White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1994: Easy

The twelve figures, like twelve shadows, flashed to Chu Li and surrounded them.

Chu Li's face changed slightly, pulling his sword out of the sheath, and the long sword slowly slid across the neck of a middle-aged man, beheaded and killed, followed by the neck of another middle-aged man, and bowed his head.

The explosion of the two middle-aged men's bodies “banged” and turned into a cloud of red mist, following the hearts of two Ashura flashes away.

Song Chengzhi, who was attacking with a sword, secretly sighed, and sighed a good sword!

He immediately saw that the twelve guys who were attacked turned out to be Asura, and it seemed that their goal was Chu Li, apparently they knew the news of Chu Li.

Chu Li has always been the target of Asura's assassination. He has assassinated several dozens of them. None of them succeeded, but many of them were damaged. I did not expect this time to directly dispatch twelve Asuras.

He was a little slow because he was too shocked and worried.

Based on his ability, he could block one big Ashura, but the two were invincible. They could only stay alive for a while. Chu Li, even though he was a superior product, was afraid that he would be too fierce for the ten big Ashura.

However, it seemed that Chu Li had also been assassinated by ten big asuras last time, and escaped safely, maybe he could survive, as long as the twelve big asuras were no better than the ten big asuras last time.

But as soon as I thought about it, the big Ashura who was dispatched this time must be stronger, so it was still fierce.

Unfortunately, no matter how fierce they are, they still have to make a shot, otherwise they will kill Chu Li, and then it's their turn. Once the big Ashura will never stop easily, he must kill a corpse.

Mo Heng and Fu Tianlei originally wanted to come to help, but see Chu Li and Song Chengzhi shot together, and would like to wait and see, these ashuras who rushed over were deeply cultivated and had strong impact, so they first avoided their sharpness. If you can empty your hands and help the host and Chu Li.

If they can't hold their edge, Bai Lutang's disciples will be uneasy and behave abnormally, and the consequences will be disastrous.

After Chu Li had used these two swords, his face was so calm that he could no longer cast his sword, and Shou Yuan was not enough.

"Bang bang bang ..." The golden light turned into golden palms in the sky, greeted eight big Ashura respectively, two big Ashura were entangled by Song Chengzhi, and Chu Li only needed to deal with eight.

Without Qi Tianjian, he can only respond with the supreme King Kong palm, one palm after another, and wants to win with strength.

However, the cultivation of Asura is extremely profound. Even if Supreme Master Kong restrains Asura's magic, it cannot completely suppress Asura, which is already in a disadvantage and is increasingly difficult.

The eight Asuras joined forces to form a formation, and their power increased greatly. Around the eight people, a layer of red light shrouded around the body. Within the red light, the power of Supreme King Kong's power was greatly damaged, and they could not be threatened.

Song Chengzhi shouted, "Chu Li, stand up!"

He saw that Chu Li was getting more and more unbearable. The eighth Asura teamed up. He screamed badly and scolded: "Damn Zhao Haiyuan, he doesn't count this!"

Chu Li Road said: "Churchmaster, I lead them away, you can withdraw first!"

"No, I can't withdraw!" Song Chengzhi shouted, "We have no face to face when we withdraw Bai Lutang, we can only stand up!"

Chu Li waved his palms and said, "That makes everyone fight too hard!"

"Hurry to destroy them," Song Chengzhi said. "Asura's power is endless. They will have the upper hand when they get behind. By then, they have no power to kill them."

Chu Lidao said: "Don't seek to kill the enemy, first protect yourself!"

"What's going on?" Song Chengzhi said.

Chu Lidao said: "I'm just guessing, we are likely to be the leading pawn. If Zhao Gongzi has no plans, there will be a backhand!"

"Damn Zhao Haiyuan!" Song Chengzhi responded.

As a church master, he had practiced a lot, and his mind was naturally not weak. Chu Li was a little bit of a bit, and he immediately realized what Chu Li said.

Bai Lutang was regarded as a pioneer, and he was not expected to destroy these Ashura.

Chu Lidao said: "Let's just hold on for a while and talk about it, church owner, let everyone slow down, just support it for a while."

"That makes sense," Song Chengzhi said.

He has found that this group of Asuras is really difficult to entangle, not as weak as the previous two groups. Apparently, Asuras are in a hurry and sent out the elite.

In the face of such a strong Asura, it is impossible to kill all the annoyance. In the end, he will be exhausted and killed by Asura.

Chu Li waved the Supreme King ’s palm, thinking about the solution, and running a strange power on the runner tower to see if it could help.

He killed a lot of Ashura this time, and accumulated invisible power. After joining the runner tower, the runner tower became more solid, and the strength inside the runner tower became stronger and stronger.

Chu Li sighed, but unfortunately it was too late to arrange six as a team, otherwise it wouldn't matter to deal with the ten big Asuras, and now he can only stand firm.

Up to now, I can't care about the hiding of the starry hole imagination. The great circle mirror wisdom and the starry hole imagination are combined, desperately deducing the solution.

The eight major Ashura's formations combined their powers. The red mask on the outside is the combination of the eight powers. After being hit by King Kong ’s palm, it was weakened to a great extent, and it was difficult to threaten them. Break their formation.

Tianxingdong Xushu is not the same as it was in the past, and they quickly deduced loopholes in their formations. All formations have the gates of life and death. As long as they find the gates of life, they can eliminate the power of the formation.

He fluttered to a place and suddenly got into the red mask, and became a part of the formation, not resisted by the formation.

"Bang, bang, bang ..." Supreme King Kong's palm patted densely, and the big Asuras didn't panic, they just caught the King Kong's palm, and the wind fell slightly.

Chu Li madly urged Supreme King Kong to form an overwhelming trend with one enemy and eight.

Song Chengzhi looked refreshed.

This Chu Li didn't let the disciples of Bai Lutang desperately, but he had a small life. If he could pack one or two more Ashura, the scene would be much easier.

Mo Heng and Fu Tianlei rushed to help Chu Li, Asura's formation was broken, and the two approached without hindrance, each facing a large Asura.

They are all super-good guys ~ www.readwn.com ~ but they are not as strong as Song Chengzhi, but they are super-goods anyway, although they are not as good as Asura, they are worthy of one.

Chu Li knew how long they could not get stuck, and the opportunity was rare.

Immediately giving up his magical powers, the all-inclusive ancestors who have been hidden all the time have been urged. The great circle mirror wisdom plus the star hole virtual art and the all-in-one ancestors are all transported together.

"Wow!" In the two howling sounds, the two big Ashura stagnated.

Although they can withstand the assassination of the **** of thunder sword, Chu Li absorbed the power of the star stone in a strange way. The power of the soul increased greatly and reached the limit. The power of the **** of thunder sword increased greatly, and more of them were gathered. Sky Thunder.

As soon as the God of Thunder thunder sword moved, they were unavoidably affected, and the action was slightly delayed.

Chu Li has long been waiting for this moment, Xi Tianjian cut off two heads, and the **** Shenlei sword and Qi Tianjian cooperated naturally and smoothly.

The four big Asuras responded very quickly. When Tian Tianjian bowed his head, their palm strength had reached Chu Li's body, two attacked the back and two attacked the chest.

Chu could not escape, and would rather bear the power of the four major Asuras, and insisted on killing two of them.

"Bang!" Four palms snapped at the same time.

Chu Li had palm strength before and after, so standing in place, did not have the opportunity to disengage his palm strength, and "噗" sprayed a blood mist, forcing the two big Ashura in front.

He fluttered forward, detached from the back with two big Ashura palms, and then another thunder sword in the air.

Behind him, the two big Ashura played extremely well, and his palms were only a few inches from his back.

When a big Asura acted for a moment, Wu Tianjian once again cut off his first level, and another Big Asura reached Chu Li's chest again.

Chu Li could not escape, and then Tian Tianjian waved again.

Seeing that the great Asura retreated, he was able to avoid the Tianjian Sword.

PS: The power is off again. I just came at two o'clock, everyone forgive me!

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