White-Robed Chief

Chapter 218: Adventure

"Nothing is better than taking life, brother, we're not young anymore, we should cherish our lives more!"

"In case we find the ever-changing Devil Cave House inside, we can rely on this skill to support our lives and enjoy the rest of our lives!"

"Which is so easy, don't be too greedy, as I said, it should have been reported!"

"Brother, are you sorry?"

"It's a bit." The old man with a round face sighed. "Early morning, there won't be so many people!"

"Even if the report is made, people are required to go in and explore the way, they are still required to go in!"

"These disciples are all our hard work!"

"It's all bad guys!" The skinny old man said coldly: "Hearts are fickle and unbearable. Don't expect them to have any success. As soon as we leave, they will fall apart. No one can hold up the portal!"

"Brother, do you say that if we have the inheritance of the Demon King, let them practice, can we do it?"

"... forget it."

They were silent again.

The inheritance of the ever-changing devil is a huge temptation to them, otherwise they will not hide the news or lose more than twenty disciples.

Everyone regards the Variant Demon as a thousand-faced person, and feels that he has changed a lot. As guards of the forbidden palace, they know more. This Variant Demon is the most powerful of martial arts. At least five days away Heaven master's life.

If he can practice his mind, it would be ridiculously proud of the world.

"That's it, I'm going in this time!" The skinny old man Shen said.

The fat old man sighed and nodded slowly.

Chu Lijing was sitting quietly in the firewood room, pushing Dayuan Jingzhi to the extreme and seeing what they thought.

The ever-changing devil who can make the emperor obsessed is not an ordinary character. He really needs the inheritance of the ever-changing devil. He can change his appearance and cooperate with his great circle mirror wisdom, and he can do many things.

The next night, the heavy snow had not melted. A bright moon hangs in the sky.

Bai Xue shined in the moonlight, and she clearly illuminated her surroundings.

All disciples of the Chaoyang Sect came to the foot of the Chaoyang Mountain and walked around, a dozen meters alone. Constantly patrolling.

They all widened their eyes and became more nervous as the child approached.

They all knew that the entrance would appear at an instant, and it would be fleeting. Missed and can only wait next month.

This time, their suzerain came in personally to rescue the brothers and sisters who had previously entered, which moved them a bit and worried them a little, I wonder if those who entered were still alive.

The chubby old man and the thin old man quietly stood on the glazed tiles of the hall, and looked at the opposite Chaoyang Mountain. In the moonlight, the purple robe fluttered.

Once the disciples found the entrance, they would fire arrows. They hurried over immediately and were worthy of arrival.

The two stood silently on the glazed tiles, saying nothing, they should have said.

"Bang!" A bang came in the distance, and a firework appeared in the sky.

"Go!" The two turned into two winds and rolled over there.

Chu Li floated out of the firewood room and disappeared suddenly.

The two disciples of Chaoyangzong stared with wide eyes, looked up at the fireworks in the sky, and hoped that the suzerain would come over as soon as possible. A gray-brown meadow appeared in the middle of the lush woods beside them. It is completely different from the surroundings, and the glare is the entrance!

There seemed to be a dark shadow in their eyes, and it flashed. Turning his head to look, empty, nothing, as if an illusion.

They looked at each other, shook their heads, and ignored them.

Chu Liyi stepped into the battle. Immediately, my eyes were white and covered with mist.

Dayuan Jingzhi urged and saw that he was at the foot of the mountain. The mountain in front of him was very different from the mountains seen outside. At the foot of the mountain was a gray-brown meadow and dense woods.

Further up, to the middle of the mountain, there is vast white snow. This is a snow mountain twice as high and twice as large as Chaoyang Mountain.

The snow-capped mountains under the moonlight are like a silver mountain.

There is no matrix here, it is pure night mist.

He ignored whether someone came in behind him and flew towards the top of the mountain. Dayuan Jingzhi urged him to look inside and outside Fangyuan.

He was lucky, there was only one floor in this big battle, unlike the battle he saw in Taihua Valley, one after another.

This array has only the effect of being lost. Outsiders cannot enter the Snow Mountain, but they have a chance to come in. By chance, they have the opportunity to enter.

This stand is like people with fate come in, people without fate don't.

Thinking of this, he couldn't restrain the excitement, his body became faster and faster.

He fluttered along the way, and met more than twenty disciples of Chaoyang Zong along the way. They gathered together and squatted for a stone cave. Some were practicing, some were cooking, some were sleeping, watching them. His face was rosy and he was doing well.

Chu Li avoided them and continued to go up to the top of the mountain.

The summit is cold and the air is thin.

The cold wind blew on the face like a knife to cut meat, and it was blown out almost instantly and frozen.

He had the protection of Emperor King Kong's magical power, and did not care about the cold and the heat. When he reached the top of the mountain, he turned over the mountain, which is a cliff like a sword.

He fluttered down the cliff, and after twenty meters, he slammed a punch and stopped.

His fist broke through a thick layer of snow, Huo Ran exposed a hole, and he drifted into it, inside a rather spacious cave.

The cave is one person tall and the walls are cast by ice.

There was a breeze in the cave, and it was blowing lightly, and he shivered inexplicably.

This breeze is a little bit colder than the wind on the top of the mountain outside. If it weren't for his internal force flowing, the flesh and blood would not be able to stop the cold wind, and it would be frozen.

The wind was obviously weird. He looked through the mirror of the Great Circle. The wind entered from the opposite stone wall, and after several revolutions, it blew to the side, weakening the wind, but it became colder.

He ignored the unusually cold wind, had Jingang's divine power protection body, and coupled with a strong internal force, he could stop it for a while.

He looked up at the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the ice couch.

This middle-aged man looks handsome and looks like a crown jade. When he was young, he must have been a beautiful man. He sat motionless on the crystal-clear ice couch, as if settled.

This man looks like life, but he is dead.

The wind here is very weird, so that this middle-aged man is not rotten, and looks like he was alive.

Dayuan Jingzhi swept over every inch.

Inside the cave, there is an ice couch, an ice table, two bowls, and an iron pot. In the corner, some not bad food and spices are stacked, and they live at home.

He was a bit disappointed, he didn't have a book, and he didn't have a formation method. It seemed that the current master was not a master of formation methods, and it might have been set by someone else.

His eyes finally fell in the gap between the ice cubes, with a crystal waist card, the size of a palm, about the same as the white jade card around his waist.

This waist card is crystal clear and fused with ice cubes. If you don't have a large round mirror, you can only find them if you remove these ice cubes.

He took out the dust lightsaber ~ www.readwn.com ~ and stabbed it lightly around the waist tag, like a knife cutting tofu and picking it again.

The pocket card flew out and fell into his hands.

"Boom ..." His eyes suddenly turned black, and he entered the infinite void.

As the sky in the early morning light, blue and bright, sitting in the void cross-legged a giant with a soft light, his face was sorrowful, his eyes were pitying, and he was looking down at him.

Connected with this compassionate gaze, Chu Li's mind shuddered again, and countless scenes were presented in his mind, such as walking around and watching flowers.

He suddenly became a soldier, killing on the battlefield, and was eventually cut off. He stabbed his heart to death and suddenly became a master of martial arts, fighting with others, eventually losing his life, and suddenly becoming a veteran. , Martial arts, old and weak, died of illness.

As if it had been a long time, and it seemed like just a moment, Chu Li's spirit was refreshed and he woke up, still in front of him was the giant with soft light.

Looking at the giant's gaze again, compassion has become desperate, without sorrow and joy, and regards beings like ants. (To be continued.) ()

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