White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2142: Ascension

He suddenly appeared in a runner tower, looking at Lu Yurong standing in the void calmly.

As soon as Lu Yurong wore white clothes like snow, he floated quietly in the center of the tower, his eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Chu Li in surprise, and looked around.

Chu Li sighed, looking very complicated: "Yu Rong, you are dead."

Lu Yurong nodded slightly, pouting and smiling: "Are you still dead?"

"What the **** is going on?" Chu Li took a deep breath and said calmly.

There is deep anger beneath the calm voice, which can burn all anger, and can't wait to destroy the world.

Many Buddhist sutras were chanted in his mind, which resolved his raging anger, and the nameless fire was pressed down little by little, so that he would not burn himself, lose his reason, and have no chance to revenge for a while.

Lu Yurong sighed: "One was accidentally assassinated by Asura."

"Asura!" Chu Li slowly said these three words.

Lu Yurong obliquely glanced at him: "It's all affected by you. As soon as you leave, Ashura want to get revenge and can't find you, so my lady Chu is the best goal!"

She did not see the state of soul at all, just like a real person, but she stood in the void like a god, but she was not a god, indicating that her state was not true or not.

Chu Li nodded slowly: "It seems to be complaining to me!"

Lu Yurong snorted: "You were fascinated when you were outside Tiantian, and you forgot the lower bound."

Her eyes fluttered like a joke and a joke, but she couldn't hide a trace of resentment in her tone.

She was really annoyed under her heart, and he never returned, as if he had forgotten himself, really a disappointed guy.

Then they were a little sad, and the two were originally nothing, even if they became pros, they only pretended not to take it seriously, but unfortunately the outside world seemed to be Mrs. Chu, but she only accepted her name.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "This is a long story. After I arrived in Tiantiantian, I ran to the Demon Realm again. I have no time to pull back and take a look. I'm trying to find a way to deal with the Demon .... You want to stay in this world. Or go to heaven? "

"Go to heaven and sky." Lu Yurong whispered softly.

When Chu Li was there, she didn't feel it, because she had an independent temperament, and she could only meet with Chu Li occasionally. He didn't need to get along with him all day, but after he left this world, he was completely wrong.

Everything has become dim and dull, and it doesn't seem novel and interesting to see anything, it is boring, and it doesn't make any effort all day long, otherwise it won't be conspired by the big Asuras.

She originally planned to enter Heaven and Earth after becoming a god, but now it seems that she has no such patience and ca n’t wait to become a god.

Chu Li Road said: "Then go to Tian Tian Tian, ​​rest assured, I will report this hatred for you!"

"I don't need you." Lu Yurong shook her head and said, "I'll do it myself."

Chu Li shook his head: "I don't want to keep them alive so long, I will die now!"

"Asura." Lu Yurong chuckled: "It cannot be destroyed at all, immortal. Fortunately, I am the same, so the hatred is not so great."

Chu Li shook his head with a calm face.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want." Lu Yurong said with a smile: "You're going to get revenge now, or should you send me to heaven?"

"Sent you up first." Chu Lishen said, "Where do you want to go?"

"Uh-?" Lu Yurong looked at him, his eyes questioned.

Chu Lidao said: "After entering Tiantiantian, you will lose martial arts and need to re-cultivate. Whether you enter Jiutian Xuan Nu Clan or go to another gate, Jiutian Xuan Nu Clan is not a ninth-level Tianzong gate, but only the seventh-level heaven. "

"There are other options?" Lu Yurong asked.

Chu Lidao said: "I can send you to Jiutiantian's Forgotten Cliff, which is one of the top sects, stronger than Jiutian Xuannvzong."

"... Forget it, go to Jiutian Xuan Nu Zong." Lu Yurong shook her head gently. "There are Master and Sister in them."

Chu Li didn't persuade her anymore. She didn't have to reluctantly care about the old feelings, and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu Cong wasn't so bad. As long as she had sufficient qualifications, her cultivation was promoted quickly, and she also helped herself, not to worry about going too slowly.

Moreover, it is also beneficial to enter the original sect, and the re-entry will enter faster.

Chu Li began to wave her hands, and suddenly a strange power began to condense in Lu Yurong's body. She could clearly feel it and smiled, "What is this?"

Chu Lidao said: "The stronger the power of the soul, the stronger you get into the sky, the greater the benefits, there is no need to fight against relaxation."

The strange power around began to appear, a ray of silver-like, slowly drifting towards her body, silently integrated into her body, and she did not change much, looking at it just a little more real.

Chu waved his hands constantly, the power inside the runner tower condensed, and in addition to the runner tower, it also came from the runner tower elsewhere, and slowly got into her body.

She became more and more real, and even her face regained its warmth, like a jade, and a little ruddy, as if the blood was flowing, and her eyes became brighter and brighter. Later, she could not even look at it like a morning star.

Chu Li watched her frown, showing uncomfortableness, and stopped: "Yes, now I will send you into the sky."

Lu Yurong chuckled: "Let's go ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chu Li's hands and tactics, suddenly a bright light shot from above the runner tower, as if piercing the runner tower through a hole, straight through the void, Lu Yu Rong gradually rose, and when it reached the top of the runner tower, it turned into a streamer and disappeared instantly.

A light door slowly opened in the sky, Lu Yurong appeared in front of the vast giant gate and stopped. He turned his head and looked down, waved his hand, and then disappeared.

Chu Li smiled and waved her hand, waiting for her and Guangmen to disappear, Chu Li's face was gloomy.

He suddenly appeared in a wood, and the moonlight was like water. There was no sound in the woods quietly. Even the insects seemed to feel dangerous and silent.

The six major Asuras are crossing their knees to heal their injuries. Although they killed Lu Yurong, they have also been seriously injured.

Chu Li's face stood solemnly in the void, slowly watching them.

The six Asuras suddenly opened their eyes, and when they were about to move, their heads were already flying, and the forgotten sword had cut their necks.

Then the red mist “bang” exploded, and then the heart of Ashura appeared, and the Supreme Master Vajrayana slammed into the palm.

"Bang!" An Ashura's heart shook, as if to explode, and disappeared without a trace.

Chu Li's somber face still couldn't destroy Asura's heart. Why is his own cultivation so terrible, but it is still unsuccessful.

He glanced around, the starry hole virtual arts deduction, this should be within the territory of Dafu.

He didn't want to see Emperor Fu, and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment he appeared in the imperial palace imperial garden.

The garden was brightly lit, Xiao Xiao struck a large white robe, covering his graceful figure, and lazily leaned on the low couch to look at the dossier, but did not feel Chu Li's approach.

He coughed a little, Xiao Shi put down the file, and immediately smiled, and then another beautiful face: "Yo-, a rare customer!"

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