White-Robed Chief

Chapter 216: Leave

Chaoyang Mountain is five thousand miles away from Chongming City. It will take a few days to come and go. I am afraid he will return. Xiao Qi Su Ru has left the Government House.

Chaoyang Mountain is implicated in the ever-changing Demon King, is there really his heritage?

He doesn't know about the other talents of the ever-changing Demon King, but that one who can change his face is strange. If he can get it, incarnate 10 million, and cooperate with his great round mirror wisdom, he can do more!

He got up from the small pavilion, pacing his hands, and the calm heart of the lake was turbulent and unresolved. Perseverance, complaining, hesitation, etc. mingled together, like a mess, making him inexplicably irritable.

"Yi" was opened after the door rang, Xiao Qi fluttered in white clothes.

She came slowly to Chu Li, her white jade face was close at hand, and a faint fragrance came to his nose.

Xiao Qi looked at him with a dull face, cold eyes, and some inexplicable guilty confusion, explaining: "The letter from Master Xue Xuexuan wrote that she was to be closed when she was injured. Let us rush over as soon as possible ... once you are closed, I do not know when . "

Chu Li stretched out her hand and asked her to sit down, frowning: "Are you badly hurt?"

Xiao Qi nodded gently.

"It's difficult to do everything." Chu Li sighed longly: "When does it leave?"

"I've written to ask if there can be a way to delay." Xiao Qi frowned. "If it doesn't work, it's estimated that I have to leave in six days."

"Six days ..." Chu Li seemed to have eaten Coptis chinensis, his mouth full of bitterness.

Xiao Qi said: "I don't want to say in advance, so as not to affect everyone's mood, there is always a feast in the world, there must always be a day of separation."

Chu Li pondered: "Six days ..."

Xiao Qi looked at him.

Chu Lidao said: "It's almost enough! ... I'm gradually getting to know the playing method. While you're still there, I'll arrange a playing method to hide Yuqi Island. Other people can't come in. You will come back in the future."

He was well prepared for the day. Earlier, I just complained that she was hiding herself. Since she really wanted to leave, she wouldn't stop her.

"What formation?"

"The Lost Matrix and the Five Elements are upside down." Chu Li wanted to copy the Taihua Valley's array method, which can be completed within six days. If other array methods are used, the time is too late. The power is unknown.

"... Okay." Xiao Qi couldn't refuse.

Chu Li was silent.

Xiao Qi opened Zhang Tankou, but did not know what to say.

The pavilion was quiet, the breeze was coming, the green bamboo forest rang softly, time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the two sat in silence.

"Slam" Xue Ling suddenly pushed in the door and saw the two people in the kiosk.

Xiao Qi waved his hand and stood up quickly: "Chu Li. Don't be so reluctant to do that. It's impossible, just send the second sister away."

Chu Li nodded.

"Let's go." Xiao Qi hurriedly left the courtyard.

Xue Ling blinked puzzledly, feeling that Miss San behaved strangely, but she didn't know where it was, anyway, it was different from usual.

"Don't think about it, how about Bi Liu?"

"Sister Bi Liu has agreed."

"That's good, let's take the next step!" Chu Li groaned.

Xue Ling said excitedly: "Oh!"

"Take your time. Don't worry," Chu left.

"Yes, son!" Xue Ling was excited.

The two matrix methods overlap. It is not difficult for Chu Li, especially after seeing through the formation of Taihua Valley. Five days later, he arranged the formation, and Yuqi Island suddenly disappeared into people's field of vision.

The original location of Yuqi Island has become a calm and clear lake, which is no different from the surrounding.

Even if a boat passes by. You also can't find Yuqi Island, the boat will slide away automatically, and the boater can't detect the difference.

He taught Chu Li's formation method in person, and Xiao Tieying was astonished. It was indeed the well-known formation method. The power is really amazing. In terms of defense, it is worthy of being a master in the sky.

Xiao Tieying asked Zhao Qingshan to try to break into the island, but they were not allowed to enter.

According to Xiao Tieying's knowledge, the formation of the formation is almost extinct today. Even if it exists, it is only in the Forbidden Palace of the Royal Family, or among the four major denominations. There will never be too many, only a few people.

Today, the state government has a formation law to protect it, that is, standing on top of other government offices, only the formation law can protect the state government.

Xiao Tieying hunted in a white robe, turned his head and smiled and asked, "Chu Li, can you cover our state government under the formation?"

They and their group stood on the shore of Yuqi Island, looking at the outside clearly, no difference from before the formation of the battle.

Chu Lidao said: "It can be, but I want to wait, let me deepen the array together and arrange a strong enough array."

"Step by step, you can arrange something like Yuqi Island first." Xiao Tieying was impatient.

If there is protection from the formation law, the state government does not need to be guarded by the sky masters at all times. The original three sky masters can be dispatched. The strength of the government hall has increased sharply, and it can also exult.

"... Yeah." Chu Lidao said: "It's just arranged on important islands, all are arranged, but it is inconvenient."

"Inconvenience is better than danger, all of them are in battle!" Xiao Tieying laughed: "Chu Li, you are hard!"

Chu Li nodded helplessly, pondering what to do to make it faster and more secure.

"My son, I want to go outside first, think about it, and then start the arrangement." Chu Li said.

"No problem," Xiao Tieying said, "but this matter must be done as soon as possible."

"Okay." Chu Li nodded.

He wanted to see through the formations of Taihua Valley. The three formations overlapped, and the power was even more amazing. If he could get through and copy them, it would be enough.

The moon is like an ice wheel, and Uchi is clear.

The room was dimly visible by Yue Hui, Chu Li sat on her knees on the couch, and if there was no breathing, the room was silent.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

Xiao Qi and Su Ru were seen in their heads. They were dressed in plain clothes, and their faces were waxy yellow, like the sand on the bread outside the night pearl, and Rong Guang disappeared instantly.

In addition, the two's clothes are wide, covering their graceful figure, standing in the crowd inconspicuously.

They walked out of the stargazing tower lightly, without alarming the maids below, and came to a leafless boat silently, the boat swinging away slightly, leaving the shore fluttering away.

Xiao Qi stood at the bow of the boat, staring at the direction of Tianlingyuan like a water eye, motionless.

Chu Li sighed secretly, fluttering to the shore, standing on a treetop.

The moonlight was shining on his blue shirt, Xiao Qi could see clearly, the cold face smiled and waved.

Chu Li also waved.

Su Ru saw him, but he waved his hand and stopped.

Watching away gradually, until Xiao Qi and Su Ru disappearing into the night, Chu's centrifugal head was empty and uncomfortable, constantly eroding his soul.

He suddenly had a strong urge to catch up with them and walk with them, but reason suppressed the urge and watched them leave.

The evening breeze rushed slowly from the lake, and there was a bit of chill on the face.

Chu Li stood motionless on the treetop, shaking with the ups and downs of the treetop.

It was not until dawn that the maids on the island had any movement, that he floated down the tree and returned to the courtyard.

Xue Ling was already practicing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing that he came back from the outside and was about to speak, Chu Li waved his hands and went directly into the room.

Xue Ling saw that his face wasn't right, and meditated hard, but couldn't figure out why he was unhappy.

Chu Li lay on the bed for a while, and soon subdued her emotions, returned to reason, and returned to normal.

When eating, Chu Li said, "I'll go out tomorrow. Miss and Director Su have already left the island. You must keep it secret."

Xue Ling suddenly realized, and quietly looked at Chu Li's face.

Chu Lizhuang did not know, he wanted to go to see Chaoyang Mountain first, to see if he could gain something.

Others went to Chaoyang Mountain and found nothing, but he may not.

As soon as Dayuan Jingzhi urged him, he could see Fangyuan five miles, and even up and down five miles, Dayuan Jingzhi's vision was like a ball.

The rocks and woods couldn't stop his eyes. With Dayuan Jingzhi, it was enough to see every inch in and out of the Chaoyang Mountains in the Chao Dynasty. What secret secrets were really hidden? (To be continued.) ()

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