White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1799: Killer

Chu Li saw him hesitant, and knew that he could not guarantee it. "EΩ┡ 小" said WwhanW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Think about it. As the former owner of the Temple of Heavenly Punishment, he must be extremely strict and fair. Otherwise, it is difficult to convince the public. However, during the previous ceremony of entering the temple, he was not so fair and rigorous.

This is because after he was transformed into a heavenly man, he experienced a different nature, which led to a great change in temperament, or not to have deep meaning?

Chu Li gave up after a moment of thinking. In short, this Guo Changjing is not a good stubble, but he should be careful.

In the next few days, Chu Li stayed in his small courtyard, sitting quietly in the courtyard to deduce the pattern of Asura's heart, thinking about his own path.

He didn't want to step into Tianwaitian, he just wanted to guard Xiao Qi and Guo Gongfu. Once he stepped into Tianwaitian, his enemies would avenge the Guo Gongfu and Xiao Qi.

He cultivated into the **** of heaven, and was not limited by the time of his stay in the world. He could stay in the world until the end of his life. He had the power of immortality and his life was far superior to the ordinary **** of heaven.

After performing the eternal life skills several times, he is not the endless life that he had previously thought. Even if he can extend his life, there is no limit. The key is the depth of elder life.

His current upper limit is two thousand years of Shouyuan, which is still not as good as that of Heavenly People. The Taiqing Sect and Jiutian Xuannu Sect both have the ability to extend life. The problem of two thousand years is not big, so his time in the world remains long.

The complex pattern of Asura's heart is complicated, and there are invisible forces that hinder the inference. To find out, a deeper star hole virtual technique is needed.

The easiest way is to find the Tianxing Jade Chapter to **** it. Unfortunately, Song Wuji already guarded against this, and did not let the Longevity Education become the target of looting by the heavenly people, so he sent the heavenly people to guard him.

He can feel the existence of four heavenly people. Guo Changjing and the other heavenly people should be the third grade. The other two are unknown, but they are comparable to themselves. It is difficult to kill them in a short time.

If it is not possible to kill within a few strokes, Song Wuji must have a backhand, and it will be difficult to obtain the star star jade chapter.

Once you have revealed that your target is Tianxing Yuzhang, you will be caught with weaknesses, and you will definitely be threatened with Tianxing Yuzhang. This feeling of being caught by the weakness threats him most, so be careful not to expose the target, and then One hit will hit.

First stir up the internal chaos of the Longevity Education. If someone enters the situation, it's wonderful to get mad.

In the unlikely event that the strategy cannot be achieved, the compulsion can only be forced, so it is necessary to enhance the repair.

After stepping into the **** of heaven, most of his mastery can still continue to practice, the magical scriptures of the heavens, the great sutra, the great light scriptures, the tibetan revolving scriptures, not to mention the dry glory scriptures, but these scriptures seem to be more progressive It is difficult to achieve, it takes thousands of years of accumulation.

What should surprise him is the little beast.

The beast was emaciated and listless, like frosted eggplant.

He has also been unable to take it, although he does not touch himself in his mind.

Only the last time he took in Jinlong's aura of spirit, there was a trace of movement. He was always sick when he was asleep, like sleeping but not awake. He couldn't see the depth.

Do you want to give it a boost? It can only be the aura of the spirit beast?


After sitting quietly in the courtyard for three days, a young girl knocked on the door of the courtyard, and Elder Fan asked.

Chu Li strode meteor to the Temple of Heaven.

In the Temple of Heavenly Punishment, Elder Fan sat in the Taishi chair, holding his jaw in one hand, and lost his eyes on the corpse of the Linghu. After Chu Li entered, she continued to stay, not thinking.

"Ahem, the master of the palace." Chu Li interrupted her with a cough.

Elder Fan glanced at him obliquely, and said lightly, "Bali, when are you going to hide?"

Chu Li hugged his fist and said: "The master of the palace, there is no way for his subordinates. Now he will definitely be found out by senior Guo, and he will take the opportunity to teach me a hard meal!"

"It's just a lesson." Elder Fan hummed. "Sooner or later, I can't escape."

"Senior Guo they will stay in the teaching all the time?" Chu Li said impatiently: "There is no time to leave?"

"For the time being," Elder Fan shook his head and said, "Unless the master has accomplished the magic, the world is invincible."

"Well ..., no hope, there is a Chu Li." Chu Li shook his head and sighed.

He was used to saying his name from his own mouth, and still exaggerating himself from time to time.

"That may not be so." Elder Fan said.

Chu Li smiled: "Dear Lord, do you believe the leader can beat Chu Li?"

Elder Fan said: "The leader lost to Chu Li too many times, but this time is different. The leader cultivates Tian Wai Tian Qi Xue, which is by no means comparable to martial arts in this world, and Chu Li is the heart of the leader and also the driving force. With such an opponent, Tian Wai Tian Wu Xue can hardly teach the master. "

Chu Li nodded slowly.

He was even more curious about Song Zhifan's He Qixue.

"There is a disciple who has broken the canon. Go and bring him back." Elder Fan said lightly.

Chu Lidao said: "Outside the mountain?"

"Mountain." Elder Fan said.

"Yes." Chu Li took a deep breath.

Elder Fan beckoned, a young girl in Tsing Yi fluttered and handed in a file.

Chu Li took a few glances at the dossier and quickly turned it over. He nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to catch someone right away ... I'm afraid I will meet senior Guo."

"You can bend and stretch." Elder Fan said.

Chu Li fisted a gift, turned and left.

After leaving the Temple of Heaven, he walked along the north-south avenue on the west side. Dayuan Jingzhi quickly found the target figure, Jin Xuanming.

Dayuan Jingzhi saw that Jin Xuanming was drinking and drinking in a restaurant with a calm expression.

Jin Xuanming has a burly, tall, narrow horse face with acne on his face, and a pair of small eyes that are particularly energetic, cold and calm.

At first glance, Chu Li knew that such a person had a strong mind. Since he violated the canon, he must be prepared. He knew that the people in the Temple of Heavenly Punishment would catch him. Dayuan Jingzhi took a deep look and frowned suddenly.

I didn't expect that Jin Xuanming still had such a plan, but he couldn't underestimate anyone.

He chose here because he knew that the people in the Temple of Heaven would arrest him, and the biggest possibility was to send himself, but there was still a person sitting in the restaurant where he was located-Guo Changjing.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed.

This Xuan Xuanming thinks that ~ www.readwn.com ~ or the Bailiya that he has transformed will be far away, and he is afraid to enter the restaurant. It is very likely that someone will report to Bailiya, or the Bailiya that he has transformed will face the wind. Go up, go to the restaurant and grab him.

At that time, Guo Changjing would definitely not miss the opportunity, and he would definitely clean up the barley before he caught him.

Chu Li thought for a while and went up to the restaurant and shouted, "Jin Xuanming, you raped and killed two innocent young girls after going down the empty mountain. The crime was so wicked that they came to the Temple of Heaven to punish you for hundreds of miles, and if you resisted, Killing without amnesty, if it helps to choose the right, it is considered a sin! "

He shouted so loudly that he could hear half of the floating mountain.

Guo Changjing has already shown Chu Li, originally concentrating on his hand, he had to kill him before talking, even if Elder Fan asked, he only said that he had lost his hand, and he had no choice but to vent his heart.

When he was the Lord of the Temple of Heavenly Punishment, he acted impartially and rigorously, but after logging into Tiantiantian, he gradually became more extreme, and as he got older, he became more self-conscious and could not tolerate others' violation.

Even though I feel that Chu Lili is a personal talent, born with hard bones, suitable for being a disciple of the Temple of Torture, I still ca n’t forgive it, and I can only do it if I am depressed.

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