White-Robed Chief

Chapter 204: Participate in research

Three days later, Chu Li stood in front of a vast lake and looked at the lake.

The mirror-like lake surface meets the blue sky and white clouds, as if the two mirrors are folded together, flat and empty, and there is no other thing.

He knew that Taihua Valley was on this lake.

Looking at it, there is nothing above the lake. Could it be that Taihua Valley is under the lake?

He immediately denied the idea.

Mei Aoshuang was intuitive, he could feel it as soon as he approached, so he no longer approached later, and was able to come here directly because he had previously seen this lake from He Binghua's mind and knew where Taihua Valley was.

The Taihua Valley he saw from He Binghua's mind was a water pavilion on the lake, not the bottom of the lake.

This is weird. It can be hidden on the lake and cannot be seen. Is it the formation method?

He thought of Tian Yan Gou Chen who was studying recently.

Only one hour can be studied each day. After an hour, Xue Ling will come out and interfere with him, and talk about things in the house first, things in the martial arts, and things in the city. Amazing.

She has recently learned to dance with Bi Liu. Bi Liu comes to the government office every day.

Bi Liu heard a lot of news in the Yueyue Tower, and when she was idle, she told her, and she told Chu Li to listen, which was exactly what Chu Li meant.

He asked Bi Liu to teach her dance, and also intended to make Bi Liu eyes and ears.

Jingyun Gang is now powerful and well-informed, but after all, it is only one city and two cities, and most of them deal with martial arts characters, and most of them are martial arts news.

The invitation to the moon tower is different. The invitation to the moon tower is rich and expensive, and it is about the battle between the court temple and the governor of the city.

He looked at the lake for a while, and couldn't feel Chen Yin. He simply stayed in the woods by the lake, and the aura of all directions came in, warming his body. He just calmed down to participate in the research of Tian Yan Gou Chen's formation .

Taihua Valley

On the clear lake, the towers are full of water. The middle is connected by a trestle bridge, a gust of wind blows, and the lake is flooded with clear air.

Sun Lihua brought Chen Yin to a waterside. Pointing at the forehead plaque: "This starry night waterside is yours."

Chen Yin looked at the water pavilion, the windows opened on all sides, the white gauze tent drooped, a gust of wind blew, and the tent fluttered. There is really a bit of poetry and beauty, and the beauty is overwhelming.

"Thank Sister Sun."

"I'm so polite, we will be family in the future." Sun Lihua pulled her into the waterside and laughed: "Tell me what you want, you can't go out of the valley in three years, and it's pitiful."

Chen Yin laughed: "Very good."

"Chu Gongzi is very careful." Sun Lihua said with a smile: "Well, you can rest, I will come to you to eat at night, ... After eating and watching the contest, Sister He and Sister Zhu will try."

"Why compare?"

"Striving for a Taihua Jindan." Sun Lihua said: "This time, Sister He went out of the valley together. Delayed, Sister Zhu is anxious."

"Tahua Jindan?"

"This is our wonderful medicine. No matter how serious the injury is, it will be good to take one immediately. If it is not injured, it will strengthen our physique and it will be worth years of hard work!"

"How could they fight?"

"The owner of the valley will take out a golden dandelion every month, and then draw twenty people by lottery to compete for this golden dandelion." Sun Lihua shook his head and said: "I was out of luck. Last month, I won. The result was defeated by Sister Huang! "

Chen Yinming's eyes turned, and she quickly thought of the beauty of this method, and smiled: "If it hasn't been drawn."

"I ca n’t do this again twice this year. I have n’t done it, and I can test it in the last month." Sun Lihua said: "In short, everyone has a chance, it depends on your luck and martial arts. Not good, Sister Zhu is very powerful. "

"So it is ..."

"Sister Chen, you can participate next month."

"I have a low level of martial arts, and it is useless to win."

"That's not necessarily true. Sometimes luck is good, and all of them are low in martial arts."

Chen Yin shook her head and laughed.

Sun Lihua told her a conversation and left.

Chen Yin went in and out, and had a close look at her water pavilion with great satisfaction.

Living here alone, she is really not used to it. She used to get together in the Chu family, and although it was a little awkward from time to time, some people could quickly mediate.

Now I live alone in a house, some deserted and some quiet, it takes some time to adapt.

There are three water pavilions in the middle, the living room in the middle, the bedroom in the east, and the study in the west.

She came to the bedroom, opened the bag on the couch, and the lacquered box came out.

She carefully opened the box. Inside it were two jade bottles pressed against a stack of plain paper with red blood symbols on them.

She froze, busy picking up the letter, closing the purple box, and reading it carefully.

Chu Li stated in the letter the use of these rune papers. The two bottles of elixir were two Taihua Jindan and two Qiyuandan.

The purple box has no mystery, it can isolate the heaven and earth aura, the blood talisman is calmed and will not dissipate. Take out one when you use it.

A note of paper can last for two days, which can help her speed up her practice. When she runs out of these, he will try to send some more.

The moment Chen Yin opened the purple box, Chu Chuanren, who was sitting in the woods by the lake, immediately moved and knew the location of Taihua Valley.

He has made a boat and is waiting for this moment.

Jumping onto the boat, the boat shot out like an arrow off the string, but after a while, it had been out for more than 20 miles, and it stopped slowly.

Chu Li stood at the bow of the boat, looking surprised, gazing at an empty lake.

According to his perception, Taihua Valley is not far ahead, but once the boat approaches, it will inexplicably pass that place and cannot approach it.

Sure enough, it's a formation!

I didn't expect Taihua Valley to be shrouded in the formation. To enter Taihua Valley, we had to break the formation first. If we can penetrate the formation, we can enter the Taihua Valley silently and not be discovered by Mei Aoshuang.

It seems that Taihua Valley also has its roots, and the formation method is not accessible to any sect.

He urged the boat to return to the shore and hurried back to the state government.

As soon as he returned to the Temple of Heaven, he knew from the mouth of Xue Ling that the granddaughter returned to the house, and at the same time, the messenger of the An Wang House also came to the house.

Chu Li ignored these and ran out of eight bottles of animal blood in one breath. He drew more than two hundred blood symbols. During the period, he used a dozen blood symbols and was dizzy. .

The next day Su Ru brought Tianyan Gouchen. He sat in the kiosk, looked around, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Su Ru stared at her eyes, blinked, and turned to look at Xue Ling.

Xue Ling also stared in surprise ~ www.readwn.com ~ He's ... "Su Ruchi said," What is he doing? "

Xue Ling blinked and laughed: "Maybe the kid is joking."

"He's deceiving!" Su Ru fully reacted, and Bo angered, "It's too much!"

"Master, son-in-law has a decent job, don't worry, don't worry." Xue Ling grabbed her hand: "Wait, the son-in-law will come back!"

"Okay, wait for him!" Su Ru hesitated, "see what he is going to do!"

Chu Li took Tian Yan Gou Chen to hide in the woods outside the Tianling array, took out fifty or more blood amulets, and began to study the array.

Participating in research Tian Yan Gou Chen is no different from the academic research of later generations. It is extremely brain-intensive, and the blood talisman now plays a huge role, supplementing his huge consumption.

He studied for two days at a time, thoroughly understanding Tian Yan Gou Chen. (To be continued.) ()

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