White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2290: Shot

The old man with a round face and blue robe frowned: "More than a hundred?"

"So we still have to think long-term." Su Zhaonan sighed.

They were the most reluctant to deduce the opportunity, but they failed to seize it.

This opportunity is difficult and difficult, and it is fleeting. They have missed it. The opportunity turns into danger. They must leave promptly, otherwise it is tantamount to death.

"Let's go!" He cried.

The remaining six old men no longer objected, and slowly nodded.

Su Zhaonan glanced at Ning Jingtian: "Xiao Ning, can you hold it?"

"No problem!" Ning Jingtian busy said.

"Then let's go back!" Su Zhaonan said.

"It's beautiful!" A sneer sounded.

Suddenly, a handsome middle-aged man appeared before them, as if a leaf fluttered down, his eyes glanced at everyone: "You are not brave enough, you want to kill us!"

"Zhao Yuanyang!" Su Zhaonan said coldly.

He looked around.

Zhao Yuanyang appeared, and Sui Miaozhu was probably following her. The two lords rushed over, but they wouldn't come to die, they had to be sure to solve them before they appeared.

Thinking of this, Su Zhaonan felt stunned, and Shen said, "Everyone shots together, get him as soon as possible!"

The other six old men rushed towards Zhao Yuanyang at the same time.

Ning Jingtian reckoned aside and lay behind a tree, ready to pick up a bargain. As for going up, it was no different from death. His goal was to track, not to kill.

Zhao Yuanyang looked like a shadow. When they rushed up, they retreated silently, and quietly dived into the woods.

The seven old men pursued it without hesitation.

They felt that although Zhao Yuanyang was better off, the seven of them had the opportunity to kill Zhao Yuanyang.

"Bang bang bang ..." In a muffled sound like Chun Lei, Su Zhaonan flew out of the woods, scaring Ning Jingtian.

He was busy going to pick up Su Zhaonan.

"Hey!" When he touched Su Zhaonan, he felt a rush of force coming through the five internal organs and six corpses, and instantly turned black before going to a coma, supporting him unconsciously.

"Bang!" He became a cushion, put Su Zhaonan on his body, and put his back on the ground, and then pressed Su Zhaonan, he rolled again with his internal organs, his eyes suddenly turned black, and he was going to coma.

"Ha!" He spit out a singular symbol, remaining unconscious, but already stunned.

Su Zhaonan coughed violently and sat up with blood.

"Uncle Su, then Zhao Yuanyang ..." Ning Jingtian asked in surprise.

"It's not Zhao Yuanyang, it's Sui Miaozhu!" Su Zhaonan resentfully said: "She hides in a sneak attack, she's despicable!"

None of them could find the lurking of Sui Miaozhu, apparently carrying a strange skill, but was successfully attacked by her, and severely wounded herself, no more hands.

"Sui Miaozhu is in it?" Ning Jingtian resigned.

He will surely die if mixed in.

"You go first, Keke Keke ..." Su Zhaonan pushed him and coughed again.

The corners of his mouth kept bleeding, and his face grew paler.

Ning Jingtian was busy pulling out a jade bottle from his arms, pouring out two black pills and handing them to Su Zhaonan.

Su Zhaonan swallowed it and shook his head: "It's useless, Sui Miaozhu's palm strength is too strange, and it is useless to serve Lingdan. Hurry up, don't fret!

"Uncle Su, everyone can't take them?" Ning Jingtian said busyly.

In his opinion, seven top masters are enough to deal with two lords. After all, such top masters like Su Zhaonan are rare in the world. If the situation is not good, they will not be sent.

"Bang!" Another spring thunder sounded, and a blue robe old man flew out.

Ning Jingtian was so helpless that he could only watch him fly over their heads, and landed ten feet away. After he slammed on the ground, he coughed with blood in his mouth.

"Uncle Jing!" Ning Jingtian cried.

The old man in the blue robe glared at him: "Not yet!"

Ning Jingtian busy said: "Uncle Jing, I will take you with me!"

"Then no one can leave, so let's go now!" Su Zhaonan said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yuanyang and Sui Miaozhu now take care of Ning Jingtian flawlessly. Once they pull out their hands, Ning Jingtian will surely die. To say which one of Asura hates the most heavenly realm is undoubtedly the rocking tower. There is no doubt that Asura was damaged in the extraterritorial battlefield Was killed by Shaotianlou.

Even though Ning Jingtian's martial arts are far worse than Zhao Yuanyang and Sui Miaozhu, they will never let Ning Jingtian pass.

They fought desperately, and once they were defeated, they could escape, but Ning Jingtian failed, so they had to take a step first.

"Bang!" In the muffled sound, another blue robe old man flew out.

Ning Jingtian shouted, "Uncle Xu!"

The old man in the blue robe was more injured. After flying to the distance, he couldn't get up on the ground. He could only breathe violently, and hissed, "Good Sui Miaozhu!"

Sui Miaozhu's body is too fast. They besieged are no different from singles fighting. They only feel that they are bound by their hands and feet, inexplicably developing a sense of despair, and even being unable to see the shape of her palms is hit.

Ning Jingtian would speak, and Su Zhaonan pushed him: "Go!"

Ning Jingtian knew that he couldn't stop talking anymore, otherwise he couldn't get away, hugged his fists, and gritted his teeth, "Uncle Su, Uncle Jing, Uncle Xu, take care!"

He said he turned and fled.

"Oh!" Suddenly a loud howling sounded.

Ning Jingtian felt powerless to avoid when he felt bad, and he flew up, looked down at his chest in the air, and a blood hole appeared in his heart. All the strength was released from this blood hole.

He reluctantly widened his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Su Zhaonan three people hissed and roared: "Sui Miaozhu-!"

The darkness poured in like a tide, and he landed suddenly, motionless, his breath getting weaker and weaker.

His derivation is no longer weak, and he can predict his own good or bad, but he failed to predict his killing this time, and he could not figure it out, or he would not be allowed to come over.

He suddenly gave birth to a line of enlightenment. Why did the elders of Zongmen repeatedly stumbled, the deduction technique was credible, but they could not be trusted, or they would trap themselves in the Jedi. Sui Miaozhu and Zhao Yuanyang could cover the heavens. Together, my derivation was not accurate at all. The prediction was auspicious, but it was actually wrong.

When thinking of this, his deduction technique has advanced to a new level. Unfortunately, it is too late. In his last light, he saw a white shadow that came over, like a streamer flashing. Although he could not see his appearance, he was determined. Come here is Chu Li.

At this point, his thinking was completely stagnant, and he was unwilling to die.

Chu Li seemed like a light shot into the woods, and saw Zhao Yuanyang and Sui Miaozhu fighting with the four old robes of the old man. They had no trouble but did not kill them. It seemed that the four old people of the red robe really could stop them.

Chu Li saw that Sui Miaozhu and Zhao Yuanyang were at ease, and Shen said, "Go!"

When the four old robes saw him, they turned and left.

Sui Miaozhu and Zhao Yuanyang's palm force suddenly arrogant, to trap them.

The sword wheel above Chu Li's head turned into a ball of silver light and shot at Sui Miaozhu, humming, "Sui Zun Lord, must we all die together?"

"Chu Li, you're looking for death!" Sui Miaozhu said coldly, and the golden sword in his sleeve turned into a ball of golden light to greet him, making a "ding ding" incessant sound, like a rain hitting a banana, quickly and densely.

Chu Lidao said, "I'm looking for death, but who made them Taihao Fengzhong, let it go!"

He was talking, Yinguang skyrocketed, forced Sui Miaozhu back, and shot at Zhao Yuanyang.

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