White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2269: Claw into

He did it when he thought of it, and shook the white robe lightly, and it was as clean as new at once. Although the magical use of the floating silkworm robe was not much, it was the most wonderful to clean as new.

A day later, he came to a giant giant peak and looked up. Dayuan Jingzhi looked at every inch of this peak and found the cave that appeared in Kou Jin's mind.

He flashed in a half-waist of a cliff.

This cliff is inclined upside down, as if the entire mountain is to fall down.

The wall was covered with moss, and the color of the wall was almost invisible.

Chu Li appeared on the half-waist.

In the mumble of "Boom", a hole appeared on the cliff, about one person tall, and he drifted into it.

The air in the cave is dry and fresh, and obviously there are other vents, which are carefully built.

Chu Li knows that this is an old nest by Kou Jin, and he is still in the retreat. This mountain is not eye-catching, and there are huge mountains around it, few people are smoky, and it is similar to the 100,000 mountains, so it is difficult Someone.

Settled in such a quiet and desolate place, the mood is naturally stable, which is conducive to cultivation.

There are no organs in the cave, because Kou Jin did not expect someone to come in, as his home, a place to relax completely, and naturally no more intriguing organs will come out.

Chu Li looked at the portrayal on the stone wall and nodded with satisfaction.

This Kou Jin's painting skills are quite for the sake of success. The portrayal on the stone wall is accurate and imposing.

He glanced over, imprinted his mind, and sat on the stone couch to start practicing.

The stone couch and the stone table are both warm and white as extraordinary jade, and there are a few secret notes on the wooden cabinet, as well as some travel notes and the like.

Sitting on the stone couch, Chu Li's exceptionally peaceful heart is obviously the beauty of this stone couch.

The spirit of the blue blood claws flowed in his heart, and the internal force flowed with him. He began to cultivate from the first layer and practiced in one breath. The original difficult and deep mind was relaxed in his eyes.

After practicing Fei Xing Jue, the strength of the soul is strong, and then push the rest of the mind, you will feel like a big horse-drawn cart, easily and freely, from the first floor to the twelfth floor.

The third layer is perfect, the nails are as sharp as a sword's blade, and one claw goes down, and the stone is considered to be full. The sixth layer is full, and the claw goes down, and the stone is like mud. The ninth layer is complete, and the iron stone is like wood. When the second floor is completed, the iron stone is like mud, without any obstruction, it is considered complete.

Ordinary people practice, if they want to make nails like sword blades, they need long-term accumulation, or supplemented by panacea, to be truly achieved. The sixth layer is more difficult, and it can only be achieved for decades or hundreds of years.

However, his original body was extremely powerful and beyond human scope. After taking the devil grass, he strengthened it. The spiritual power of the devil grass was triggered little by little, and there was a tendency to overflow. , Concentrate the excess spiritual power on both hands, so that the Blood Claw of God reaches a perfect condition.

As he slowly opened his eyes, he glanced at the weapon rack next to him, reached for a move, and a long knife flew to his hand.

He wiped the blade slowly, as bright as new. Obviously, this is a steel knife that has seen blood with evil spirits. It is hard and sharp. Although it is not a sword, it is already the best in the knife.

He slightly touched his claws, and gently inserted into the blade.

"Hello!" With a soft sound, the five fingers of the left hand have penetrated the knife body, and gently retracted his hands. The five holes in the knife body are clearly visible, and the white stone ground can be seen through the holes.

Chu Li reached out his left hand, looked at the five fingers that were as white as jade, shook his head and smiled. I did not expect that the power of this blood claw is so amazing. It does not operate the heart of the blood claw. Although the power of the fingers is great, after all I have trained This kind of finger force, but never reach this appalling level.

The power of the Blue Blood God Claw is also that the claw force breaks the qi, and the body protection qi is completely unhindered under the Blue Blood God Claw. This magical power alone is amazing. It is most suitable for concealing others, especially those who do not know his roots.

He thought that Du Kelan was unaware, and he took a claw, and there were five blood caves in his body, and he smiled. This couldn't be better!


In the evening, Chu Li knocked lightly on the door of the house in front of him. Liu Jianfei stepped forward and opened the door. When he saw it, he smiled bitterly: "Are you doing well?"

Chu Li smiled and said, "Senior Liu."

Liu Jianfei was a little embarrassed and looked behind him.

Yang Qingmeng came over, wearing a white coat like snow and a face as white as jade, but Dai Mei shrouded a layer of sorrow, and revealed a reluctant smile to Chu Liqing's jaw.

Chu Li couldn't bear to see it, knowing that she was extremely embarrassed and didn't want to separate from Liu Jianfei. It was too cruel to pull Liu Jianfei by herself.

And he is not as it used to be, nor does he have to pull Liu Jianfei.

He clenched his fists and said embarrassedly, "Senior Liu, I said goodbye to you."

"Uh-?" Liu Jianfei froze.

Yang Qingmeng also looked at him with surprise, bright eyes.

Chu Lidao said, "I'm going back to Tianwai Tianjing one step ahead."

"Why?" Liu Jianfei frowned.

Chu Li smiled: "There is an urgent matter over there, so go back quickly."

"Well, I'll go with you." Liu Jianfei promised, even if he didn't want to.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Senior Liu, don't need it."

Liu Jianfei frowned: "You want to go back by yourself? No!"

He knew the danger of Du Kelan, and Chu Li went back alone. Once he entered the extraterritorial battlefield and encountered Du Kelan, he would be dead for nine lives, which would make his conscience uneasy.

Therefore, even if he could not bear to be separated from Qing Meng, he could only accompany him back.

Chu Li smiled: "Senior Liu will rest assured, I have found another senior to walk with me, there will be no danger."

"Who?" Liu Jianfei asked.

Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "This identity needs to be kept secret, and we will not inform you."

"You ..." Liu Jianfei shook his head and laughed.

He also did not expect that Chu Li would be so bold ~ www.readwn.com ~ I did not know that Chu had surrendered to God Devil Grass.

Chu Lidao said: "Farewell to Senior Liu today, do I need to send a letter back?"

"... Alright." Liu Jianfei nodded slowly.

He intends to stay in the demon realm for a while to compensate for the love between the two. Too late to inevitably worry Zong Men. It is best to write a letter, so please ask Chu Li to come in and write.

Yang Qingmeng sat in front of Chu Li, and looked up and down: "I really have a companion?"

"Yes." Chu Li smiled.

Yang Qingmeng's eyes were like water, as if to see through his heart: "If you have an accident, he will never feel at ease."

Chu Li secretly sighed, really smart.

"Sister Yang, rest assured, I will be careful." Chu Li Road.

"That would be all right." Yang Qingmeng nodded gently. "As far as I know, Du Kelan has returned to Asura and is in trouble with the Northern Lord. Asura is in a mess."

Chu Li frowned, thoughtfully.

Yang Qingmeng said: "Unfortunately, we are not good at martial arts and we are powerless. Otherwise, we will take the opportunity to stir up the chaos between Ashura and hurt their vitality and be honest for a while."

Chu Li smiled: "Dream Dream may do it."

"I hope so." Yang Qingmeng said.

She was also very grateful to Chu Li, knowing that it was Chu Li's guidance to reunite the two, so she wanted to help him, and had been exploring Du Kelan's movements.

Liu Jianfei came out of the house with a letter and handed it to Chu Li with a smile: "It's good for Cai Wei or Madam."

Chu Li embraced the letter and hugged his fist and laughed: "Then leave!"

He turned and left the house, floating out of the border and stepping into the extraterritorial battlefield.

He believed that Yang Qingmeng would not lie to himself. Du Kelan had returned to Asura and was not in the extraterritorial battlefield. Why would he have been seriously injured by Du Kelan and almost killed. Is it changed in the future or is he not in the extraterritorial battlefield?

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