White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1914: Shot

Li Xinghe smiled and welcomed everyone to a cave, which is his own cave house.

The roof of this cave is a starry map, complicated and anomalous. At first glance, I just feel dizzy and can't see any star.

Li Xinghe hugged his fist and said, "You gods join forces to destroy Asura!"

Tang Han said: "Li Shaoxia, we are short of time, we should find them sooner!"

Li Xinghe nodded and sighed: "These guys must be pregnant with secrets or treasures, they can blindly perceive them, they can hardly be detected, but fortunately, they will leak some evil spirits when they start, they can capture that It ’s unthinkable not to do it. "

"Is there any news now?" Tang Wei said.

Tang Guangyi was beside Tang Hui, and Shen said, "Asura also came to make fun, this world is really going to be messy."

He has recovered as before, and is even more advanced. Among the nine gods present, he is the strongest master, so if he speaks with confidence and Chu is absent, he feels that he is the strongest.

Sun Mingyue is also arrogant enough, but just hides a part of her strength, everyone does not think she is so strong.

The gods of the Five Kingdoms, except for Zhou Dunli, who led to Xianshan, did not return in retreat, and gathered a total of nine gods.

Li Xinghe sighed: "It is true that the world is not peaceful, and you need the strength of the gods, let me try it!"

He closed his eyes as he spoke, and put a handprint on his hands, motionless.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and his face was astonished: "A total of six forces are fluctuating, and six towns are being slaughtered."

"Six cities!" Tang Han frowned. "Well, two people and one city. I'll deal with the remaining two alone, is it okay?"

Dong Guangyi said: "Will the two be unable to deal with them, we may only have one chance!"

Li Xinghe hesitated, shaking his head and not talking, apparently not sure.

Tang Han said: "Just do it, two people and one city!"

If it is not unexpected, they should all be in the Fu. This group of Ashura seems to have recognized the Fu, and must destroy the Fu. He is anxious, but his face is very calm, and he glances quietly at everyone.

Everyone nodded slowly.

Dong Guangyi said: "Your Majesty, I think it's better to be in groups of four or five. Although there are still four cities that can't be saved, it is better than not being able to deal with them, and I have no chance to get away with them when I get away."

Tang Yun can't wait to slap Dong Guangyi with one palm. No one among them dares to oppose his words. Only this Dong Guangyi keeps right with himself, doesn't want to follow his words, and delays time.

As soon as Sun Mingyue wore white clothes like snow, the white gauze covered his face with clear eyes, and said lightly, "then make a group of three, and try to save as many people as possible."

"Okay," Tang Yun said deeply.

He glanced at Dong Guangyi calmly.

Dong Guangyi originally wanted to oppose it, but looking at Sun Mingyue's cold eyes, it seemed that he had to do something. He could only stop talking, so as not to provoke Sun Mingyue. He knew that Sun Mingyue would provoke Chu Li. from.

Sun Mingyue was extremely disgusted with Dong Guangyi. She usually had conflicts to fight, but at this time involved the lives of countless innocent people, Dong Guangyi was here to delay time, exceeding her bottom line.

If Chu Li is here, he can directly clean up Dong Guangyi, so let him do this!

Li Xinghe remained motionless, could not see the mood and anger, and saw the dispute disappear. He took three pieces of jade from his arms and placed them on his knees. Then he printed the two jade pieces on his hands and pointed them at three pieces of jade. .

With a slight wave of his sleeve, all three jade pendants flew to Tang Hui.

After Tang Han took it over, he handed it to Sun Mingyue: "Sun Master, there is work."

Sun Mingyue took it lightly.

Tang Hui handed another piece of jade to Dong Guangyi and said lightly, "Donggong, there is work."

"Good to say good to say." Dong Guangyi laughed.

Sun Mingyue looked at Xu An and Fa Yuan: "Your Majesty, Fa Yuan, go with me!"

"Yes." Both Fa Yuan and Xuan An were a ritual.

Sun Fasheng's face remained unchanged, but everyone around him looked at him secretly.

Sun Fasheng's face was as calm as Guan Yu's, and he was not disregarded by Sun Mingyue, as if he had not heard Sun Mingyue's words, or even did not know Sun Mingyue.

Sun Mingyue did the same, disappearing directly in front of Fa Xuan.

The crowd quickly looked away, but Dong Guangyi greeted him: "Your Majesty, let us act together."

Sun Fasheng nodded unavoidably, and disappeared with Dong Guangyi and Emperor Da Zheng.

Tang Hui nodded with the remaining monks and Chen Changmao and disappeared.

There is a place in Yupei, which can be obtained faintly as long as you carefully sense it. This is also the ability of the gods. Li Xinghe can make this, making them dare not to despise.

And there are two locations in each jade pendant, and if they can get there, they can rush to two locations.

Sun Mingyue appeared in a small town with Xu An and Fa Yuan.

The small town is staged in a massacre.

They stood in the void and saw the situation below. Ten middle-aged men flew and flew, and everyone they met within 30 meters of their bodies looked dull, as if they were poisoned or poisoned, and left untouched. They patted their chests, and blood poured out of their mouths, and they were already dead.

When they appeared, half of the town had already been killed.

Sun Mingyue suddenly shot light around his body, and then turned into a bright light and shot at ten people.

Xuan An and Fa Yuan both showed compassion and anger.

Even though both were Buddhist monks, they were detached from life and death, and still felt angry when they saw such a slaughter. It was even more annoying that the ten middle-aged people who were slaughtering showed intoxication.

"Amitabha-!" The Buddha's name sounded like a twilight morning bell ringing through the town.

Ten middle-aged men woke up from intoxication ~ www.readwn.com ~ looked up into the sky, then jumped into the air.

Sun Mingyue ran into ten people and surrounded him.

"Bang bang bang ..." The Great Bright God fist collided with them and passed directly through ten people.

Ten people's faces changed slightly after a hard connection.

They did not expect that the punch was actually a great bright **** fist, which had a restraining effect on their asura skill. Asura's skill was delayed for a while, and asura, which recovered almost, was weakened again.

After their arrival, their strength was damaged, and they needed to be killed to recover. After several massacres, they had recovered almost, but they were almost injured by the boxing of the Great Bright God, and they were immediately angry.

Ten people turned around and shot at Sun Mingyue, surrounded her, and wanted to get rid of her first.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Xu'an and Fayuan both announced a Buddhist chant, and the Tenjin Field spread out to the fullest, forming a strong pressure.

They all knew the relationship between Chu Li and Sun Mingyue, so naturally they couldn't just watch Sun Mingyue involved in the danger.

The two exhibited their own talents separately, no longer staying.

The power of the three gods is that these ten Asuras can compete, and soon they are wounded, but they are not afraid of death.

Sun Mingyue disappeared from their siege and disappeared suddenly, appearing in another big city the next moment.

This city was ten times the size of the previous small town. When she appeared, one third of the people had been killed. She was furious and rushed directly into ten asuras.

What she had to do was not to kill them all, but to keep them from killing the people and wait for the other two to come and destroy the ten Asuras.

The ten Asuras were powerful in their combined attack. They all entangled her without fear of death. Even if they died, they would hurt Sun Mingyue.

After seeing Sun Mingyue, their eyes shone, and they obviously wanted to kill the gods.

Ten red lights suddenly lighted up, then converged into a red cloud.

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