White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1857: true and false

[Title: white robe Explorer true and false text Chapter 1857 (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Doomsday New World does not depend on heroes, movie worlds, big draws, and magical magic come back. In the urban American rancher, the city cultivating immortals is smuggled into the holy tent, and there is a quiet inside. Screaming and killing, it is clear that the soldiers in the army are training, and they all have powerful blood and evil spirits, which makes this array of power even higher.

The most powerful time of the army formation is the time of the fight. Once the two armies face each other, the army formation is amazing. Unfortunately, the army formation is difficult to maintain for a long time. After a blow, they often disperse, forming battles or forming smaller army formations.

And when such a sergeant drills, the power of the military formation is also very strong, stronger than when the soldiers rest at night.

After a while, the sound of footsteps sounded, Zheng Xilai strode in, and Ning Ze was the thin-cut middle-aged man behind him.

Ning Ze bowed into the army tent and bowed with a long wooden box under his left arm.

"Master Sun, Zhao Fawang, please see, this is the dragon's blood branch." Zheng Xilai smiled and pointed at the wooden box.

Ning Ze came to Sun Mingyue and was afraid to look at her bright and charming Phoenix eyes, and lowered his head to open the wooden box.

There are two dead branches in the box. They are as strong and thin as iron casts, and they are painted red like dandelion. They are a little bit redder than blood. They have no branches and leaves, and there are scales flashing in the branches, which seems to be dragon scales.

"This is the branch of the blood dragon?" Sun Mingyue glanced lightly: "Your Majesty will not bully this seat and have not seen the blood dragon tree, use fake branches to fool this seat?"

"Relief the leader!" Zheng Xilai waved and smiled, "I am not such a person!"

"I hope it isn't." Sun Mingyue didn't hesitate to look away.

Chu Li nodded, two steps forward to Ning Ze, reached out to take over the wooden box.

Ning Ze stared a little at the dry branch in the wooden box, and Shen said, "It will wither in three days."

"Understand." Chu Li nodded.

His Sutra Sutra is running. Although there is no aura around, it can be transformed from his internal force into Sutra. This is the wonderful place of Sutra Sutra, which can transform each other as if one.

After Reiki entered two dead branches, Chu Li's face changed slightly, and he turned to look at Ning Ze with a reluctant look, and to Zheng Xilai who smiled again.

"What's going on?" Sun Mingyue said in a deep voice.

Chu Li took a look at the wooden box and returned it to Ning Ze.

Ning Ze froze and took it subconsciously.

Chu Li turned his head and fisted, and said in full color: "Master Qilu, these two branches are dead, completely withered and lifeless!"

Sun Mingyue covered her face with white gauze, so she could not see her face changing, but she could see her phoenix's eyes flicker, slowly solidify, and the spotless snow-white Luo shirt trembled gently, like being in a strong wind.

Zheng Xilai busily said: "Sun Master!"

Sun Mingyue Feng's eyes slowly converged, and she glanced towards Zheng Xilai: "Your Majesty really disappointed me!"

"It must be wrong!" Zheng Xilai said busyly: "I have told them to go down, and they dare not violate it. Even if it is the blood dragon tree, this Zhao Fawang, the branches of the blood dragon tree look like this, let alone the branches, This is the whole blood dragon tree. It looks bare with no leaves, only a trunk, and it doesn't look like a living thing. It looks more like a fake tree made of iron. "

Chu Li chuckled and said nothing.

Sun Mingyue said lightly: "Without concealing His Majesty, King Zhao Fa is famous for his martial arts skills. In fact, what he is best at is not martial arts, but the technique of spiritual grass cultivation. The sensitivity of the sensor is sharp, and you can feel the vitality of the spirit grass at a touch, whether it is strong or weak. "

"There is still such talent?" Zheng Xilai curiously looked at Chu Li.

Sun Mingyue said: "If this is not the case, you don't need to ask for blood dragon branches!"

"That's it!" Zheng Xilai laughed. "It seems that the leader thinks that the King Zhao Fa can feed the blood dragon branches and plant them into a blood dragon tree!"

"Why don't you know if you don't try?" Sun Mingyue said lightly.

"Xiao Ning, what's the matter with you?" Zheng Xilai's face sank suddenly, cold like an ice cube: "Suddenly deceived Yu, thinking that I can't see the dead or alive, can I hide the sky and cross the sea?"

"Your Majesty forgive me!" Ning Ze knelt down on the ground, struck her head hard, and said in a deep voice, "The blood dragon tree cherishes them, but the Sun Master is nothing but a waste of blood dragon branches. They used two dead branches. If they did n’t know life or death, they would be no different from the living. ”

"What if you could recognize the dead?" Zheng Xilai sneered, "then let me lose face?"

"Your Majesty forgive me!" Ning Ze struck his head again fiercely: "I am willing to be punished!"

"Shut up!" Zheng Xilai waved his hand, said angrily: "People thought that our monarchs and princes were playing a trick!"

Sun Mingyue's bright eyes looked at him with a smile.

Zheng Xilai knew that he was pierced by Sun Mingyue, and said embarrassingly, "This ..., Sun Jiaozhu, is really unscrupulous and guilty. Didn't Sun Jiaohu encounter such a thing?"

"He is also loyal, and need not say more, just live it." Sun Mingyue said lightly.

"It's so ashamed that Sun Jiaozhu's heart is so wide!" Zheng Xilai shook his head and sighed, "Don't hurry up, get off the **** dragon branches!"

"Yes!" Ning Ze got up quickly, and picked up the wooden box before leaving.

Chu Liyang raised his hand: "Slow!"

Ning Ze paused, looking at Chu Li in doubt.

Chu Lidao said: "Since it is a dead branch, it ’s useless for you to keep it, so I took it out. Then leave these two dead ones. It is a good start ~ www.readwn.com ~ The next time is really alive We don't care much about the branches of the tree. "

"This ..." Ning Ze looked at Zheng Xilai.

Zheng Xilai nodded and smiled: "Okay, two dead branches, as long as King Zhao Fa doesn't pass on."

"This is natural." Chu Li smiled. "Your Majesty is assured that we also need to keep secret and don't want outsiders to know."

"Oh ... yes, right." Zheng Xilai laughed: "This is our common secret! ... don't hurry up!"

Ning Ze handed the wooden box to Chu Li, held his fists, turned and strode away.

Chu Li opened the wooden box, and measured the blood dragon branches above and below.

"Wang Zhao, I don't know what you want this dead branch to do?" Zheng Xilai laughed. "No matter how precious the blood dragon tree is, this dead branch is of little value. It is neither hard nor useless, just like ordinary branches."

The royal family of Dazheng studied the blood dragon tree very deeply. The branches of the blood dragon were also deeply studied. The wood was crunchy and soft. It was completely different from the one when it was alive.

They also tried various methods, such as grinding into powder to drink, grinding into alchemy, and boiling into potions, and finally reached the conclusion that once it dies, it is a waste, and ignored it.

Chu Lidao said: "In fact, it is not very useful, but I want to compare dead branches with living branches to see any clues to cultivation and find ways to cultivate. Your Majesty will not inform you, right?"

"Haha, well, the ancestors have a ban, I can never say." Zheng Xilai smiled and shook his head.

Chu Li smiled: "In my guess, is it using dragon blood?"

Zheng Xi came for a moment, then laughed and said, "The King Zhao Fa is really interesting. Our Da Zheng is not an immortal, there is no dragon."

Chu Li can see from Zheng Xilai's expression that it is indeed not dragon blood.

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