White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1788: Molten

These crystal clear jade charms were obtained from Taiyi Palace after he spent a lot of thoughts. They are the breaking symbols of Taiyi Palace. The power is far more than ordinary breaking symbols. Ω ”ΔE novel Ww * W. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

With this broken array of symbols, even if the power of the Yinxian Formation is great, it is enough to break it.

If it is an ordinary formation, it cannot stop the gods at all. The gods can freely shuttle the formations, but unfortunately, the method of introducing Xianshan is different. The aura is drawn from the sky, so it can block the gods.

Thinking of this, he performed his merits on Yu Pei, and suddenly shined brightly, as if a bright moon fell on his hands. He threw it into the air, followed by the second and third ones. These broken symbols were suspended in the air and just hovered there. Do not move until he urged ten broken arrays in one breath, and after throwing them into the air one by one, he drew a finger in his hands and drank, "Break!"

Ten jade pendants shot out at once, and landed on Yinxian Mountain in different directions.

Two hundred meters away from Yinxian Mountain, they crashed into an invisible mask. Under the stimulus of a broken array of symbols, a looming mask appeared outside Yinxian Mountain.

The ten bursts of bursts of light suddenly shined, like awl drilled towards the mask, the flashing flickering ceaselessly, seems to be constantly exerting force, the mask is getting brighter and brighter.

Tang Xu frowned and stared at the mask. He also looked nervously at the top of Yinxian Mountain to see if there was a golden dragon above the clouds.

He turned to look behind him, and twenty heavenly men were hiding in the void.

Tang Xu vaguely felt that the attitudes of these heavenly people were a little swaying, and he seemed to be hesitant to participate. This cast a shadow on his heart. If everything goes well, they will naturally participate. Once there is any irregularity, these heavenly people are very May not take the shot, just hide the sidelines to watch the excitement, and may even go down.

Suddenly he regretted it a bit, and looked down upon these celestial beings, which led to the current situation. After Chu had fled, he should disperse directly, and then he quietly led Xianshan.

But now it is too late to repent and can only continue.

The light shield is getting brighter and brighter, like a substance, like a golden egg shell covering Yinxian Mountain, and letting ten broken array drills drill into it, stand still.

Tang Xu is not anxious. These ten broken arrays are unusual. As time passes, they will absorb more and more aura, and he is not naive to think that ten broken arrays can break away from the Xianshan formation. .

Seeing that no one at Xianshan has appeared yet, obviously they are in a bad situation and can only take defensive positions. They may even be fleeing at this time to avoid being destroyed by themselves.

He was excited at the thought.

It seems that Chu Li is not in the mountains, or is being healed, his chances must be great, and he wo n’t hesitate to do amazing work. This time, Chu Li must be destroyed, and one Chu Li cannot be destroyed. He Yitong and the world ?

The heart was steaming, and he suddenly hit a few tricks and landed on ten broken array symbols. The shining of the broken array symbols was more prosperous, which made the golden eggshell of Xianshan brighter.

He rose up, wandering in the air, looking for the weakness of the formation, any formation will be strong and weak, there is a life door and a dead door, just like practicing the mind method, there will always be a cover door.

These ten broken arrays can't break the array, but they can let him see the reality of the array, find the weak points, criticize the excesses, and go forward.

After a moment, his eyes lighted up, his body disappeared, and he appeared at the waist of the mountain.

This place is shrouded in formation. I don't know what's going on inside, but I know it's a weakness. The golden eggshell is especially thin and light here.

He then smashed a black stone from his arms.

This stone is so black as ink stains that the surrounding sunlight is even swallowed by it, giving it a sense of danger.

Tang Xu took a deep look at the ink stone and threw it at the weak spot.

Inkstone fell silently, exploded with a bang, and turned into a cloud of black smoke shrouding that place.

Tang Xu was tense, preparing for a thunder.

Once the formation is broken, it is a **** battle. Even if the disciples of Xianshan have escaped, they will definitely stay behind. Although there are only two disciples of Xianshan, the rest are not really the disciples of Xianshan, but they may not He desperately stopped him.

He just wanted to kill Chu Li and Zhou Dunli. As long as they killed both of them, the remaining Dong Jian was not worth mentioning.

"Bang!" A muffled sound, the black smoke dissipated silently, and the weak eggshell was still there, unaffected.

Tang Xu frowned suddenly.

This ink stone is a fused spirit stone, which consumes the most powerful aura. Such a stone going down is enough to devour a mountain's aura, and it is especially good at swallowing array auras.

The lava stone is an extraterrestrial object. He paid a great price from the hands of heavenly people, but never thought of it but did not work.

His face was somber, he didn't expect to be in this step.

In such a situation, there are two possibilities. One is that there is a problem with the lava stone, and the other is that there is a problem with this formation.

He thought for a while, and thought that the lava stone should be fine. The problem was the formation.

He didn't feel right before, but now he realizes that his weaknesses are too easy. It is rare to use Xianshan's formation. Because Jinlong is here, no one dares to lead Xianshan to wanton, so few people know its depth.

Now it seems that this array of faculties is more mysterious than it is imaginary, but the truth is the truth, the weakness is not the real weakness, and may even be the strength.

He gritted his teeth and thought about pulling another thing out of his arms, but it was a dagger.

The blade body was black and tarnished, and looked like a molten stone.

This is the fused spirit sword, which is stronger than the fused spirit stone, because it has a unique mental cooperation, and can wield a stronger power. A sword stabs the god, and no **** can stop it.

Tenjin's Tenjin field and Reiki are all in front of this sword. They can follow the trend. If they directly hit the opponent's key, it is likely to kill Tenjin. Even if they cannot be killed, they can use their strength to kill the other party.

This is also one of the reliance that he dare to face Chu Li, but unfortunately, Chu Li runs away at first sight and has no chance to use it.

Until now, you can only use it here, otherwise you ca n’t break the battlefield and talk about attacking Yinxian Mountain and destroying Yinxian Mountain?

He wandered around Yinxian Mountain again, trying to find the flaws, and finally stopped at the brightest and thickest place, the golden light flickered, the thickness was as substantial as ~ www.readwn.com ~, it seemed that the real gold was cast into an eggshell.

He applied his sword to the sword, and the black sword body suddenly shot the pure black swordman, completely black and pure, without any trace of impurities.

The dagger with long forearm slammed into the thick golden light.

"Hey!" It was like a soldering iron dropped into cold water, and the black sword body plunged into the golden light without hindrance.

Suddenly the golden eggshell vibrated violently, and the golden light flickered, as if the sleeping dragon was awakened. The fierce vibration flashed the golden light more and more bright, dazzling.

"Click!" There was a crisp sound from the black sword body.

He screamed badly, feeling the powerful shock from the sword body, and wanted to pop his right hand away.

And the sword body seemed to be moaning, unbearable in this powerful counterattack.

This sword is about killing Chuli, and it can't be destroyed. He was shocked by the power of Xianshan formation, and rushed forward.

"Bang!" His blood fluttered, but his eyes suddenly opened up.

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