White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2386: Strength

Chu Li shook his head and sighed. Song Wuji was more terrifying than imagination. Not only was it too deep, but the means were mean and shameless. There was no restraint. This kind of person is the hardest to deal with. I do n’t know how he will deal with himself now.

Originally, Song Wuji didn't put himself in his eyes. He felt that he was an ant and could be crushed to death at any time.

He even faintly felt that Song Wuji was indulging his growth.

And Song Wuji practiced the Soul Sutra, and he guessed that Song Wuji's plan was to raise him as a fat pig, and he would be slaughtered if he grew older.

But at this point, it is endless and there is no need to think about anything else. No matter how strong Song Wuji is, there are weaknesses, that is, his mental strength.

Although Song Wuji's soul is strong and his spirit is strong, he has some jealousy. It must be a problem of swallowing the mind, which prevents him from going all out to the outside world. This is his opportunity.

Chu Li currently lacks a secret technique to improve mental strength.

His powerful soul power led to strong mental power. Later he practiced the thunder sword and many magical techniques to make the spiritual power stronger.

But if you want to recreate Song Wuji, you need a stronger essence.

What's more to worry about is Song Wuji's treasures. It shouldn't be difficult to obtain treasures that can resist mental attack based on his background and power.

While pondering, the moan sounded, and the two women woke up almost at the same time.

They slowly opened their bright eyes. On the black face, their eyes looked particularly clear, their eyes quickly changed from confusion to alertness, and then looked around.

Seeing the other person lying on the ground as dark as charcoal, both women smiled, and then converged, their faces changed greatly, touching their faces, and looking down at their bodies.

The two women squeezed their lips tightly, looked at their entire body carefully, and looked inside the meridians, looking at Chu Li.

Chu Liwen said, "Congratulations, escape!"

"Where is Song Wuji?" Fu Caiwei hummed.

Chu Lidao said, "We are chasing us."

Fu Caiwei frowned for a moment, but only remembered that in a dazzling light, the body suddenly experienced severe pain, and was then swallowed by the tide-like darkness.

Sui Miaozhu said: "We are lucky to be able to escape our lives."

"I still look down on him!" Fu Caiwei said in a deep voice.

She had already overestimated Song Wuji as much as possible, but after seeing it, she still looked down on him, and his power was beyond his imagination.

It is difficult to imagine that there are still such powerful people in the world that they have not yet risen. It is a mistake to exist in the world and cannot be seen in heaven and earth.

Riding the Thunder, he is invincible, he is invincible, and he is strong.

Chu Li nodded.

He also thought that the Thunder would become a weapon, but he did not expect such a dense and infinite Thunder, it seemed that it would not consume the light no matter how it was used.

Sui Miaozhu said: "I know his strength, but it's a pity to ignore it ... but he is strong, and Chu is not weak from you, I really didn't expect it!"

Her eyes flickered and she looked at Chu Li.

As the three of them spoke, the two women's movements became more ill, and their heads were already white and transpiration. There seemed to be invisible power to wash the scorching of their bodies, and they were quickly turning white.

Sui Miaozhu looked at Chu Li a little strangely, and her mood was even more strange.

I never expected that Chu Li was so powerful that he could block Song Wuji. Under the thunder, Chu Li could stand up and protect himself. This is not a treasure, but a secret technique.

He can even attack and interfere with Song Wuji, otherwise Song Wuji would not be ashamed to attack them and let Chu be caught off guard.

She just had a little regret. She didn't even have the chance to cast the advent of God in front of Song Wuji, but presumably it was useless, and in the state of Advent, she was not Song Wuji's opponent.

God is also afraid of thunder. She must not be able to stop the 10,000 thunders, even better than Chu Li. Thinking of this, she looked at Chu Li more and more strangely.

Chu Li smiled: "What happened to the God King?"

"Chu Li, what mystery are you practicing?" Sui Miaozhu's eyes fluttered and asked with a smile.

At this time her face had changed back to white as jade, exuding a gentle and lustrous luster, and became beautiful and compelling again, such a smile was even more brilliant.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Very unusual."

Sui Miaozhu glanced at him obliquely, and hummed, knowing that he did not want to tell himself, mystery, of course, can not say it at will, especially his enemy.

Their relationship today is quite strange. If there is no hostility, it is impossible, but there is hostility, but they save themselves at a critical moment.

Although she is Ashura, she is not iron hearted.

She looked to Fu Caiwei: "I wonder if Fu girl wants to know what mystery is?"

"I don't want to," Fu Caiwei hummed. "No matter what mystery, you can deal with Song Wuji!"

Although her face was restored to be white and crystalline, carved like a beautiful jade, her face was hard to look at, and she felt that revenge was distant and hopeless.

Although Chu Li is strong, it is far from being Song Wuji's opponent. Once Song Wuji is serious, he can only escape, and it is a fluke to get Song Wuji's palm.

Chu Lidao said: "Sister Fu, it's not that serious, there is hope."

Fu Caiwei shook her head and sighed, "You don't have to comfort me, it's useless, he's too strong!"

Her eyebrows lightly shrouded a thin layer of sadness, which made people feel sorry. A man saw that he would go to soup and fire, and the urge to go down and down the mountain of fire would help her worry.

Chu Li smiled: "He is strong and terrible, but he is deep and deep, but Lei Yin is not so strong, and he is weaker and can be used."

"Because you can restrain his thunder, so you have hope. For us, thunder is the most terrible, but for you, the most terrible is his cultivation for his internal force." Fu Caiwei sighed.

At this moment, she had recalled the fighting situation several times, trying to find a way to kill Song Wuji.

Chu Li frowned and nodded.

He practiced the Tian Ling Jing, but it was a great weapon. The unity of spirit and internal force could directly hurt the soul. The same was true of Song Wu Ji's Swallowing the Jing, and he was too strong.

This time, Song Wuji was a bit contemptuous. Even if he tried hard not to disregard the enemy, he would let an adult compete with a child, and a person who is more cautious would not take it seriously. Www.readwn.com It's difficult, so now we should avoid Song Wuji.

"I'm going to find a fine mystery." Fu Caiwei groaned.

In the spiritual battle between Chu Li and Song Wuji, she could see clearly and deeply, and Chu Li had the upper hand. This was their first-line opportunity.

Chu Li waved his hand: "I think of a way myself."

He was wondering how to find the essence of mystery, which mystery could be stronger than the **** of thunder and lightning?

Sui Miaozhu said: "Essence of mystery is not martial arts mentality, it is rare and lost in the world, every kind is strange and strange, you can't get it!"

"That may not be so." Fu Caiwei said: "There should be a Tibetan scripture hall in Taihao Peak."

Chu Li shook his head and said, "No."

Fu Caiwei frowned ...


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