White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1943: Lead the enemy

[Title: white robe mains lead enemy Chapter 1943 (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The road to heaven wakes up, Wu Zundao, the invincible medicine Zun Chuli, can't speak sweet words, and he can't stand himself. Sun Mingyue is not that kind of person who is good at words. The two stood together, silent, but felt warm and peaceful.

After a while, Sun Mingyue asked softly, "Are you leaving?"

Chu Li shook his head: "Go back at night and come back tomorrow."

"Can you go in and out of heaven so easily?" Sun Mingyue was surprised.

Chu Lidao said, "Try it out."

He did n’t know the mystery originally. He heard Nangong He said that he has such advantages in practicing the **** of heaven. Tu Longshan is one of the nine heavenly gates. It must not be bad.

It would be a great advantage if we could easily and freely travel between the outer world and the next world.

The heavens and the heavens are really different from the next world. If they can be brought back at will, such as spirit grass, there will be wonders, and there are other wonders that the next world does not have.

The two talked a little more, and Chu Li left.

When she saw Sun Mingyue and said these words to her, she calmed down.

The two were very acquainted with each other and did not speak so much politely. He didn't even say words of gratitude. The others seemed dull and dull.

Chu Li's thoughts flashed, appearing in front of Tianmen.

Two middle-aged men were meditating on the futon to adjust their breath. They felt Chu Li appeared and opened their eyes.

Chu Li hugs his fists: "Two seniors, shall I go down?"

"Okay." The two smiled and nodded.

They had already heard the news of Chu Li, and they were more polite.

Chu Li hugs his fist and presses his hand on the sky gate.

Tianmen didn't flash, but with both hands, he pushed the huge stone gate out of a gap, stretched his feet out, and suddenly dangled in front of his eyes. The body lost weight and fell straight.

Chu Li disappeared into the air with a rather flash of surprise, and appeared next to the ice pond of the 100,000 Mountains.

He looked up at the position where the sky gate was located, but there was nothing in the sky, and he couldn't see anything. Even if Dayuan Jingzhi couldn't see it, it would not have been possible to find the sky gate without the imprint of the light gate in his mind.

The mystery of heaven and earth is really unpredictable. He shook his head and sighed, and looked around. There were no tigers appearing. It seemed that they would not find themselves. Then he disappeared in place for a flash, and appeared in Yinxian Mountain the next moment.

In Yinxian Mountain, Zhou Dunli and the three have begun retreat for injuries, Dong Jianxin is guarding outside the hospital.

"Sister." Seeing Chu Li appear, Dong Jianxin stood up and waved his hand gently, motioned to speak aside.

The two came to the hall and each found a futon and sat down.

"But went to heaven?" Dong Jianxin asked.

Chu Li nodded.

Dong Jianxian said busyly: "Are we really priming Xianshan?"

Chu Li still nodded.

Dong Jian sighed and shook his head: "I never expected that Yinxianshan would be destroyed."

Chu Li nodded.

Dong Jian said: "I can only blame the Qixing Palace for being too deceitful. When Jinlong is absent, they can do it. When Jinlong is here, they must not succeed!"

Chu Lidao said, "Where is Jinlong now?"

"I don't know." Dong Jian shook his head and sighed with a sigh of breath: "At the time of the retreat, he was not in Tiantiantian at all, maybe in the 100,000 Mountains, or at a higher level of Tiantiantian, no one knows, but this is a profound lesson. Don't rely too much on Jinlong . "

Chu Li nodded.

Dong Jianxin said: "But we can only complain about bad luck. We have a golden dragon here, or both golden dragons are over there. People in the Seven Star Palace have no chance at all!"

Chu Lidao said, "What's Master's thought? Should we go against the Seven Star Palace now?"

"Master let you slow down, Master." Dong Jianxin sighed: "It is an urgent matter, even if the Qixing Palace is destroyed, Yinxian Mountain will not be able to recover its vitality. The scattered Yinxianshan disciples will not be able to recover their injuries for a while. Can't afford the attack. "

Chu Li frowned: "After this time, when Ashura invades aggressively, the Presbyterian may not be able to tolerate the sectarians."

"Then wait for the future, can't you always deal with Asura?" Dong Jian said in his heart.

Chu Lidao said: "Then come to Master's will."

Dong Jianxin smiled and said, "You can see the leader of Sun?"

Chu Li smiled.

Dong Jianxin asked inquisitively: "Master Sun has really entered a bright spot? What is the situation over there?"

He was extremely curious. When he asked Master, he was afraid to violate the rules of the sky, so he was vague and vague.

Because Chu Li is not bound by the rules of the sky, it can be made clearer that Tianwai Tian can only open one eye and close one eye. He can't bring down heaven to clean up because of this little thing.

Chu Li told his story and heard that Dong Jian was so surprised that he did not expect Tianwaitian to be like that.

"That being said, Tian Wai Tian is not much different from ours." Dong Jianxin laughed. "Many Tian Tian Tian masters are eager to go there, it is really unnecessary."

Chu Li smiled: "It's not too much difference, no matter where the martial arts are, it's not a good life. Tianwaitian is not a bliss world."

"Well ..., you still have to practice hard." Dong Jian said in his heart.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

He suddenly looked up, his face sinking.

"What?" Dong Jianxin asked.

Chu Li Road said: "I have a big Asura who will deal with me again."

"Then don't leave Yinxian Mountain, they dare not meet Jinlong." Dong Jian was busy.

Chu Li nodded.

He looked up at the sky motionless, feeling the hostility of Big Ashura.

Although far away, this hostility still made him palpitated, his hair was chilly, and he could not wait to escape to the 100,000 Mountains.

Big Asura is afraid to go to the 100,000 Mountains ~ www.readwn.com ~ No Sun Mingyue now, he does n’t have to forcibly connect with Asura, avoid Yinxian Mountain, or enter the 100,000 Mountains, and the Great Asuras are afraid Come and look at it from afar.

Chu Li quickly calculated the safety of the people around him.

If they really want to deal with Xiao Qi or the government, he can only come.

After a moment, his face changed slightly, and he turned around and said, "Brother, let me go."

"Where are you going?" Dong Jian said busyly. "Don't fight with the guys, they dare not come in."

Chu Li shook his head: "They have to deal with the government."

"Damn!" Dong Jianxin's face changed.

The big asura guys are shameless. They are really hateful. What is more hateful is that he can do nothing and can only watch his brother and sister deal with big asura alone.

Chu Lidao said: "I have my own ideas, brothers don't have to worry."

He talked and disappeared suddenly. He appeared in the 100,000 Mountain in the next moment and entered the evergreen pine forest. The elders started to work and absorbed the Shouyuan for nearly a thousand years.

At a time when life and death are at stake, his elder life seems to have broken through a layer and absorbed more life.

The next moment, the heavenly gate flashed in his mind, he appeared in front of the heavenly gate, pressed his palm against the heavenly gate, the huge force swallowed his internal force, and then the light gate emitted a dim light and slowly opened.

He strode to Tianwaitian step by step, then hugged the two middle-aged people who were looking at him with wide eyes, striding through the square and reaching the ladder, they suddenly disappeared and appeared on the ninth layer of sky.

He stood on top of a mountain, and howled.

The howling rolled away like a tide, resounded through the sky and echoed in the mountains.

The mountain and woods where he is located are dense and inaccessible. It is not a sect gate, which is thousands of miles away from the bright victory. 2k novel reading network

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