White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2429: Mind

Chu Li knew at this time that he had received the authentic teaching of Tianfeng Palm.

He was very curious. This inheritance method is too demanding on those who have been inherited. He can't imagine how many people in Tianfengzong can accept the inheritance and persist.

What can really persist is necessarily a terrible disciple. Spiritual arrogance is too important for a person. If the spirit is strong, the internal force runs fast, the stronger and faster, and the longer the practice.

Driving internal forces is the most costly thing. The strength of a person is very different. One day or two can't see the difference. After one year, the difference is huge and cannot be counted.

There is such a strong disciple, even if he is not high enough to become a top disciple, he must stand out, and the Tianfeng palm he has seen is not complete.

He still can't see the complete one now, because Junyi's middle-aged is still practicing.

The void is full of various winds. Each time you practice your palms, your palm strength is different and different palm winds are formed. These palm winds do not dissipate as the palm power dissipates, forming a cloudy wind. The power is amazing. Effect.

Chu Li felt that he was getting weak, and the constant wind was cutting himself like a knife and wasting himself constantly.

The Buddhas and the demon in his mind do not need his command, they can run on their own, transforming their spiritual strength, and a steady stream of urges to maintain his existence in this void, the ubiquitous wind is weakening him and forming a deadlock.

He ignored the squall and stared at Jun Yi's middle-aged palm firmly, imprinted in his mind, and never forgot it again.

At this moment, the middle-aged man of Kung Fu Junyi has exercised twelve techniques.

By the time Junyi stopped in middle age, he had already performed eighty-one styles.

Chu Li felt that he had reached the limit, and could not hold on for a second. Junyi middle-aged smiled at him, suddenly turned into a light, and suddenly flew at him. Chu Li had no time to dodge but could only stand by.

"Boom!" With a bang, he transformed into a middle-aged man, and began to practice the eighty sets of palms one by one in the void, each of which naturally derived a kind of mind.

Each time he practiced the technique, the stronger his spirit, the clearer his feelings, the more precise his grasp of the body, the unprecedented agility and commanding wishes.

When he finished the exercise, he had a strong set of eighty-one techniques, so he was urged again, and he practiced eighty-one techniques again. He felt stronger, and had a deeper understanding of the sky wind. The magic of mind.

Tianfeng mentality is the mentality derived from these eighty sets of palm law, which is refined and simplified by its branches and leaves.

Chu Li was full of emotions. I did not expect that the Tianfeng mentality was so exquisite. It was so difficult to create at the outset and exhausted such a huge amount of mental power. Then, he developed these eighty sets of palms and suddenly understood the Tianfeng mentality.

He admires the wisdom of his predecessors. Instead, he doesn't have such a mind. Maybe because he has been hurriedly pursuing it, he hasn't reached the stage of quiet retreat and nothing to play with his mind.

He woke up leisurely, his spirit returned to his body.

When the eyes were opened, the hall suddenly lighted up, and then the picture was already dim, as if the essence had gone, but it was slowly absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. At this speed, it took hundreds of years to recover.

Chu Li thought for a while, shook his head and sighed, and worshipped towards the picture with his hands together, whispered an offense, and then gently swiped, the picture suddenly turned to ashes, and then disappeared in a flash, and then took it again A picture came over.

This painting is no different from the original. He has imprinted it on his mind, drawing it according to the original cricket, and his spiritual power is also attached to it. He can come at any time in the future.

In this way, outsiders can't see the truth, even the disciples of Tianfengzong really found the treasure of the inheritance, and they can enter and be taught, but they only taught 36 sets of palms.

Chu Li has the most research on the method of passing on the Scriptures. It was obtained in the lower realm and has not been used very much. At this time, he combined the sky magic and the method of passing on the Scriptures to achieve the same effect as the original painting.

He looked at the painting and nodded with satisfaction. Although it was a copy, it was still a masterpiece of his own. Later, the disciples of Tianfeng Zong had a strange encounter. What he saw was his heritage, and it was interesting to come.

He sat cross-legged on a futon in the middle of the hall, and began to practice the sky wind mentality.

The first layer and the second layer penetrated to the eighth layer in one breath. Only the last layer was not fulfilled. A deeper understanding was needed. His understanding of practicing the eighty-one set of skills can only be advanced to the eighth layer.

Even so, he also felt the mystery of Tianfeng's mentality. The meaning of Tianfeng is invisible wind, silent and silent, which is most conducive to unscrupulous calculations. Unfortunately, Tianfeng Sect disciples often take a fierce number of paths. , And the body speed is also amazing, not inferior to Feitianzong's body speed.

Chu Li understood at this time that Tianfengzong had taken a crooked road, blindly masculine, and Tianfeng palm was just the opposite. He should take a feminine path, silent and silent.

Zheng Da, they do n’t seem to be able to get their stigma. No wonder they ca n’t take off after ten thousand years of practice.

He no longer insisted on penance, and got up and turned around in the whole Tianfengzong ~ www.readwn.com ~ still no clue to the secret.

Even if he got the biography of Tianfeng, his derivation was useless, and he still couldn't deduce the secret place. Finally, he frowned and gave up the derivation of the secret place. Instead, he displayed the magical power of the heavens and the place where Cheng Yuan was.

He disappeared the next moment and appeared in a valley of woods.

This is a wild valley with lush forests and overgrown weeds. There is a water pond in the valley. The water and grasses chaotically cover most of the water surface. Some beasts drink water by the lake, quiet and abnormal.

Chu Li glanced curiously at this valley, and found some human traces faintly, but could not find it without Dayuan Jingzhi, which had been carefully covered up, apparently containing secrets.

His face changed slightly, Da Yuan Jing Zhi abruptly withdrawn, frowning and shaking his head, but Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan is located in the nearby woods, just above him. He is standing at a treetop and looking down at the valley a hundred meters away. He seems to be studying the valley, and apparently found that there is something wrong with the valley.

Chu Li wondered how Cheng Yuan found this place. Is this the entrance to the mystery?

If it is really the entrance to the mystery, how did Cheng Yuan find it?

He then thought that Cheng Yuan was likely to insert eyeliner in Tianfengzong and develop the secret traitor, thus leaving traces and let Cheng Yuan track here, excited to think of it here.

Cheng Yuan may be able to find the entrance to the mystery.

Tianfengzong has the secret of Damengzong, what about Feitianzong?

He thought of this, and was anxious, and wanted to go back and check it immediately. If the second door was found, it was the most dangerous. However, Cheng Yuan did n’t have to do more. He just revealed the position of the second door. Zong was immediately in danger.

Cheng Yuan has always been ambitious and regards Feitianzong as an obstacle, and he may not miss this opportunity.

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