White-Robed Chief

Chapter 234: resentment

Chu Li smiled and agreed, and soon the food came up.

Yang Lingfeng greeted people to bring in 20 bottles of wine.

"Brother Du, this is Xueyuexuan's own wine, it's definitely good enough, come!" Yang Lingfeng raised the jar, filled the people's big bowls, and held up the bowl, loudly: "Kill Feng Shaohua, Done! "

"Kill Feng Shaohua! Go!" The crowd yelled.

Chu Li smiled with a bowl.

Their resentment and murderous intention towards Feng Shaohua seemed like substance.

Although the dishes are not as exquisite and delicious as Baiyunlou, they are better than fresh. Chu Li went down a few bowls of wine and was not very fussy. They talked and laughed with everyone, and all talked about martial arts.

Chu Li talked easy-going and liked to listen. Everyone went down for a few bowls of wine and felt that he didn't have that eye.

Yang Lingfeng had a moderate amount of alcohol. After a jar of wine, his tongue became larger and his words were not so neat, but he spoke more.

"I'll tell you, Brother Duo, Feng Shaohua's light work is so **** awesome. Otherwise, let's kill him already!" Yang Lingfeng said, pulling Chu Li's sleeve, "the brothers and sisters who died in his hands were no less than ten For if you can really kill Feng Shaohua, our benefactor, sister Du Xia will give it to you! "

Chu Lidao said: "Since he is so hateful, why doesn't your senior send hands?"

"Can't do it." Yang Lingfeng shook his head and sighed: "This is the rule originally set by the ancestors of the two factions, the disciples are fighting, the elders must not interfere!"

Chu Li frowned: "So I can only watch him kill."

"Well ... if Master and Uncle do it, the hometown of Qingmangshan will do it too, then we can't live!" Yang Lingfeng hummed: "I only complain that we are not good at martial arts, we can't kill him!"

Chu Li nodded, understanding this.

The rules were originally set for their respective sects, otherwise, the elders shot at will, and there would be nothing for the juniors, and the sects were destined to perish.

"In short, Brother Du, we all count on you!" Yang Lingfeng smirked.

Chu Li slowly said: "Rest assured. Feng Shaohua will not live too long!"

"My brother Meng lives and dies in front of me, but I can't save him!" Yang Lingfeng yelled: "Feng Shaohua, you!"

"Brother Yang, you are drunk." Zhao Feihu pulled him apart.

After Yang Lingfeng cursed. With tears on his face, he weeped on the table.

Everyone's eyes were red with grief and anger.

Chu Li sighed and realized this feeling of weakness and hatred.

Zhao Feihu reluctantly glanced at them: "Brother Du, you laughed. These guys, I have no hope!"

Chu Li shook his head and smiled.

Zhao Feihu sighed: "Everyone complains that I have no ability to kill him!"

Chu Li patted him on the shoulder, somehow comforted.

Skill is not as good as human beings.

Yang Lingfeng was drunk, crying and screaming, and finally fell asleep on the ground.

Zhao Feihu was in a depressed mood, didn't drink too much, and soon became drunk.

Only Chu Li was sober in the end.

He looked at everyone, where would he sleep at night?

Green shadow flashed. Su Qingdie reappeared in the lake green shirt.

She had a sneer on her bright face: "The unpromising guys really drunk when they drunk, and they only had the ability to sorrow by drinking!"

Chu Li punched her.

"Come with me, and take you to the guest house." Su Qingdie wrinkled Qiongyu nose, fanning her nose: "This smell! Come on."

Chu Li stood up and said, "There is a girl Laosu."

"You are Du Qiu's brother, and you are not an outsider. You are welcome." Su Qingdie led the way in front of her, walked slenderly, as if she was a reincarnation of the Victorian Supermodel.

The two walked along the trestle into the valley. After walking for a while, I stopped in front of a pavilion: "You sleep here first, and go in and see if you are dissatisfied."

Chu Li entered the pavilion and boarded the second floor. There are five rooms in total.

He picked a room at will, clean and tidy, because facing south, there was plenty of sunshine, so it was not damp at all, and the bedding was dry and warm.

Su Qingdie followed into the room. Leaning against the door frame: "If you're okay, just stay here for a few more days. Sister Du Qiu will be injured before leaving. She now needs someone to comfort her."

"Okay." Chu Li nodded.

"Sleep early." Su Qingdie waved her hand and left.

Chu Li did not meditate and practiced at night, and fell asleep.

Although I didn't see Xiao Qi, I felt that Xiao Qi was in this valley, and I felt relieved when I fell asleep.

The next morning, when he woke up, in addition to the crickets of the crickets, and the wailing crickets, listen carefully, there are many people practicing.

He opened the window, and everything in the valley was in front of him. Only the training ground was blocked by the woods and he couldn't see clearly.

A dense forest surrounds the martial arts field. He saw from Dayuan Jingzhi that it was no less than the size of the martial arts field in Yanwu Palace. Fifty girls were practicing swords. Sixty young boys were also practicing swords.

This gives Chu Li a sense of familiarity, as if when he returned to the previous school.

The Gongfu's training martial arts ground is not so beautiful. The guards of men and women practice together, and the division is not so clear.

He stretched himself against the morning sun.

There was a knock on the door. A man in Tsing Yi brought in the water and laughed: "The meal is ready. When Brother Du is hungry, call me."

Chu Li thanked him. After washing, he went downstairs and came to the waterside on the lake.

Su Ru sat on the bed and practiced cross-legged.

Seeing Chu Li come in, she opened her eyes: "Did they not fill your bar last night?"

"They didn't pour me, they poured themselves." Chu Li smiled. "I'll wait until you're hurt."

"Really?" Su Ruming's eyes brightened.

Chu Li smiled: "I'm all right now, only to meet with Miss Er after four months."

"It couldn't be better." Su Rumei smiled.

"When will Du Xia be out?"

"It's hard to say, a year and a half is fast."

"Will I help you and heal the injury as soon as possible?"

"Of course not!" Su Ru waved, "Sister Mo was also seriously injured. If I recover too quickly, others must be surprised."

She actually wanted to stay away for a while.

"It's okay." Chu Li smiled. "I'll go and see Girl Mo, thank you."

"I'll take you there later," Su Ru said.

"I saw Su girl yesterday." Chu Li smiled. "It really is a great character."

Su Rudao: "Sister Su is regarded as the master sister ~ www.readwn.com ~ The martial arts is the strongest. According to the master, she can enter the sky in the future."

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

It's no wonder that Xueyue Xuan has victory. As one of the strongest martial arts, Su Qingdie is destined to enter Tianwaitian, and the future master of Tianwaitian is naturally qualified to be proud.

"But Sister Su is disgusted with men. Don't be angry with her."

"That's not true, after all, it's your salvation."

After the two had dinner, they went to Sister Mo.

Although Mo Yanran's appearance is not as good as Su Ru's, she has a white face, apricot eyes and peach cheeks, and has a pleasant temperament from Xiaojiabiyu.

She obeyed and prayed for Yuandan, and had another spirit, which was almost the same as Su Ru's.

The three were talking in Mo Yanran's watershed, and suddenly they heard hurried footsteps. Yang Lingfeng knocked on the door and came in: "Brother Du, the name of Feng is coming down the mountain!" (To be continued.) ()

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