

One of the main mental methods of the spirit beast sect, Yuhujue and the dragon tactic of Yinxianshan are side by side. It is the core exercise of the spirit beast sect. How did it appear on this old man?

Could it be that this old man is also a disciple of the Spirit Beast Sect?

Then I thought that since the Beast Sect had entered the 100,000 Mountains, the entire army had been destroyed. No one knew how they had been destroyed. They only knew that they were besieged by the Beasts. As for how many died, no one knew how much. After all, no one has entered the 100,000 mountains, and it is impossible to see.

Moreover, no disciples of Spirit Beast Sect escaped, and the collapse of Spirit Beast Sect became a mystery case.

This old man even carried the Yuhu Ji, presumably the escaped Spirit Beast Sect disciples, or the remaining evil of the Spirit Beast Sect who was hiding here, eventually dared not go out, sealed himself in such a cave, and died. .

He thought of it, and he lost his awe in this old man. As for saying that he is still immortal after death, he must have served some spiritual fruit in the 100,000 Mountains.

Suddenly his aura flashed, and he couldn't help laughing.

He suddenly thought that Chu Li was also an imperial dragon tactic for cultivating Xianshan disciples.

Chu Li is also a proud and arrogant man. He must be disdainful or unwilling to be captivated by the heavens and heavens and want to become a **** himself, and the world wants to become a god. In addition to his own way to incarnate Dan, only One way is to cultivate the four singularities of the Spirit Beast Sect.

Chu Li has learned Yu Long Jue, he must want to learn this Yu Hu Jue!

Thinking of this, he is even more overjoyed, and can't wait to dance to celebrate.

He felt that he had found the key to getting back the Tiantian Sword, and this was the book of Yuhu!

In exchange for Yu Hu Jue in exchange for the Tiantian Sword, Chu Li will certainly agree, and he will have to agree, otherwise he threatens him to tear off Yu Hu Jue, and then makes Yu Hu Jue completely lost, and Chu Li ’s path to the **** of heaven is also cut off. Can only obediently seal God.

Chu Li will never be reconciled, he will be fortunate to feel that even if he gave himself a sword, he could still grab it back.

At this moment he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha ..." He felt as if he finally came to Thailand, and luck turned for the better.

Who could have thought that being so embarrassed by the two deer, but they sent themselves here, really a great joy after being furious, luck still favors themselves, and finally gave himself a clear way.

He was anxious to think of it.

There were suddenly footsteps and howling outside.

Then a roar of "嗷 ...", a spirit tiger appeared outside the cave.

Song Zhifan didn't dare to delay anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Can't wait to read the rest of the books, copied Yuhujue suddenly disappeared in place, and returned to the floating mountain the next moment.

Chu Li is working hard in the floating mountains. He now sees the Suzaku flame still burning in his body, a small cluster of flames beating gently, going around in his body, looking for his weakness, still not dead.

He sighed secretly, this flame has its own soul, like a living creature, always looking for opportunities, but unfortunately the power of the Supreme Master Sutra, the tenth tier, is unbelievable, and it restrains it from burning.

He also knows every move of the floating mountain through Dazhi Jingzhi, knowing that Song Zhifan returned soon after he left. Although the main hall of the leader is protected by invisible forces and cannot be seen, he can infer from the situation outside the main hall.

Two days later, he was undergoing hard work, and suddenly he was in a state of absurdity, and suddenly appeared in his own small courtyard.

Li Meng is still chanting scriptures under the Tianling Tree.

Chu Li nodded with satisfaction, and saw Xue Ling standing close, whispering: "My son, Song Zhifan is here again."

Chu Li smiled, "He's the one?"

Da Yuan Jing Zhi has already seen Song Zhifan standing against his hands, fluttering blue shirts, golden crowns and glitters, and a sense of grace and luxury.

"Yes." Xue Ling whispered: "There is no man around him, as if only he came over by himself, as if there was no fear, for fear that the person who came was not good."

Chu Li nodded with a smile, rushed to Li Meng's jaw, and strode out of the gate, and punched Song Zhifan with a smile: "What's the matter with Song Jiao coming here? If you provoke again, I'm not blameless."

"Chu Li, this time I'm not provocation, but a deal." Song Zhifan said.

Chu Li smiled playfully: "Speak and listen."

Song Zhifan took out a thin book from his arms and tossed it to Chu Li.

Chu Li reached out to take over, his face suddenly changed slightly.

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