White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1684: eccentric

Chu Li nodded thoughtfully: "It's so mysterious, obviously it has a lot to do. It should not be the new recruit of the Prince ..."

"In my opinion, let's ask Miss Lu." Xiao Qi seemed to smile.

Chu Li smiled and embraced her, lay down on the couch and sighed: "This Mongolian new officer took office three fires, did it burn our heads?"

"Yes." Xiao Qi said with a light jaw. "I searched our King's Mansion once with the Secret Guard two days ago, and said that he was a disciple of the Guangming Holy Religion."

Chu Li's face changed slightly.

Xiao Qi glanced at him, and said lightly: "It is said that you have friendship with the Holy Ghost Saint, so you have to guard against turning the palace to the sky and almost annoyed the second sister."

Chu Li's face was gloomy: "It looks like I've taken advantage of it!"

He is now famous, whether in the season or the whole world, he is a reputable figure. The first commander of the Mongolian commander directly took him, which shows his strength and determination.

Even with a provocative meaning, it seems that there must be some frustration, so I dare not come home.

Xiao Qi frowned. "Of course, but you also know that you can't be impulsive. Maybe you will come to your door and give you a sap."

Although Chu Li is strong, he is not yet invincible in the world, and even the invincible masters of the world must be careful of conspiracy and tricks. The open gun is easy to hide from the arrows and difficult to prevent. The more powerful master may capsize in the gutter.

Chu Li nodded slowly: "It is necessary to find out clearly, I really want to find Lu Yurong."

"Um." Xiao Qi's head jaws: "I didn't say anything irony this time, it's best to ask Lu Yurong to ask clearly."

Chu Li smiled: "This Meng Xiaoqi, I really wonder what he is capable of, what is the details!"

He didn't rush to retaliate to go back, first explore the details and then say, not bad for a while.

The older the rivers and lakes become, the less courageous he is. He has not been arrogant enough to push all obstacles. As the martial arts become stronger, he acts more cautiously.

"Go." Xiao Qi pushed him with a smile.

Chu Lidao said: "Not bad for a while, let's talk again."

"I'm not too bad for this moment." Xiao Qi said, "It's good to ask as soon as possible. I've been unsteady in my heart. I didn't watch the second sister hold her breath. She just worried about your impulse and didn't say anything."

She knew Chu Li. Although she was young, she acted cautiously and prudently. She would not act recklessly and impulsively because she was angry, but would be more cautious.

Chu Li turned up, put on his clothes and left, and appeared in a delicate and elegant courtyard of the Renguo Government House.

It was already noon, and the pavilion in the courtyard was sitting on Yurong. He was eating alone, with a thoughtful expression, and suddenly felt the appearance of Chu Li, looking up.

Chu Li hugs his fists.

Lu Yurong shook her head and smiled: "Nothing can go to the Three Treasure Hall."

Chu Li smiled: "Exactly."

"Inquiry about Meng Xiaoqi?" Lu Yurong struck a snow-white Luo shirt with skin like jade, and there was a faint immortality around him, even if he was eating rice, he was like a fairy who didn't eat the fireworks on earth.

Chu Li came to sit opposite her.

Lu Yurong yelled, "Xiaoyu."

"Yes, miss." A handsome maid fluttered and offered the dishes.

Then another maid brought the jade cup and pot.

Lu Yurong personally poured a glass of wine for him and shook his head and sighed, "This Meng Xiaoqi, I'm also curious about who it is."

Chu Li smiled and said, "Willn't it pop out from a crack in the stone?"

"It really looks like it popped out of a crack in a stone." Lu Yurong nodded gently. "I wasn't such a person when I was in Prince's House, and through my investigation, this person appeared out of thin air."

Chu Lidao said: "If so, how can the crown prince and the emperor trust to take over the secret guard house?"

"That's right." Lu Yurong nodded. "Unfortunately, I can't go to the Prince's House to meet this person for a while, but this person is very mysterious, and the means are fierce, and the martial arts are brilliant. It is by no means easy."

Chu Li frowned and said, "Is he hostile to me, or does he want to take advantage of me? If he takes advantage of me, his ambition is not small."

"It looks like you are taking advantage of your authority." Lu Yurong said: "If there is hostility, you will not only search the palace, and do nothing else."

Chu Li nodded slowly.

Lu Yurong slaps.

Xiaoyu's maid left lightly. After a moment, she carried a stack of files and put them on the stone table, occupying more than half of the table.

Lu Yurong put his finger to the file.

Chu Li picked up a volume and looked at it. It contained all the information of Meng Xiaoqi, who he had spoken to, what he had said, what his daily routine was, and clear portraits.

Chu Li looked at this portrait.

In the portrait is a young man with a sword and eyebrows, a nasty nose and thin lips. There is a gloomy glory in Junlang. At a glance, he knows that it is not easy to deal with people and it is difficult to deal with.

Chu Li sighed: "It's so young,… wouldn't it be royal blood?"

"It's quite possible." Lu Yurong nodded: "I feel the same way, but there is no way to verify. If the royal disciples must be extremely secretive, outsiders cannot find out."

Chu Li nodded: "What level has he cultivated for?"

"I'm afraid it may not be inferior to me." Lu Yurong frowned.

She is really hard to understand. It ’s a coincidence that she has practiced this step ~ www.readwn.com ~ A flash of aura is a miracle that is difficult to replicate. It seems that Chuli has gone well and luckily, but there are other young people. Just as lucky.

Chu Lidao said, "I'd like to see it."

"To what extent you cultivate, many people don't know." Lu Yurong laughed: "Except for a few gods, the gods are stronger than before, so they may not be afraid of you anymore."

Chu Li nodded.

This is also the source of Meng Xiaoqi's hard temper. Leng Wufeng is definitely the default. I feel that I have eaten myself, so there is no more scruples. If Leng Wufeng does not want to offend him, Meng Xiaoqi will not take him as a prestige .

Lu Yurong said: "Let ’s do this, let me first explore his bottom, and then he dare not treat me like that."

Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, let me take it myself."

"It's time to give a warning to the emperor." Lu Yurong hummed. "He will be crazy when he is proud. The Leng family is like this, don't be too proud, or they will change to a different person."

This is true of the Prince, and so is the Emperor. There is a father and a son.

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "That may not be, maybe he was taught by him first."

After drinking two glasses of wine, he suddenly disappeared and appeared in a restaurant in Shendu the next moment.

Da Yuan Jing Zhi spread out immediately, appeared in the secret guard house, and saw a young man sitting in the hall, it was the new commander Meng Xiaoqi.

The figure is thin and erect, slightly short, but gives a sense of ingenuity.

He seemed to be aware of it, and his eyes suddenly looked towards Chu Li, as if looking at Chu Li through Dayuan Jingzhi.

Chu Li suddenly moved, squinting his eyes slightly, it turned out to be weird!

It was surprising that Meng Xiaoqi was able to detect his own spying. Even the **** of heaven, with the protection of the **** field, could obstruct the observation of Dayuan Jingzhi, but he may not find the observation of Dayuan Jingzhi.

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