White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1881: strange

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Chu Li faintly said, "Elder Xia is in a hurry."

Xia Liyan turned around and said, "Young Master, they are too much. Without them, maybe they can see the last side of the Lord."

Chu Lidao said: "Why does the Lord of the Mountain rise to heaven?"

"The Lord is practicing the last picture of the true solution of the Funiu." Xia Li said: "According to the Lord, I have already learned the whole thing. As long as I practice in isolation, I can practice it in one go. The masters of the enemy gods can also be proud of their peers.

Chu Li frowned: "Since you are already enlightened, why ...?"

"It really didn't go well when I practiced." Xia Li said: "I originally thought that I could do it in one month. As a result, two months and three months, the retreat became longer and longer, and I couldn't extricate myself from it."

Chu Li sighed, "It's useless to say that now."

Xia Li said: "As soon as the Lord of the Mountain leaves, it is a bit of a problem for the Young Master! ... In fact, Elder Jin should not promise to return to the Mountain."

He called the elders to speak as elder Funiu Mountain.

Chu Lidao said: "If you can't stop it, let's just let it go ... tell everyone, I want to talk about martial arts."

"Yes." Xia Liyan suddenly looked excited.

The master ’s interpretation of the Funiu's true solution made the eyes wide open. He changed his previous thinking and practiced at an extremely fast speed. He has already advanced to the next level. Going forward, breaking through the eight layers of the Funiu's true solution is just around the corner.

There are twenty-two congenital masters in the whole victory. If they can become masters outside the sky, then the strength of Funiu Mountain is indeed among the first-class masters, not just reputation.

"Go and see the Lord of the Mountain first." Chu left.

The two came to a mountain wall, and Xia Liyan opened the door and entered the cave.

Inside is a wide and bright stone room, without the dark and humid feeling of the cave, but feels suddenly open in the heart, sitting in it is peaceful and peaceful, obviously not an unusual cave.

Zhuge Feng sat on the stone bed in the middle of the cave, his lifelike face smiled.

Chu Li looked at the smile and frowned at Xia Liyan.

Xia Liyan is also inexplicable.

He originally thought that Zhuge Feng had to face embarrassment, and was in pain, and died in a demon. He never imagined that it would look like this, as if he had seen everything and had a great liberation, like a Buddhist monk who became enlightened and became a Buddha, walking happily and freely.

"This is ...?" He frowned. "It does not seem to be the hands and feet of Elder Jin."

Chu Li nodded.

He could see that Zhuge Feng's smile came from deep in his heart, apparently he had realized a certain mystery, and was extremely happy, but why did he go so abruptly?

Around Zhugefeng's bed, he circled twice. His eyes fell on the fist print under Zhugefeng's knee, and he stared thoughtfully at the fist print.

Xia Liyan looked at the fist seal in doubt: "Is this the owner of the mountain?"

Chu Li nodded and closed his eyes slowly.

He stared at the fist print, the big round mirror wisdom in his mind and the starry hole virtual art moving fast, reverting to the situation at the time, the movements and expressions of Zhuge Feng on the surrounding bed flashed at the same time, confirming with this fist print.

Deriving from his expressions and actions, coupled with the fist seal as evidence, is more conducive to deducing his inner thoughts.

After a short while, he opened his eyes, and the big round mirror in his head flashed Zhuge Feng's expression, happy and excited, and finally cracked this big secret. He couldn't wait to find Master in Tianwaitian to confirm his guess.

Chu Li thoughtfully thought to Xia Liyan: "Is the ancestor also in heaven?"

Xia Liyan froze and shook his head: "I really don't know, I'm afraid there isn't it?"

He and Zhu Gefeng are not a master. Master Zhuge Feng is his own master. When Master Shi was in the world, it was not easy to want to go to heaven and heaven, and he needed sufficient cultivation and inheritance. The inheritance of Funiu Mountain is not top-notch. , So it ’s hard to think of heaven.

If Master goes to heaven, I am afraid that the entire Funiu Mountain knows that it should not be kept secret.

Chu Li frowned, and then said, "The ancestor should have gone to heaven."

"Oh-?" Xia Liyan was surprised.

Chu Li completely figured it out and shook his head with a smile: "The ancestor hid everyone from the sky and secretly went up, and the mountain master suddenly learned the secret, so he couldn't wait to see it."

"The Lord is really ..." Xia Liyan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Because of this, he died suddenly and pushed the young master to the edge of the cliff. I really don't know what to say.

Chu Lidao said: "The mountain owner is tired of worldly things. When he sees Funiu Mountain so prosperous, he cares nothing, so let's go and leave the rest to us."

"It can only be that way," Xia Li said, "but the young master can't take care of it. Uncle Jin is hard to entangle them."

Chu Li smiled: "Elder Xia go first, I am here with the Lord."

"... Alright." Xia Liyan glanced at Zhu Gefeng's body and left with his fists.

Chu Li stretched out his hand and lightly pressed on the fist print, revealing a smile.


Three days later, Chu Li left for victory.

Within these three days, he had thoroughly understood the victory, and had also understood the temperaments of the four elders.

The four of them listened to Jin Mao. Whoever Jin Mao supported was the master of the mountain, and they supported who they would not run against Jin Mao.

Because Jin Mao had great gratitude to them, and because they didn't have a good impression of Zhuge Tian, ​​their previous evils made them resentful. They felt that even if they turned to evil, they had done evil and could not tolerate it.

Chu Li did not change, but only taught martial arts to 22 innate disciples, and explained the true explanation of Funiu carefully, which is more detailed than that in Funiu Mountain, and made great achievements for the 22 congenital masters. trillion.

Xia Liyan listened with admiration from the side. He was heartfelt and convincing. He had a deep understanding of martial arts. The young master really was rare in the world, but he was so young but had such profound knowledge of martial arts.

In the evening of the fourth day, the two returned to Funiu Mountain.

As soon as he returned to his own courtyard, Qiao San was rushed to meet him, with an anxious look: "Master, you can count back!"

Chu Li came to the stone table of the small pavilion and sat down, with a leisurely look: "What happened?"

Qiao San was busy serving him tea ~ www.readwn.com ~ eagerly saying, "Young Master, if you don't come back, everyone will be dragged by Elder Jin! ... I heard that Lord Shan has ascended to heaven?"

Chu Li's jaw, sipped a tea: "Everyone listen to them?"

"Who hasn't been taught by Elder Jin? Can't you listen?" Qiao San shook his head endlessly: "Master, why don't you be in a hurry?"

"What's the use of it urgently." Chu Li leisurely sips tea leaves, saying lightly: "They can't wait for the new mountain master to take the throne?"

"Exactly." Qiao San nodded his head busyly: "Young Master, you have to come back two days later, everything will be too late. They will choose a new Mountain Master tomorrow. It ’s worse after all. "

Chu Li said, "Well, look at everyone's thoughts."

"Young Master, no!" Qiao Sanda was surprised.

Chu Li smiled, "Why not?"

Qiao San said: "Once you really choose Lu Tianji as the master of the mountain, what should the young master do? You can't kill Lu Tianji!"

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