White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2380: Land selection

Chu Li and Fu Caiwei walked side by side, walking slowly on the outside battlefield.

Chu Li calmly and calmly, Fu Caiwei Dai frowned, thoughtfully.

She also understood that Chu Li ’s intentions came to find a helping hand and let Sui Miaozhu go with Song Wuji together. This idea is very good, but unfortunately she failed to do so.

Neither she nor Chu Li can perform the advent of the **** of heaven, but Sui Miaozhu, the **** of Asura, can, but it is very important at a critical time, which is related to life and death.

It's a pity ...

She shook her head and sighed sighingly.

Chu Li smiled at her and said, "Sister Fu is assured that she will come."

"Sui Miaozhu?" Fu Caiwei looked at him.

Chu Li smiled: "Sui Miaozhu is not a person who regrets her life, but she is Asura, and more importantly, she is too heavy to stop Song Wuji from killing her."

King Ashura can't get rid of Ashura's nature. Once he kills his heart, the more he can't kill it, the more intense his heart will be, and eventually he will form a powerful obsession and drive forward.

Although Sui Miaozhu is expensive as a **** king, she is profound, and she can't pry into her inner thoughts, but Chu Li can still feel her obsession faintly, so she will use it to her advantage.

At this time several large Ashura screamed past, without looking at them.

Chu Lisuo glanced at these big Asuras and smiled. These guys became more and more savvy, and saw that they and Fu Caiwei were not up.

Big Asura encountered celestial beings in the extraterrestrial battlefields. He didn't think too much about it. He went directly to kill them, but they directly ran over and ignored the two.

Fu Caiwei glanced at several of the big Ashura, his eyes flickered and he didn't do anything, turned his head to look at the void.

Out of the void, Sui Miaozhu.

Although the void in the extraterrestrial battlefield is different and cannot be moved into the void, there is no obstacle for the **** king, and it is no different from other places.

Fu Caiwei brightened her eyes and stared at Sui Miaozhu.

Sui Miaozhu slowly walked down with a cold face, humming, "Let's go!"

"Do you really want to be together?" Fu Caiwei said.

Sui Miaozhu said: "It's not bad to make fun together."

"Have you thought about the consequences?" Fu Caiwei said: "If it doesn't work out, you Ashura might be unlucky."

"No matter how strong Song Wuji is, he won't dare to destroy the entire Ashura territory." Sui Miaozhu said coldly: "Otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago, and I would die if I die. You are not afraid of what I am afraid of asura."

At this point, even if she dies, the reincarnation still retains the memory of the previous life. It does not need to be cultivated to a certain degree to restore the memory of the previous life.

So death is not terrible to her.

Song Wuji was not strong enough to change the rules of the heavens and the earth and completely destroy Asura.

"Okay." Fu Caiwei then believed that Sui Miaozhu really wanted to do something with Song Wuji.

She smiled at Chu Li: "This time it's more profitable."

Sui Miaozhu sneered: "Say it? Don't say three of us, just ten more, can't deal with Song Wuji, I just don't hesitate, I just want to do it, but I never thought I could kill Song Wuji!"

"Don't destroy your own prestige first!" Fu Caiwei said awkwardly, turning her head to Chu Li and smiling: "Chu Li, what do we do? Go to Lei Chi directly?"

"Trust him to ask him to come over." Chu Li shook his head and said, "Choose a place to deal with."

"Where to go?" Fu Caiwei said.

Chu Lidao said, "I have a place to try."

"Come on." Fu Caiwei and Sui Miaozhu nodded.

Sui Miaozhu never looked straight at Chu Li, and she still hated him. She looked cold, and restored her appearance before becoming the king of Asura.

Since becoming the God of Ashura, she has a strong killing in her heart, but smiles at him on her face, and wants to kill him at any time. Unfortunately, she has a promise with the goddess, she cannot kill him, and no need to give a smile.

Chu Li didn't care, he stretched out his hands: "Follow me."

The two women let him grab the sleeves and disappeared, appearing in a valley the next moment.

The two women observed the valley, surrounded by mountains, and not surrounded by mountains, but peaks, standing upright, as if inserting a sword into the sky, surrounding the valley.

"Is this a natural formation?" Fu Caiwei turned to look at Chu Li.

Chu Li shook his head.

Sui Miaozhu frowned: "It is not a natural formation, and there is no formation, but this place is really amazing. The creations of heaven and earth are really amazing!"

She could see that there were no fluctuations in the formation.

Natural formations often have no fluctuations in formations, and they are caught in the formation, or they are not even known, and somehow fall into it.

But as God Asura, she is a world of her own. She is keen on heaven and earth. She is in a ten-square circle. She can manipulate the void of heaven and earth, and naturally knows if there is a formation.

Fu Caiwei said: "Chu Li, why did you choose here? What is your intention?"

Chu Lidao said: "It is said that he has a thunder mark and gathers the thunderous power of heaven and earth. There are many peaks here. Once the thunder drops, it will attract more than half."

The erected peaks are like lightning rods, and he has built many runner towers on top of the peaks, forming several heavenly arrays in Jiuding Town, forming a powerful aid to the Olympics.

"It seems that you have made a lot of preparations." Sui Miaozhu glanced away and said coldly, "It really takes a lot of hard work!"

Chu Li smiled and said, "It's just for the sake of earning a life. Rarely, God and King help each other. We have a chance."

"I urge you not to think too good." Sui Miaozhu said with a lip: "Last time, according to the goddess Xu, Song Wuji did not have any tricks to hit her hard. Just two punches, she has been seriously injured, and the injuries continue The worsening of the soul hurts the soul. "

"Hurt the soul?" Chu said.

Sui Miaozhu slowly nodded: "This is the reason why I have no chance of winning. Even if he can cast the **** of heaven, he can deal with it."

Chu Li smiled, which was taken for granted.

Because Song Wuji cultivates also the spirit beast mentality, and it is the spirit beast mentality created by himself, which is the best of all the family minds. It fits him best and is naturally the most powerful.

From this point of view, Song Wuji's level of swallowing the Sutra is already very high, not inferior to himself, or even better than himself.

Fu Caiwei gave her a glance: "Okay, what's the use of these things so far, anyway, desperately, it is best to pull Song Wuji together!"

Chu Li frowned and said, "Sister Fu, don't burn all the jade before the most critical time!"

He had already guessed that Fu Caiwei must also practice a magical spell that all belong to the same ~ www.readwn.com ~ to exert the greatest power, and pull Song Wuji together to die.

Fu Caiwei said, "Well, let's do it first, let me send a letter!"

Chu Li nodded. He had not been to Leichi and could not move over.

Fu Caiwei suddenly disappeared.

Only Sui Miaozhu and him remained in the valley, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

Sui Miaozhu slanted him with a cold face: "Chu Li, you have no resentment against Song Wuji, why should you kill him and live impatiently?"

Chu Li smiled: "I and Song Wuji are enemies, and the enemies in the next realm will kill me without killing him."

Such a character like Song Wuji, who seems to be rough, doesn't care about his growth. In fact, he must report. As he becomes stronger, Song Wuji will definitely kill him.

He is not a person waiting to die, besides the agreement of the spirit beast.


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