White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2057: Entry

"Are we just so bad?" Xue Luoyu hummed.

Chu Li shook his head: "My qualifications are ordinary, and Tai Haofeng is excusable."

"Well, for thousands of years, the first person to understand the confession of love is not in the eyes of Tai Haofeng. They are really ..." Xue Luoyu sneered, and said with some jealousy and taunt: It's your wife, one is your confidant, fun! "

She said with a pout and chuckled.

The two women got together and became sisters and sisters of the same school. Chu Li didn't know what it was like.

Chu Liansong breathed a sigh of relief, it seems Xue Luoyu did not hold much hope, so he was not too disappointed.

"You want to retreat, are you afraid of being overtaken by them?" Xue Luoyu said.

Chu Li nodded.

Xue Luoyu said, "Okay, I'm going to retreat, you go."

Chu Li didn't expect her to be so happy.

Xue Luoyu saw his hesitation, and hummed, "My father will go out soon, he will instruct me to cultivate, and he will concentrate on training for a while. If you don't have time to go out, you just go to retreat."

Chu Li smiled.

Xue Luoyu said with a smile: "Are you worried?"

"Okay." Chu Li was a bit unnatural.

He knew what Xue Luoyu was joking about.

Xiao Qi and Sun Mingyue got together, he really should be worried.

But fortunately, the two women's mentality is extraordinary, they will not fall out, they will only compete in secret and work hard to cultivate, which is a good thing for their promotion.

Both girls had a lack of desire and desire, Xiao Qi was indifferent and quiet at first, and Sun Mingyue relieved the burden of the leader and then completely relaxed. No longer ambitious and ambitious, he needed such competition.

"Aren't you afraid they will fight?" Xue Luoyu said.

Chu Li shook his head: "No."

"You look so good at women," Xue Luoyu said, "I don't know how many people are jealous!"

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Xue Luoyu said: "However, if you are not as good as two women, you are shameful. It is impossible to stay in retreat."

She fully understands Chu Li's eagerness to retreat, enhance her strength, not to be overtaken by her own woman, and protect the dignity of a man, so she will not obstruct, or she will avenge herself.

Besides, he has already done so much work, it should be slowed down.

Chu Li's grateful fists.


He left the town's magic city silently and entered the extraterrestrial battlefield.

He knows through the big demon Yuan Yuansi that the town's magic city is easy to enter and difficult to enter, far from the imagination, they want to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, they will open one eye and close one eye, want to send death to your convenience, but want to enter the town The magic city is a layer of defense.

From time to time, there will be courageous heavenly people, or fortune fans, or heavenly people pursuing the path of the Xeon, secretly enter the extraterritorial battlefield to sharpen themselves, improve cultivation and vision, and break the bottleneck.

The extraterritorial battlefield was opened to the Zongmen outside Jiubu once every ten years. In addition, the Zongmen disciples were forbidden to go to the extraterritorial battlefield, but the individual behavior was not strict.

Chu Li left the town's magic city easily, entered the extraterrestrial battlefield, and was tense, walking towards the distance.

Along the way, he crossed nine mountains.

After entering the extraterrestrial battlefield, you can't move in the void. The invisible force locks the void and can't shuttle freely. Only by performing light work, his feet are almost off the ground, as if walking on two rings.

This is the magical use of the demon ring,

The strength is like a seal forming a ring, which is like substance, which makes his body extremely fast.

Under the observation of Dayuan Jingzhi, he avoided others in advance, some of them were heavenly demons, and some of them were occasionally seen, and he occasionally saw the heavenly demons fighting with heavenly men.

Ten days later, he finally crossed the extraterritorial battlefield and came to a towering giant city.

This giant city is five times the size of the town's magic city. The architectural style is simple and magnificent. Both the houses and the streets are wide and vast, which is completely different from the exquisite beauty of Tianwaitian.

The bustling city is far better than the town's magic city.

The town's magic city is the first level of defending the city's demons, and the people have anxiety deep in their hearts. Unless they are forced to stay for their livelihood, they will not live in the town's magic city, which is too dangerous.

The giant city called Tianfeng City in front of it is prosperous.

The demons seemed to treat the extraterrestrial battlefield as a treasure. The demons who came to the extraterrestrial battlefield were full of interest. Yaofeng City is also a city full of opportunities.

The demons are human beings. The residents in Yaofeng City are no different from the heavens and the people wear simple and simple clothes. They are far less beautiful and exquisite than the heavens. Chu Li soon felt like a celestial people living in the city. The demons live in villages and towns and are far behind.

It is also very easy to enter Yaoyao Fengcheng. He directly showed his waist card and was waved by the city guard.

These city guards are well-repaired and have reached the state of first-class status.

After Chu Li entered the city, he first made a circle in the street, walking through the bustling crowd, feeling the liveliness and vitality here, looking no different from Tian Wai Tian.

At this time, his green shirt turned into a handsome young man, which is the original appearance of Wu Yuansi.

This twenty-something Yuan Yuansi has become a big demon, but a well-known young handsome man.

In the evening, he didn't look for an inn and went directly to a magnificent house.

In front of the house, there are two strange beast stone statues sculpted, looks embarrassed, and smashed into the sky.

Chu Li saw blood clouds floating above the two stone statues ~ www.readwn.com ~ As if the clouds were shrouded in general, condensing and not dispersing. Obviously, these two stone beasts contain huge power and are the pivot of a formation.

The two young men stood beside the stone statue and saw Chu Li appear. They stunned and hurriedly held their fists: "Master Brother!"

Chu Li nodded and stepped inside.

A young man rushed ahead to report.

As soon as Chu Li bypassed Zhaobi, he saw a middle-aged man rushing to meet him with two youths, and he laughed with a fist in the distance: "Master Shi!"

Chu Li hugs his fist, directly observes the wisdom of Dayuan Jing, and said lightly, "Brother Park."

This middle-aged man is named Park Yuantu, but the owner of this other hospital is regarded as his elder brother in Feitianzong, not a master, just his peers, and his friendship is really indifferent.

His eyebrows were big, his eyes were long, and his temperament was extraordinary.

Park Yuan-tu smiled and said, "Master Brother You, you're finally back, gratifying!"

"I'm back, Brother Park is disappointed." Chu Li faintly said.

"Haha, what is this, Master Yun!" Park Yuantu laughed and shook his head. "I am so happy that I am too late, please come in quickly!"

He turned his head to lead the way, and everyone came to the martial arts field. There were more than twenty people practicing in the martial arts field. When Chu Li appeared, they stopped and held their fists.

Chu Li walked with a loss of his hand, his expression was indifferent, and he went straight into the hall without a gift.

Pu Yuantu entered the hall with him and sat down with a sigh: "Master Brother, you're so impulsive, you don't know how worried everyone is, but fortunately, it's a safe return."

Chu Li said: "Everyone wants me to come back."

"You are so chilling when you say that," Park Yuantu said busyly.

Chu Li waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's boring to say these things, and stay here for one night before returning to Zong."

"Okay," Park Yuan-tu rejoiced, "I'll prepare."

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