White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1706: Prestige

Chu Li was able to sense the killing intention of the two spirit tigers. As a matter of fact, like a cold rain pouring on his body, the whole body was cold, his body could not help shaking, it was a kind of trembling from the bones. Δ┡ 『Δ『 fiction ㄟ

Chu Li gritted his teeth, resisted the trembling, and clenched his fists. "I've seen two."

"Who are you and why are you here?" A majestic voice sounded in his mind, shaking his head in emptiness.

Chu was stunned, and the spirit of this tiger was stronger than his imagination.

He has always been proud of the strength of the soul. One is born to be born, reborn with memory, twice the soul of an ordinary person, and later practiced various mysteries such as the Kuching Sutra, which has continued to grow into the soul. Imagine.

But even with such a strong soul, the spirit tiger is still inferior to him. The uniqueness of the spirit beast can be seen in general. In most aspects, it is a major gap that human hard work can't make up for.

Chu Li held his fist and said, "Under Xia Chu Li, I broke into here accidentally."

Naturally, he dare not say that because he got a secret book of ancient books, he found it here. The spirit beasts within the 100,000 mountains are full of hatred and killing of the spirit beast sect. If he reveals the spirit beast spirit, he will lead to hunting.

"Hey, what a break-in!" Ling Ma's majestic voice trembled in his mind again, humming: "The spirit beast disciple must die, so do you!"

Chu Li busyly said, "I am not a Spirit Beast Disciple!"

"I'm pregnant with a dragon and a tiger, not what the spirit beast disciple is, but he died!" Linghu roared, and the left-handed giant tiger jumped violently and hurled towards Chu. from.

Another petite and exquisite lingering tiger stood in the void and looked at Chu Li with interest.

Chu Ligu did not criticize the look in his eyes and launched it with one palm.

This palm is difficult. If the whole body is restrained by invisible forces, it cannot move, and it is barely pushed out.

He used to be in Tenjin's field. There are invisible forces in Tenjin's field who are constantly attacking and restraining magical powers. However, in Tenjin's field, he can still act only when he feels trapped in the mud. Nowadays, it is indifferent to have King Kong.

But in this spiritual tiger's aura, if he was tied up, invisible power kept drilling in, like a knife stabbed in, King Kong could not stop himself, but could not let him move freely, every Subtle movements require enormous power.

A ray of light fell in the void, condensing into a moon white palm print in front of the palm, as if it were a substance, hitting the tiger's chest in an instant.

"Bang!" The fur of the tiger flickered, as if it was undulating with the wind, but its forward flutter was unchanged. The power of this king of heaven was amazing, but it was no different from itching.

It didn't even hide, but just tilted his head, letting Chu Li's palms fall to his chest, his mouth opened slightly, and he exhaled aura.

Chu Limeng stomped his foot hard, stepping away to avoid Reiki.

"Bang!" Reiki drilled into the cave and suddenly "banged" a muffled sound. The cave behind it had collapsed. The stone blocked the entrance of the cave. Chu Li's feet stood firmly like suction cups.

He was secretly surprised that no matter how hard he could pull the cave down with a single blow.

He turned to look behind him, worried that the ancient books would be destroyed.

Dayuan Jingzhi was unable to perform in the aura of the sea. He could not see the situation in the cave, but he could not afford to observe it anymore. He struck his legs and shot at the other stone as hard as he could.

"Bang!" Linghu's front claw hit Chu Li's stone, blasted into powder and slammed, and was spit out by Linghu and swept away.

After it landed, it turned around and rushed towards Chu Li again.

Chu Li couldn't keep his hand anymore, he couldn't think about the consequences of killing the Linghu, and he shot with a divine sword.

He has already discovered that this spirit tiger is a more superior spirit beast, far better than the little Suzaku he had seen before. The God Needle is nothing to use, and he used the God Sword directly. It's enough to slow it down and get out of it.

"Bang!" Ling Tiger's snow-white fur erected sharply, and the tiger's eyes spit out electric light. The momentum was several times more powerful than before, and the suffocating breath was blown at his face.

This record of the Excalibur not only failed to obtain the Spirit Tiger, but also annoyed it and thoroughly stimulated its ferociousness.

"Well ..." Linghu roared.

Chu Li saw a reiki shot to the degree, like electricity, almost as fast as imagination.

He wanted to move but was powerless,

As soon as the chest hurts, the foreground of the eye changes suddenly and quickly reverses.

He has already flew into the air.

"Well ..." Another tiger roar rang again.

He had a pain in his back, and then rushed forward, turning into a forward charge.

"Hmm ..." Another tiger roared, and a pain in his chest made him back again.

He turned into a ball in the air and was blown by the aura of the spirit tiger. He couldn't help himself. If there was no one who could protect him, he would die now.

The Linghu roared in the void, hitting him with aura of energy, letting him fly around, his strength was getting stronger and stronger.

The fire of Suzaku's fire did not stop the invading forces, but instead took the opportunity to attack Chu Li's five internal organs and six maggots together. King Kong's undead need to resist the combined attack of the two forces, and it was a bit difficult.

It doesn't take too long to continue like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ King Kong must not be blocked until it dies. The power of this spirit tiger is too overbearing. The fire of Suzaku has been attacking continuously, and it can absorb the spirit of the void and recover. His Supreme Vajrayana Sutra continued to absorb the heavenly aura, urging Vajrayana to die.

However, the aura of the Linghu is constantly growing. It does not penetrate King Kong and does not die, but it does not dissipate. It only consumes a part of it, and then absorbs the aura to recover on its own. In addition, the spirit tiger continuously shoots the aura, which are superimposed. The power is getting more and more amazing.

Chu Li could not help but sigh, this is the terrible part of the spirit spirit beast, the power almost does not disperse the ranks, but constantly superimposed, even if it can block one blow, two blows, two blows, three Hit, getting stronger and stronger, until you can't stop it.

Chu Li suddenly had a flash of aura.

This spirit tiger didn't want to kill himself, otherwise he would be dead now.

The spirit tiger's power to hit itself is strengthening. Obviously, it sees that its ability to resist attacking is tyrannical, so it is safe to increase its strength.

Chu Li suddenly yelled, "If you have anything, please say, I'll do my best!"

The Linghu ignored him, and continued to beat him flying in the air, like a ball.

Chu Li was annoyed.

"Bang!" His body shrunk, and a golden brilliance fell into the sky, condensing into a golden palm print that was like a substance, and then turned into a golden light that hit the opposite tiger.

The spirit tiger waved his paw to shoot.

"Bang!" Linghu shook in the void, shook his head and roared.

Chu Li shot back suddenly and crashed into the mountain behind him.

"Bang!" Chu Li was embedded in the mountain peak, and his body sank into a depth of one meter. The internal organs and the six organs seemed to be turned over, and even if King Kong did not die, he was still injured by the impact of such a powerful force.

"Oh!" He spit out blood, and looked softly at the two spirit tigers who came in elegant steps.

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