White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2300: Burn

Stepping on the empty square paved with white jade, Chu Li urged Ashura to experience the power coming from the ground, which is indeed the power of the **** king statue, but this time there was no hostility.

Chu Li was overjoyed. It seems that Xuesha is the basis for judging the enemy by this mighty force. As long as he does not have Xuesha, he will not be attacked by the power of this **** and worry about injury.

But then he shook his head again. Of course, although the power of the **** king would not actively attack himself, the goddess could mobilize these forces to attack himself. It was not easy to hide the goddess Li Yuehua.

It is better to be able to trick Li Yuehua out of the Temple of God King and kill her outside the temple.

But he can be sure that every time Li Yuehua went out of the King's Palace, he used himself as a bait, and he caught his big fish. If he really wanted to, he would definitely fall into her hands.

There is power in the King City of God to frighten him, and there is more than just one.

He has found out these days that one is a large defense team, the other two are two halls of honor, and one is in the Temple of the King of Gods, in the hands of a goddess.

He followed several large Asuras across the square to the main hall, and when he looked up, he could see two statues of gods, a man and a woman. They looked at them quietly as if they had come alive. No head.

Chu Li also pretended to be deterred by the momentum, did not dare to look up, and only observed with a large round mirror.

Li Yuehua stood in the hall, and looked at the Asuras quietly, saying calmly: "I know your intentions, but there is no need to discuss the matter of leaving the city. I can open the gate of the city if I can leave the city."

A big Ashura next to Chu Li busyly said, "Goddess, why can't you go out of the city? We are all curious and want to know what the reason is!"

Li Yuehua frowned at him for a moment: "It is not appropriate to travel."

"Goddess ..." said the Great Ashura, "Why not travel?"

"I don't know," Li Yuehua said.

Chu Li looked at the big Ashura and saw what else he had said. He didn't expect that the big Ashura opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound. He finally clenched his fists, took two steps back, and turned to leave.

The congregation Ashura turned and went out.

Chu Li stopped and didn't move. He clenched his fist and said, "Goddess, we heard a rumor."

"What rumors?" Li Yuehua stepped out of the hall in white clothes, came to the steps, and stood in front of Chu Li.

A faint scent of fragrance came, refreshing.

Chu Liping looked at her slowly and said, "Chu Li is said to be too terrible. The goddess was afraid that we were damaged too much and died in his hands. So I closed the city of God and did not know if the rumor was true. false?"

The large Asuras who were going out stopped one after the other, but they did not turn back, but they had raised their ears.

"Yes, yes." Li Yuehua nodded without hesitation: "It is really because this Chu Li is too powerful. Except for the Lord, the others are by no means opponents, and will definitely die when they encounter it."

"Goddess, when are we asura afraid of death!" Chu Li Shen said: "But as soon as he died, how many more Asura he killed, let us prepare more people to go with him, except for this evil!"

"He feels keen, you can't stop him." Li Yuehua said: "If it was so easy, he would have been killed long ago ... everyone rest assured, as long as the King of God comes out, this Chu Li will definitely die!"

"When does the King of God appear?" Chu Li asked.

"Within seven days!" Li Yuehua said slowly.

Chu Li was surprised.

Li Yuehua waved her hand: "Go."

Chu Li didn't move, but the other big Asuras had already withdrawn from the square and left the Temple of the God King.

There are only Chu Li and the goddess left in front of the temple, and there are ten big Asuras in the distance. A lazy glance occasionally glances at this side, but the spirit is not concentrated here. The goddess in the temple of the king of the gods is the most powerful. They protect.

Li Yuehua looked at Chu Li calmly and smiled, "What else do you have?"

Chu Li Road said, "I want to talk to the goddess!"

"Oh-?" Li Yuehua smiled lightly. "How do you remember asking me for martial arts?"

"I've reached the top, I can't find a breakthrough direction, and I hope that the goddess can give pointers!" Chu Lidao said.

"Well, try it," Li Yuehua said.

As a goddess, she doesn't care about common things, but she is in charge of inheritance and martial arts. She will not refuse to accept Asura when she comes to martial arts, and she will give enthusiastic instructions, so Chu Li is not reckless.

Li Yuehua fluttered down the steps and came to the square, stepping on the white jade and stretching out his hand: "Come on."

Chu Li fisted: "offended!"

He said that the shot of the strike was exactly the palm of Asura.

His asura is not as good as the palm of his asura, but with the blessing of eight layers of asura, his power is still good, and his power came to her silently.

Li Yuehua showed an unexpected look, but did not expect Chu Li to be so pure and energy, so he raised his spirits to meet them, and the two palms and palms, they studied over twenty tricks in a blink of an eye, Chu Lizhao moved to attack, and made his best efforts .

Li Yuehua calmly and calmly, when Chu Li suddenly turned her palms into claws, when she cast the Blood Claw of God, her palm suddenly lightened, and then several forces shot out from her, instantly hit Chu Li.

As soon as Chu Li saw the light, he knew he was fooled, and suddenly turned and rushed out.

He felt only a few powers penetrate into the body, as if physical powers were raging his body, hurting the internal organs, and even the internal forces were a bit chaotic. Asura ’s magical powers seemed to have failed, and his martial arts were abandoned. Humming: "Where to go!"

She was faster and stopped in front of Chu Li.

For Chu Lihua's Asura skill, he must devour these four powers in order to achieve absolute cloud skill.

He has become more and more powerful and devouring power, but these four forces are pure and strange, unable to swallow for a while, and still wantonly destroying his body.

His body was overbearing. These four forces could not be severely damaged, but the internal force flow was not so smooth, and his light power could not be fully exhibited, which was blocked by Li Yuehua.

Chu Li hummed, "What the goddess is doing!"

"Chu Li, you can't escape!" Li Yuehua shook her head and said, "wait for you for a long time!"

Chu Lidao said: "What awesomeness was just now."

"Just a few treasures." Li Yuehua said: "It's just a side road, it's enough for emergency, you can stay today!"

She said that the whole body shot soft white light, and then the whole square emitted white light. The turbulent and mighty power was turbulent, and the square became a sea of ​​power, and he was going to devour him.

Chu Li experienced the original feeling again. Even though the skill of Asura reached the ninth level, the source of power was still blocked here. He could not borrow power from the outside, but could only rely on his own strength to cope.

Suddenly Li Yuehua sat down, her palms closed together, her eyes narrowed, her treasures were solemn and sacred, the light around her became more and more radiant, and the light from white jade became more and more intense. From shreds in general.

Chu Li was struggling to support, and stepped out, trying to break through the sea of ​​power.

He understands that even if it is difficult to exert his magical power against this mighty power, Li Yuehua is more terrible than ever, and his whole body is getting brighter and brighter. He seems to be burning himself in exchange for more powerful power.

He concluded that Li Yuehua was using his body-sharing method to pull himself together and burn all the jade.

PS: The update is complete.

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