White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2427: Search

He admits on the surface that his heart is getting firmer, and he must try it.

Cheng Yuan saw his mind and sighed, "Are you immortal?"

Chu Lidao said: "Always try, and surrender without trying, I am not convinced."

"Okay," Cheng Yuan said helplessly: "You can try it. If you ca n’t do it, you will use Na Yuan to deal with them. Cause fear, and dare not mess around. "

He did not wait for Chu Li to speak, and then said: "Now they must first destroy their arrogance, don't think that they are what they want!"

Chu Li shook his head: "This is useless."

"How can it be useless!" Cheng Yuan hummed. "They have no arrogance, they are not so extreme, they give us a chance to breathe."

"What's the use of respite!" Chu Li said: "Let's not give in, what about other sects? Master Cheng, you have high morals, can you convince them to deal with Tianfengzong together?"

Cheng Yuan suffocated and sighed slowly.

It is fundamental to take advantage and avoid harm. Especially for the master of a sutra, one cannot rely on his own temperament and bravery. He must focus on the interests of the suzerain. For the suzerain, surrender is far better than confrontation.

There is no confrontation in the world. There is no confrontation. Like the enemy of the sky, the zongfengzong will never let go. The skyzong has no other choice but to fight dead. Under the power of these old monsters' destruction, any resistance is In vain.

Chu Li hugs his fists: "That's it, Zong Cheng, I'll take a step first."

"Be careful." Cheng Yuan hugged his fist, and could only speak with care.

Chu Li disappeared suddenly.

He just disappeared, and Lu Qingxue floated in lightly, glancing at his eyebrows to see Chu's absence, and humming, "Yuansi learned Na Yuanshu?"

"Yes." Cheng Yuan smiled bitterly: "Qingxue, we are old friends for many years, but we can't compare with Yuansi?"

"Although Yuan Si is smart but simple, kind and simple is not harmful, you are different, relying on a little cleverness, and calculating everything!" Lu Qingxue said coldly: "Whoever believes in you will suffer."

Cheng Yuan laughed: "Thanks for the compliments, I count others but not Qingxue you."

"The calculator has become your instinct, so it doesn't matter if it's me or not." Lu Qingxue said coldly: "Yuan Si learned Na Yuan, you have to deal with those guys, and you can hide behind."

"I also want to stand up and block them, unfortunately ..." Cheng Yuan showed bitterness.

He really wanted to overwhelm the twelve old monsters in one fell swoop, showing heroism in front of Lu Qingxue, and moving her heart, but the world did not change with his own heart, but seemed to be incompetent.

Lu Qingxue said: "What else to say, goodbye!"

"Qingxue you ..." Cheng Yuan beckoned quickly.

Lu Qingxue ignored it and disappeared.


Chu Li appeared under Tianfeng Sect, standing on a treetop halfway up the mountain, looking at the opposite Tianfeng Sect. Dayuan Jingzhi had broken through the mountain guard array and saw the situation in Tianfeng Sect.

As the spirit strengthens and the soul grows, the greater the ability of Dayuan Mirror to break through the imagination, the more it can directly break through the array to see the inside, and if you have the ability to watch the array, you can see through it all at once.

He himself has a strong and profound array of formations, and by deducing it, he can break the formation and find the door to the battle.

Moreover, even if you do n’t use the matrix method to deduct, you can directly see the entrance with the Great Circle Mirror, and go directly to it. However, in order to improve the practice of the Matrix, he still uses the Matrix to deduce it, and then directly uses the Great Circle Mirror to observe Virtual.

Tianfeng Sect was completely silent, with no joy at all, only tense and serious. There were not a few disciples in the Sect. The remaining disciples were cleaning and handling some sundries, but they were disciples outside the Sect.

The other disciples disappeared, and Chu Li knew that he had entered a secret place.

Once the mystery is opened, the ancestral gates outside do not matter, maybe the entire Tianfeng sect moved into the mystery.

The mystery is opened once every 10,000 years. Once opened, it can be maintained for a hundred years. It is not closed in a short time, so you can stay inside and develop the gate.

Therefore, Tianfengzong should be prosperous. If you know in advance, you intercept them. Even if Tianfengzong has a secret place, but no disciples, it takes a while for Tianfengzong to rise, but now Tianfengzong's disciples have entered the secret place. , When it comes out, it is a top master, Feitianzong can't resist.

He bowed his head and made a few strokes on the ground, inferring the Tianfengzong's large mountain guard.

After an hour, he looked up and watched again, frowning.

The originally deduced entrance has migrated and changed. It is not in its original position. It is indeed the guardian array. It can change with the movement of the sun, or with the movement of the stars.

He fell into deduction again.

After another hour, Chu Lisong sighed and showed a smile. Finally, he still fully understood the mystery of the guardian's large array.

He suddenly disappeared in place, the next moment appeared outside the main hall of the Emperor Tianfengzong.

The suzerain hall was empty, and there was no one, and the rest everywhere was the same. Even the original sutra hall was not seen. They were moved to a secret place. Here, it is an empty shell, leaving only eight Waizong disciples to clean it. Keep it from decaying.

Chu Li walked twice around the suzerain hall, and the eight disciples did not notice it.

Hu Zong Da Zhen opened ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one can come in. All eight people have such confidence, so no matter whether there is anyone or not, they just want to clean up. In case the seniors come back to watch and see If you do not clean it, you will be punished heavily.

Chu Li looked up and down the hall, and Dayuan Jingzhi looked at it, but it was white and hazy, and it was hard to see. Among the many buildings, only this suzerain hall was so out of phase.

Presumably even if there are treasures, they have been taken away, and this main hall still has a different phase, and there must be a reason.

He was wondering, if something happened here, would he know the secret side, if he could know it, if he could sense it, plus the hands of Zheng Da, he would leave the breath of the magic sword on them Maybe you can find the secret place.

And this dim white light also made him curious, Da Yuan Jing's unobservable extraordinary things, must not be mysterious.

He floated into the Sovereign's main hall again. There was only furniture in the main hall and paintings on the wall. It seemed as if there was nothing missing, but it was empty, as if a thief had gone upstairs.

Chu Li's eyes suddenly fell on a painting.

It is a pine crane extended picture behind the central teacher's chair.

This kind of pine crane perennial map is prevalent in the lower realm, and it is the same in this realm, even in the demon realm. Chu Li didn't notice it before, at this time he stared carefully and suddenly discovered the wonder.

He thought about it, reached out and slowly touched the picture, but was blocked by invisible power.

Chu Li raised his eyebrows, his eyes brightened and he was inexplicably excited.

It seems that the painting is weird. What treasure is it?

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and he flashed behind a screen, then watched the two young men come in, and started wiping the furniture, talking as he wiped.

PS: The update is complete.

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