White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1721: Benevolence

He suddenly probed and said, "I haven't seen the dragon tooth, so why not let me open my eyes?"

"Why, you still want to do hands and feet?" Song Zhifan sneered: "How did you do the hands and feet, secretly changing the shadow sword?"

Chu Li smiled: "Yes, I changed the shadow sword while you were in the palm of your hand. Ranwen Novel ?????????` t "

"The means are amazing!" Song Zhifan shook his head and hummed. "Unfortunately, you didn't succeed. I too believe you too much, and I'm blind!"

Chu Li smiled and said, "Do you believe in my character?"

"I don't know how shameful or shameful you are now, but I'm really ashamed of it!" Song Zhifan sneered, "Do you want to see the dragon teeth?"

Chu Li nodded: "Of course I want to have a long experience."

"Okay." Song Zhifan snorted. "Then bring Xi Tianjian, I want to see Xi Tianjian too."

Chu Li smiled and shook his head: "You took the Tiantian Sword, and show the Tiantian tactics, how can there be my way of life?"

"Then you still have to look at my dragon tooth sword!" Song Zhifan sneered: "I thought I was a fool, I don't know what means you used to destroy my shadow sword, but there was no chance to destroy my dragon tooth sword ! "

He was talking, and a sword came out again.

The Dragontooth Sword seems to become abruptly longer. The length of the lightsaber is no different from that of ordinary longswords.

Chu stretched out from his left palm, showing purple-gold color, welcoming a shot.

"Bang!" The muffled sound fell like a boulder on the snare drum, shocking.

There are no more people in the restaurant. Under the aura of Tianshenchang and Qitianjue, even the masters outside the sky can't bear it, not to mention ordinary people, including the crying face of Xiao Er and the restaurant shopkeeper, ran out and avoided them far away.

Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "Why is the leader of the Song in vain? I ca n’t help it!"

"I'll see when you can last!" Song Zhifan said coldly.

Chu Lidao said: "I also want to see when the leader of Song Jiao can hold up. Xuan Tianjue must consume a lot of internal strength. It is estimated that the tolerance of the Dragon's Sword is also limited.

"Nonsense!" Song Zhifan's face changed slightly.

At first glance, Chu Li guessed, shook his head and laughed: "What a pain, instead I'll escape now!"

"It's you who escapes!" Song Zhifan sneered: "You won't be able to sustain your magical power for too long, can you survive it for half an hour?"

Chu Lidao said, "Your Tiantian Ju can use half an hour?"

Song Zhifan sneered, Chu Li smiled and groaned.

"Bang bang bang ..." Zijin's palm kept colliding with the lightsaber, and soon the entire restaurant was knocked down. The two hit the void from the restaurant. The entire town looked up, stunned.

Chu Li shook his head while he shook his head and said, "Song Master, it is impossible for you to respect the world alone. Now that heaven and earth have come down and the ancient gates have risen, not only your longevity religion, as far as I know there are many gates, ancient times. Times are better than your longevity religion, such as the Jinyang religion, like the crack mountain gate! "

"Well, what about their comeback, how can we have the strength of longevity education!" Song Zhifan said dismissively.

Chu Li smiled: "Your longevity education is about keeping a low profile, and the rest of the ancient sects are the same. It may not be weaker than your longevity education. What kind of magic sword sect can you handle?"

"The Magic Sword Sect is just a little-known faction, not worth mentioning!" Song Zhifan pouted.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "The name of the magic sword is unknown, but now that Meng Xiaoqi is not to be underestimated, you can't take him at all!"

"I didn't really kill!" Song Zhifan said.

Chu Li ha laughed and shook his head: "Masters in the teachings have been slaughtered, and you are still a killer, Master Song. If these words are heard by the church members, will you be chilled and rebel against you?"

"Huh!" Song Zhifan knew that he had said something wrong and bragged too much.

In fact, he has already exerted his best efforts, but he still has no choice but to end it.

"It's inappropriate for two people to speak bad words behind me, right?" Suddenly a loud voice sounded, stepping out of a person in the void, standing silently looking at the two, holding a black knife in his hand, revealing his true colors, It is Meng Xiaoqi.

Chu Li smiled: "The Mongolian commander dare to meet his true face, and if he really admires it, are he not afraid of revenge?"

"Longevity education is not the longevity education in the past!" Meng Xiaoqi sneered: "If I changed to Song Wuji at the beginning, I would still be afraid of his three-pointer. Now, but Huangkou children who have not grown up with hair, what is the fear? "

"You're looking for death!" Song Zhifan snapped a drink and left Chu Lishot to Meng Xiaoqi.

Meng Xiaoqi waved a stab, the black light flashed, and the next moment appeared between Chu Li's neck, inevitable.

Chu Li erected a purple-golden left palm and fluttered the black knife in the air.

"Bang!" The black knife swayed, Meng Xiaoqi waved the knife again, and disappeared again. The next moment appeared behind Chu Li, and the black knife was already on his neck.

Song Zhifan wields a sword and hits Meng Xiaoqi with Chu Li.

Although they had grievances, they both thought of putting Chu Li down.

Song Zhifan wanted to control Chu Li, or even abolish him, and then forced him to surrender Wutian Sword, or use him to exchange Yintian Sword with Yinxian Mountain. I believe that the master of Yinxian Mountain would exchange it.

Meng Xiaoqi simply wanted to kill Chu Li, became famous all over the world, and became a blockbuster. Then he made the magic sword Zongguang collect his disciples.

The two have different goals, but both have priority to deal with Chu Li.

Chu Li's left palm greeted the Dragon's Sword, and his right palm greeted the magic sword, calmly and arrogantly ~ www.readwn.com. For the murderer who killed his own brother in the religion, he can even bear the burden of humiliating his hands. It is really a big picture. He is admirable and admired! "

Song Zhifan gritted his teeth, and the ridicule in Chu Li's words was so strong that no one could hear it.

And the words trembled in the sky with a loud voice, and everyone in the city could hear it. Once it was spread out to the ears of the brothers in the church, they would really lose their prestige.

The thought of his murderousness here, glanced at the people at his feet, and to eliminate them in one fell swoop, it didn't take too much trouble, just a few roars were enough to kill them.

Thinking of it, he snapped and said, "Shut up and talk nonsense, it's pure slander!"

His voice was spurred by the power of the thunder, as if a thunder exploded in everyone's ears, his blood fluttered, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and he was about to pop out of the cavity.

Chu Li laughed and shook his head, "Is the leader of Song trying to kill someone?"

His voice was so warm as a spring breeze, and he stroked the people lightly.

Immediately their heads cleared, and their whole body was bathed in warm water, soothing and unspeakable, the original discomfort disappeared.

Song Zhifan frowned and saw Chu Li's weak woman's kindness!

He was overjoyed and sang a long voice: "For the surname Chu, you will die today!"

His long drink was once again urged by the power of the gods.

Chu Liheng hummed: "It seems that you are determined to commit boundless killings!"

His voice was warm, and healed everyone's pain again, and restored them.

He frowned secretly. This Song Zhifan deserves to practice the eternal life, and he is cruel and ruthless, and treats human life as a must, because in a few words he will kill everyone in the small city.

If they cannot be prevented, these people die because of themselves, and their consciences are uneasy. (To be continued ...)

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