White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2066: Incarnation

Chu Li frowned and flashed again to move away from the void.

"Haha ..." the old man Xuanyi laughed in the air: "boy, you can't escape!"

Chu Li frowned and said, "What is this mystery?"

"Tianmo Qiankun Lock!" The old man from Xuanyi landed, looked down at his chest, and shook his head, "You have fallen into the Takumi Qiankun lock. Don't try to run away, be obedient to death."

Chu Liheng said, "Your Xuanxinzong is really prosperous. The young one is dead and the old one!"

"This is the strength of Zongmen!" Said the old man Xuanyi: "little man, you have caused big trouble for your Leng Yuezong!"

Chu Lidao said: "It depends on your ability. I heard that Mo Zhixuan was hunted by Feitianzong. I helped Feitianzong and ran to Feitianzong. What can you do for me!"

"The monk can't run the temple, then you Leng Yuezong will die!" The old man in Xuanyi said coldly.

Chu Li Road said: "You don't have that ability. As long as you move, Feitianzong will naturally take advantage of your hands to see if you dare!"

"It seems to have climbed the high branches of the Feitianzong, no wonder it was so reckless!" The old man Xuanyi hummed, "but you should never kill Mo Shi's nephew, so you will definitely die!"

Chu Li sneered, "Mo Zhixuan **** it!"

The old man of Xuanyi slowly grew in size, gradually getting taller by a thin and short old man, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared. In a moment, the effort changed from a dwarf old man to a slender middle-aged man.

The overwhelming weather overwhelmed Chu Li only felt a mountain pressed to his head, and he felt breathless. This was obviously another secret technique. The old man in Xuanyi was desperate.

Chu Li wanted to escape, but only desperately.

"What is the secret technique?" Chu Lishen said.

"The incarnation of the demon." The old man in Xuanyi slowly said: "Incarnation of the demon, what else do you want to say?"

Chu Li smiled and shook his head: "Xuan Xinzong is really not authentic, sending you such a top master to deal with me as a junior, and spreading it out is invincible."

"Unfortunately, no one knows," said Xuan Yi, the old man, coldly. "I only blame you for killing Mo Shi. Otherwise, I won't do it."

With that said, he stepped closer to Chu Li and patted it with one palm.

The speed is like electricity and the power is endless.

"Bang!" Chu Li felt like he was hit by a high-speed running horse, backed away without resistance, and crashed into a wood.

He squeezed the surging blood, his body flickered, he walked around a few trees, and fled into the woods.

Now invincible, even though he has taken Ju Ling Dan and Feng Xing Dan, he is far less powerful and faster than the old man. This is pure physical power and cannot be cracked.

The Demon Spirit Eater is useless and can't devour his energy.

"Bang bang bang ..." The old man was ramming like a giant elephant. The towering ancient trees couldn't stop his pace. Wherever he went, the ancient trees fell down, and the woods without a road rushed out of the way. Chu Li rushed over, indomitable.

Chu Li reached out his hand, and suddenly the cold moon excalibur appeared between his palms, and the sky dropped a milky white beam of light, connected to the cold moon excalibur, so the cold moon excalibur became more and more real and clear, just like the real is no different.

Chu Li waved his hand, Lengyue Shenjian shot at the old man.

The old man didn't shy away, like a giant elephant colliding.

Lengyue Shenjian stabbed at his heart, but the old man reached out and blocked his heart, Lengyue Shenjian stabbed him in the palm of his left palm.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the old man slowed down, and then continued to rush.

Chu Li frowned.

Lengyue Shenjian stabbed in his palm, leaving only a white mark, and could not even break the skin.

The old man now has no body suffocation, only pure flesh, skin thicker than body suffocation, toughness is better than suffocation, the top sword qi like Lengyue Shenjian can not hurt him, Chu Li secretly shocked.

Chu Li was amazed at the magical incarnation technique this day. He has such an incredible power that it is almost invincible, but such a magical art must not be maintained too much. As long as this time passes, the old man will fall into weakness.

Holding this idea, he fluttered and shot to the side.

"Bang, bang, bang ..." The old man chased after him, a towering ancient tree was broken, and the force was amazing, and the speed was not reduced. When I got to Chu Li in the blink of an eye, it was faster than Chu Li. under.

Chu Li can only stop this palm.

"Bang!" He was shot out again.

Fortunately, his body was extremely strong, and his body was full of energy, but he was still unable to be injured, so he refreshed and turned to meet him.

"Bang bang bang ..." The two kept bumping together, Chu Li flew around in the air, flew out and knocked down a tree hand. He rushed back again with his own strength, was hit again, and borrowed Force back.

Ku Rong passed the surging aura, quickly recovered his injury, and then continued the onslaught. Although he fell in the downwind, he could not defeat.

The old man in Xuanyi frowned. His magical incarnation skill was amazing, but he did have a time limit. He could only run for half an hour. After half an hour, he would fall into weakness, and it took a while to cultivate.

If this kid can't be solved in half an hour ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is himself who is solved!

Thinking of this, he stopped drinking and his body accelerated again.

Chu Li was shot and flew out of the "Bang Bang Bang Bang", was caught up by the old man in the air, and then flew out before he could borrow the power of an ancient tree, beating and beating like a ball, flying around.

Under such circumstances, Chu Li was still unharmed, as if his body suddenly became as strong as the incarnation of heaven magic.

The old man sneered, bending over and pulling up a tree, shuddering, and the branches and leaves fluttered suddenly, leaving only the trunk and bare. He swung the old tree as a stick and flew Chu Lishui out.

Chu Li's face was bitter.

The old man was waving the old tree too fast, and he couldn't avoid it. The long and thick old tree was like a thin stick in the hands of the old man, relaxed, dexterous and quick, and struck on him with precision. avoid.

Chu Li can only lament that the old man's sword or stick method must be extremely delicate, otherwise it would be impossible to wave an ancient tree more than ten meters long so accurately that he could not escape but could only be beaten.

"Bang bang bang ..." He resolved his strength through the demon ring, Ku Rong Jing repaired his body, and still held it down.

He kept approaching the old man. As long as he was close, the power of the ancient tree could not be exerted. Chu Li also wanted to give him a sword.

"Hey!" When he reached the old man, he was about to draw a sword, but the old man suddenly released the old tree, and his right hand had drawn a short sword out of his sleeve.

Chu Li didn't expect that the old man was so reluctant to this day that he kept hiding, but didn't use the short sword until the last moment.

He backed up with all his strength, but could not go faster than the old man. The short sword stabbed Chu Li, but he tried to move only two inches away, unable to penetrate the heart.

The old man turned the dagger, causing greater trauma.

PS: After the update is complete, not only has it not been added, it also owes three more, covering his face.

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