White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1924: Killing

He smiled quickly and opened his eyes.

Although the fourth layer could not be formed, the casting speed was extremely fast, and half of the effort was cast in a while. It was more than a hundred times faster than usual, and it was truly enjoyable to practice and no longer painful.

More importantly, he felt a deep power.

This force spurred the casting of the runner tower, but unfortunately with the casting of the runner tower, this force quickly dissipated. After a while, the kung fu had been consumed, and the practice speed slowed down again, like a turtle crawling, unbearably slow Hard.

Chu Li smiled and found the trick is the most critical. Killing Ashura can really help to consolidate the runner tower. The best way is not to practice hardship here, but to kill Ashura.

It is a pity that almost all of Ashura in this world were killed by himself. The remaining more than one hundred were under his control and could not be killed.

However, he is not in a hurry. As Tianxingdong's virtual skills become more advanced, he has a hunch. Asuras will soon enter the world in a big way. When the world is chaotic, there is no worry that there is no asura to kill.

"Xue Ling, let Li Meng and Shi Shi come over." Chu left.

Xue Ling outside the hospital heard clearly, put down the file in his hand, got up and should make a sound, and soon brought Li Meng and Pang Shi with her.

The two entered the small courtyard, came to Chu Li, approached him with respect, and sat down on the futon opposite him.

They accepted Chu Li's two lectures and learned great things. His martial arts advanced by leaps and bounds, and he became more and more in awe of worship.

Chu Li smiled: "You should go out and practice."

"Master?" Ponzi and surprised.

Chu Lidao said: "Practising behind closed doors is an early stage, and now you should go out and make use of it, otherwise, after all, it's just dead martial arts and useless."

"Master, we are not strong enough in martial arts." Pang Shi and busy.

Chu Li shook his head: "I didn't have martial arts like yours when I ventured to martial arts. Go out and make a fortune. You're very lucky. Maybe you will get other adventures.

"... Yes." Pong Shi and only agreed.

Chu Li looked at Li Meng again: "Are you going with him?"

"Uncle, I want to go back to the mountain, I miss Master." Li Meng said.

Chu Li smiled, "Well, but your master will let you go downhill to practice."

"If you walk with people, you won't be able to experience it," Li Meng said crisply.

Chu Li nodded: "Okay, send you back."

He said he stepped up and stepped in front of Li Meng, pulled up her sleeve and disappeared, appearing in the hall of light.

Sun Mingyue looked at the files after the case and looked up at them.

"Master," Li Meng crisply called out, and smiled.

Even if the master is cold, but they are masters after all, the two depend on each other. Only the master who is really good to himself in the whole Holy Religion is the master, and the rest cannot be completely believed, and they must be wary.

Sun Mingyue covered her face, looked her up and down, and said, "It's really advanced."

"All thanks to Uncle." Li Meng laughed.

Sun Mingyue took off the white veil to reveal her beautiful face, and said lightly, "You killed Asura?"

Chu Li nodded and said, "Are you not injured?"

"There is more than self-preservation and insufficient killing of the enemy." Sun Mingyue sighed softly: "Tian Wai Tian has improved our skills three times in order to suppress Asura in the future. With this promotion, Dong Guangyi is more ambitious to replace you. Come soon. "

Chu Li chuckled: "He really didn't give up."

"This person is selfish and cold-blooded. You have to teach him well, it is better to abolish him." Sun Mingyue said.

Chu Li frowned.

Sun Mingyue told the situation at that time.

"Daqiu and we have gone to war, this is Tang Yun's retribution." Sun Mingyue shook his head and said: "Now that Asura's threat is there, there will be no internal fighting for the time being, but Dong Guangyi must win the world first and must challenge you Yes, it is a scourge to keep such people. "

She saw so many people that she was accustomed to seeing the ugliness of human nature, but she couldn't help killing her when she met such indifferent characters as Dong Guangyi.

Chu Li nodded slowly, smiling slightly: "Dong Guangyi, the old opponent, will take good care of him."

Letting such a cold person like Sun Mingyue deliberately raise and kill the heart, we can see how Dong Guangyi is despicable and hateful.

If this is the case for ordinary people, it will cause very little harm. It is a scourge if the gods are so. The great scourge can be removed and removed, and it is best to abolish it.

Li Meng blinked her eyes and listened to the two, talking silently as if she were transparent.

"You have to be careful. The Great Guangming Scripture is the martial arts of Buddha. It attracts Ashura the most." Chu Li shook his head and said, "As soon as they appear, send me a message and I will come and kill them."

"I can handle it now," Sun Mingyue said.

Chu Li shook his head: "I am practicing the Jizo Scriptures. Killing Ashura has strange benefits. It is extremely beneficial to practicing the Jizo Scriptures. One more benefit."

"How wonderful is it to kill Asura?" Sun Mingyue was surprised.

Chu Li smiled: "I didn't expect that the stronger Asura, the greater the gain, really strange."

"Well, I'll remind you as soon as they show up." Sun Mingyue promised: "Don't there be any mystery in the Tibetan prayer wheel training?"

Although the tibetan runner scripture is profound and profound, its power is inferior to that of the Supreme King Kong.

Chu Li Road said: "You have learned a lot and you will be surprised in the future."

Sun Mingyue laughed quietly without asking.

Chu Li Huo Hu Quan ~ www.readwn.com ~ disappeared suddenly.

Li Meng felt that his head was not enough, the two jumped too much in speech, and they were both speechless and could not understand.

Sun Mingyue turned to look at her: "What's the harvest?"

"Much benefit!" Li Meng sighed, "Uncle Chu is very powerful. When he teaches the law, he can drag us into a magical realm, understand it at a glance, and then he won't forget it, like Master's empowerment. But it's not that bad. "

"It's time for you to go downhill to practice." Sun Mingyue slowly said, "Let's pack down and go down."

Li Meng secretly said, busy: "I will go down the mountain with Master for two days."

Sun Mingyue said: "No need, just go down the mountain at this time, lest there will be no chance in the future."

Once Asura came down, she was not assured that her disciples were going down the mountain. Asura was too cruel and might not be able to rescue in time.

"Yes." Li Meng nodded helplessly.

Sun Mingyue waved.

Li Meng floated lightly.

Chu Li stood in front of Pang Shi and looked at him with his head down and his mind looking helpless. He was furious and hummed, "Why, want to go down the mountain with Li Meng?"

"... Yes." Pang Shiji knew that he couldn't hide from Master and didn't want to hide.

Chu Li said: "You die early, it is impossible between you."

"Master," Pang Shi and hurriedly said, "Sister Li does not hate me either."

"I don't hate it, but I don't like it." Chu Li said indifferently: "You haven't seen it yet? Li Meng likes someone who can make herself worship. Can you make her worship?"

Pong Shi and shook his head.

Chu Li Road said: "So you are dead."

"Master, I will practise martial arts hard and let Sister Li worship." Pang Shi and gritted his teeth.

Chu Li shook her head: "The first impression is very important. You will not be able to worship it until you are strong."

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