White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2012: Enlighten

The mighty giant peak seems to go straight into the clouds, can not see the top of the mountain, and the mountainside is already covered by clouds.

Chu Li observes with the wisdom of the great circle mirror. This mountain is in chaos, as if integrated into the void. Obviously, it is protected by powerful formations. It can not only avoid the observation, but also the inferior deduction.

Chu Li slightly squinted his eyes, feeling the goodness of this forgetful cliff.

This forgetfulness cliff is not one of the nine books, and it is not the top ancestor gate. It is one level worse than the bright victory. It is already so powerful that the bright victory must be even more profound.

Xue Luoyu whispered softly: "The bright future is Sun Mingyue, Xue Luoyu from the Rain Master's Hall, Chu Li, come here to attend the Sword Society of Forgetfulness!"

She whispered with a husky voice, echoing in the air.

Sun Mingyue said: "Can the nine princesses have come to forget the cliff?"

Xue Luoyu nodded gently, "He has been here twice."

Sun Mingyue laughed: "It is said that the forgetful palm of the forgetfulness cliff is extremely powerful. Can the nine princesses have been taught?"

Xue Luoyu said: "It's really amazing. The most deadly thing is that it can make people feel hopeless. It seems that they have no love. They just want to cut off all the restraints and completely escape from the world."

Sun Mingyue said: "I would like to teach one or two."

She glanced away.

She knew that Chu Li's wife, Xiao Qi, practiced too much on the sword scriptures and was too obsessed with love, which should have something to do with this oblivion cliff.

Chu Lidao said: "What is the relationship between Wangqingya and Taishangzong?"

"Yaoqing Ya was created by Tai Shangzong's disciples." Xue Luoyu gently shook his head and said, "Hearts are the same, but Wangzhang palm and Wangqing sword are different from Taishang Zong's martial arts. There are blues out of blue. "

"So, forgetting cliff is better than Tai Shangzong?" Chu Li was surprised.

Xue Luoyu sighed: "Tai Shangzong belongs to the Hermitage, and it is inscrutable. No one dare to say that Wang Qing is better than Tai Shangzong."

As the three spoke, two figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

Two youths wearing black gowns fluttered down, as if supported by Baiyun at their feet, slowly fell to the three, saluted with fists, meticulous salute, and sincere expressions: "I have seen Mrs. Sun, Princess Nine, and Son Chu. Please wait up the cliff with me. "

"There is work." Chu Li fisted.

The young men in the two black shirts are both handsome and handsome, but not cold-hearted, but rather kind.

They glanced quickly at the three of them without looking at them, turning modestly to lead the way, fluttering up, and heading towards the white cloud covering the mountainside, the three followed behind them.

Chu Li frowned.

The two young people ’s light work is truly a must. The hardest part of the light work is not fast but slow. The slow rise is not only the light work mind, but also the original internal force mind, which requires the internal force to be pure and delicate. .

As the three of them entered the clouds, the temperature suddenly dropped, and palaces appeared in front of them, continuously rising upward, and stopped abruptly after the snow and ice covered, and no longer appeared.

There are no buildings on the top of the mountain and three or four hundred meters below it. Only ice and snow, the glacier glitters in the sun.

Chu Li looked at Sun Mingyue, and Sun Mingyue smiled.

They all thought of the Great Bright Peak.

Although the glaciers here are not as large as the Great Guangming Peak, they have already had a psychedelic atmosphere that is a bit ice-cold and jade, making people seem extraordinary, no longer contaminated by worldly fame and grudges, and quiet in their hearts.

With the two youths passing directly above the continuous palace, they floated like white clouds in the sky until they reached the snow-covered mountain.

A towering cliff is about a hundred meters high, straight and straight down like a huge sword inserted on top of the mountain, as if it is a giant sword falling from the sky, imposing.

On the precipice, there were densely packed small characters, and Chu Li glanced at him, not even knowing one.

There are dozens of round pier made of ice cubes in front of the cliff. Sixteen young people are sitting on the ice pier and staring at the words on the stone wall motionlessly. It seems as if they have not heard or seen them. Ignore it.

The two youths fluttered down and bowed down, "Girl Sun, Princess Nine, and Son Chu. This is the place where the sword society will be held. The three can be free. After two days, if you forget the sword society, you will start. If you don't want to live here, you can Go down to the Jingke Jingshe in the dwelling, but ... most of the VIPs will not go to Jingshe, and choose to learn about the heavenly scriptures here. "

Chu Li hugs his fists: "Thank you."

After the two youths returned their fists, they flew away.

"This is the book of forgetfulness?" Chu Li pointed to the cliff.

Standing under the cliff at this moment, could not help giving birth to the vastness of the earth and the humble body.

Xue Luoyu said: "This is the book of forgetfulness. It is said that the ancestor of the book of forgetfulness is to watch this book of forgetfulness and create the scripture of lovelessness, which is in harmony with the original Taishangjing scripture. . "

Chu Lidao said, "Isn't this forgotten love book incomplete?"

"Absolutely complete." Xue Luoyu shook his head and said, "The ancestor of Forgetful Cliff has swears that this is the complete and most complete book of forgetfulness. When he first came here, what he saw was like this. For tens of thousands of years This is still the case, the ancestor of Forgotten Cliff has set rules, and no younger disciple will damage the forgotten wall. "

Chu Li smiled: "This kind of mind is really scary. It seems that he is very confident in his understanding ~ www.readwn.com ~ He deserves such confidence." Xue Luoyu said: "For tens of thousands of years, I can forget this wall of love There are very few feelings about it, very few, but there are none that can get better from the wall of forgetfulness. "

"I want to realize that this forgotten wall is afraid of peace and harmony." Sun Mingyue said: "As far as I know, people who have been hit hard by feelings are the best."

Chu Lidao said, "Everyone is ready? Want to get hurt first and then come to enlightenment?"

"This method is not possible." Xue Luoyu said: "A lot of people have tried it, it's just a trick. Once the intention is saved, the emotional damage will not be able to constitute a heavy injury, so chances are needed."

The three of them were far away from the sixteen youths who were enlightening and walked a hundred meters behind.

A hundred meters away, they could see the cliff from a distance but not feel oppressive. The stone wall is northward and brightly illuminated by the sun. Under the glaciers all over the mountain, it is as dark as ink and naturally noticeable. It ’s easy to see.

"Let's try to enlighten yourself, too." Xue Luoyu said: "In fact, the Sword Society of Forgetfulness is actually an invitation to young Junjie to come to understand this forgotten wall. Good understanding can get great benefits."

Chu Li nodded slowly.

He couldn't help but admire the ancestor of Forgotten Cliff, so minded, how could Forgotten Cliff not prosper, but it is inevitable that each of Forgotten Cliff will flourish, just like the young master Lu Yan who met in the restaurant at the beginning, but not Yingjie.

Chu Li didn't hold much hope.

No one can understand it for tens of thousands of years, no matter how strong his understanding is, he cannot reach such a level.

However, idleness is also idle. He sat on an ice pier, and his sense of solidity calmed his heart down. He couldn't help but glance down at the ice pier below. I didn't expect this to be a treasure. Times.

Sun Mingyue and Xue Luoyu sat on the ice pier next to him and began to look at the wall of forgetfulness.

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