White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2001: princess

Three middle-aged men approached each other, and with a triangular eye in their heads, the square-faced middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "But Chu Li?"

Chu Li smiled and hugged his fist: "In Xia Chuli, I wonder if the three came ...?"

"Chen Donglin!"

"Wei Huaide!"

"Lu Mingyi!"

The three of them clenched their fists.

Chu Li looked at the three in doubt, because he guessed that they were looking for faults, so he didn't look at them with a large round mirror, but looking at their shelves was not provocative, which was strange.

Leading Chen Donglin said Shen: "The four of us are a team."

Chu Li showed a doubtful expression.

Chen Donglin said: "The front of the hall is a four-member team, but every team that dispatches a task is a team and a team, not just fighting alone."

Chu Li suddenly said: "That's the case, then we have been a team since then, please advise."

Chen Donglin said: "It is said that Chu Liyou is outstanding in martial arts. We want to learn a thing or two, so we know the details and can cooperate better."

Chu Li nodded and said, "What are we going to do?"

"Very good." Chen Donglin did not expect Chu Li to agree so happily.

Chu Li glanced at the three people: "Let's get together for three."

Chen Donglin's faces suddenly sank.

He was all close to Chaopin, and he was almost able to step into Chaopin. He was so despised by Chu Li that he wanted three people to join him.

Chu Li smiled: "I am superb, and it is not a problem to deal with a few big Ashura."

The three took a deep breath, shaking their heads with a bitter smile.

They think of Chu Li's brilliant record, they have killed Big Ashura, they can besieged by several or even a dozen Big Ashura, and they retreat. Even in the superb heavenly people, they are top-level beings. None of them are opponent.

"Then the three of us will teach you some good tricks!" The three of them were right in their hearts, and their faces were so calm that they gradually formed a horns approaching Chu Li, the sword was pulled out from the waist, and their feet moved slowly.

Chu Li stood by his hands and watched them move.

"Om ..." The three-handed long sword turned to Chu Li from the cold light of the sky, and made a fierce breaking sound.

Chu Li throws his fist like rain, and suddenly the sky descends into golden palms to welcome Jianguang.

"Bang bang bang ..." After the dull crash, the three long swords flew out, Chu Li took two steps back, and looked at the three with a smile.

Chen Donglin shook his head and said, "I didn't expect to be so far away."

The other two also shook their heads helplessly.

The difference in strength is too great, even if the sword and the matrix are more subtle, they can't resist the power of Chu Li, and the sword is out of hand.

Chu Li hugs his fists.

Chen Donglin waved his hand: "No need to say more, Chu Li, the three of us will listen to you in the future and respect you."

Chu Li froze and smiled, "Where is this? We are the same."

"A team of four people must have a captain, and Dragon can't do anything without it." Chen Donglin said Shen: "The final result of four people can only be destruction, and power can only be attributed to one person."

Chu Li smiled, "I'm better at martial arts, but it doesn't seem to be related to my actions."

"Everyone knows your skills." Chen Donglin said: "If you are smart, otherwise you won't be able to escape under Asura's hands, but only by martial arts."

No matter how strong Chu Li's martial arts can't stand the pursuit of more than a dozen big Asuras, his brain is also very clever. He follows such people with a sense of security and is better than making decisions by himself.

Chu Li nodded with a smile: "I have to make an agreement with everyone. Once I make a decision, everyone can't disobey, even if it feels inappropriate, it must be implemented, otherwise I cannot be the captain."

"No problem!" The three nodded happily.

Chu Li smiled: "Let's practice the array first."

He was able to understand this time. The three of them didn't come here to ask for trouble, they came to hug their thighs. It seems that he is already well-known and can be heard by his Majesty.

Naturally, he would not refuse such behavior, and he also needs sufficient manpower, and cannot do everything on his own, alone.


In the evening, the sunset shrouded the back garden of Chu Li's house, making the back garden magnificent.

The four of Chu Li and Chen Donglin were practicing the sword array on the small training martial arts ground in the back garden, but when they saw Jianguang Huohuo, they formed a silver light, covering the figure of the four, but Jianguang could not see anyone.

Suddenly the steward Deng Fu stepped forward and stood aside.

Chu Li stopped suddenly, Chen Donglin followed the stop sword and looked at Deng Fu.

Deng Fu held his fist: "Son, Wen Shaoxia is here."

"Please come in." Chu left.

Wen Yi quickly strode in with the meteor and hugged his fists and laughed: "Brother Chu, brother Chen Wei and brother Lu, you are all right."

Chu Li reached out and motioned to sit down and talk.

The crowd came to sit in the kiosk, and Wen Yi took a jade from her arms and gave it to Chu Li.

Chu Li took a glance.

Jade Pei seems to be soaked in water, exuding a soft luster, and it is faintly raining on it, as if there is a mist of water coming out of the face, and it is strange to say.

"This is our rain order." Wen Yi smiled. "It was the rain order issued by the commander."

Chu Li nodded: "What does the commander say?"

Wen Yi said: "Jiugong mainly goes to the cliff of forgetfulness, and the four of you serve as close guards."

Chu Li frowned and looked at him.

Wen Yi smiled: "Brother Chen, who knows the identity of the nine princesses, will go to the main hall tomorrow morning to see the nine princesses ~ www.readwn.com ~ Remember not to be too late, lest the nine princesses have already set off.

Chu Li glanced at Chen Donglin.

Chen Donglin nodded sternly.

Wen Yi said: "Brother Chu, this time it is a beautiful mission, Princess Nine is the pride of our Rain Master Hall."

Chu Li smiled: "Thank you Brother Wen."

Wen Yi shook her head with a smile and got up to leave.

Chu Li sent Wen Yi out of the house and returned to the back garden by the lake. Chen Donglin said, "Is the captain unknown to Princess Nine?"

Chu Li shook his head: "I haven't heard it."

"The Ninth Princess is the ninth daughter of the temple master, whose name is Xue Luoyu." Chen Donglin said: "It is also the youngest daughter of the temple master.

Chu Li raised an eyebrow: "I wonder how old Princess Nine is this year?"

"Twenty-five." Chen Donglin said.

Chu Li smiled: "The master of the palace is really ..."

"The main work of the temple is forged." All three of Chen Donglin smiled and understood the meaning of Chu Li.

The master of the palace is over 2,000 years old. Although Tianren Life is 10,000 years old, it is not really able to reach 10,000. Ordinary people are only over 1,000 years old. The master of the palace can have daughters in his 2000s, which is really admirable. .

"Don't Princess Nine be guarded?" Chu Li said, "We still need to dispatch?"

"Naturally, she has her own guard," Wei Huaide said. "But she usually stays in the main hall. She doesn't need too many guards. When she goes out, she needs more. The manpower is naturally from the front of our hall."

Chu Li nodded slowly: "How about the martial arts of Nine Princesses?"

"Unfathomable." Chen Donglin said in a deep voice: "The ninth princess's teaching is extremely mysterious, not our martial arts in the rain teacher's palace, but the practice is so deep that no one knows how strong the ninth princess is."

Chu Li smiled and said, "Have you never done anything with people?"

"Almost no Jiugong initiative." Chen Donglin said.

PS: The update is complete.

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