White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2432: Entry

Cheng Yuan laughed: "Do you really want to learn?"

Chu Li shook his head.

Cheng Yuandao: "I can grant you."

Chu Li smiled and said, "Thank you, Lord Cheng, for your kindness, but it is not necessary. I don't want to owe such a big favor."

"Well ..." Cheng Yuan shook his head and smiled: "Isn't this sentiment enough to save life?"

Lu Qingxue hummed: "Since Yuansi doesn't want to learn, you should be less embarrassed, or think about how to do it quickly, so as not to alarm the people in the mystery and end up empty."

Cheng Yuan laughed: "Reassuringly, the mystery is so big that it is not so easy to be alarmed."

"Hurry up," Lu Qingxue said.

Cheng Yuan nodded: "Since Qingxue has spoken, then I will act, ... Yuan Si, do you really want to learn the reverse of Qiankun?"

"No," Chu Li laughed.

Lu Qingxue stared hard at Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan grinned into the puddle with a smile, Chu Li and Lu Qingxue followed again, ten meters away, watching Cheng Yuan pull out another stone from his arms, and then crushed and threw it forward.

The light shone brightly, and the fist-sized stone hole suddenly expanded into a large hole, a round hole with a diameter of five meters, and then watched Cheng Yuan suddenly drilled through.

A cold light flashed, a ray of silver light hit Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan flickered, trying to avoid but couldn't avoid it, but a wind force formed a silver knife in the water and turned a curve to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan flashed three times and couldn't flash away. It was getting faster and faster, and the last time he couldn't even avoid it.

The shirt he wore was a secret treasure—the Eight Wild Treasure Armor. The resilience rebound was the top. Not to mention the ordinary sharp blade, the sharp blade held by the top master could not break this treasure. clothes.

He didn't easily wear it, because the armor was a long time ago, and the number of uses was limited. It was used once and once less. This time, in order to enter the secret place, he had to wear this eight waste treasure armor, forced to carry it.

Chu Li frowned, seeing that the silver knife passed easily, Cheng Yuan's arm was unhindered by it, and continued to chop his chest after crossing the arm.

Fortunately, Cheng Yuan avoided this moment, and the silver knife brushed against his chest, only cutting his shirt open, exposing a white belly.

Cheng Yuan's right forearm fell to the bottom of the pool. He made a copy with his left hand, then pressed his right arm back to urge the power to work. The silver knife behind him appeared again and again silently, and this time the silver knife was not a handle, but A dozen handles.

Cheng Yuan urged his arm to re-grow the forearm, while avoiding, seeing these silver knives pervade, avoiding inevitable, suddenly disappeared in the water pool, and the next moment he had reached the water pool.

Chu Li and Lu Qingxue's faces changed slightly and disappeared.

They found that the silver knife also disappeared, and they knew that it appeared above the pond.

Cheng Yuan felt uncomfortable, and he was occupied by invisible forces in all directions, that is, the wind in the water before, without the visible water of the pond, they were silent and invisible, but everywhere.

Cheng Yuan was inevitable, but wanted to disappear but found that he could not move in the void.

He was busy pulling out the broken virtual beads, just crushed.

"Oh!" He dropped his right arm to the ground, accompanied by the shining broken beads.

He picked up his right arm and left, leaving his left arm at the same time, and both left and right arms fell to the ground. When he appeared in the distance, his arms were empty, and he became an armless person, looking very strange.

His face was gloomy and disappeared again.

Chu Li picked up his two arms the next moment, then appeared beside Cheng Yuan, handed his arms up, his body was still, and the blue light flashed in his eyes.

"Bang bang bang ..." The endless rumbling sounded around him, like a spring thunder billowing.

Cheng Yuan felt only loose around, and he was extremely relaxed. Changshu could not help but take a sigh of relief, looked down at his arms, and he was already connected to each other. The endless internal force drove the blood.

Lu Qingxue appeared in front of him, faintly scented, and pulled out a miracle from his arms into his mouth.

"Thank you Qingxue." Cheng Yuan smiled.

Lu Qingxue hummed, "What about your skills?"

She didn't expect that this mystery was so dangerous. This invisible power was really terrible. Cheng Yuan's Xiu knew for her that she was two wins over her, but she was still so embarrassed. If Yuan Si wasn't there, his life wouldn't be guaranteed, plus he was the same. I have to catch my life.

Cheng Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's a good wind, the secret of the wind is well-known!"

Chu Li already knew the beauty of the sky wind, and the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword could restrain it.

The sky wind is yin to soft, and with the spiritual power, the spirit and spirit are united together. The **** of thunder, the thunder sword to the gang to the sun, is also his spiritual power accompanied by the thunder, which can restrain the sky wind.

In the sound of muffled thunder, these winds gradually dissipated.

Chu Lishu breathed a sigh of relief, but did not expect that this mystery is so powerful, the sky is so strange, he can chase and kill people, and it is getting stronger and stronger like a snowball. In the end, there is no escape but death.

Cheng Yuan served Lingdan, and then assisted with the magic law. The arm quickly caught, and he smiled a few times: "Fortunately, the incision is round and there is no dark energy to recover so easily. "

Lu Qingxue hummed, "It's not Yuansi who helped expel the dark energy!"

Cheng Yuan hugged his fists and smiled at Chu Li: "Thanks to Yuan Si and saved my life."

Chu Li shook his head: "This mystery is so dangerous."

In fact, he also had a secret plan to let Cheng Yuan take the lead and find out the truth, so he didn't learn anything about Qiankun upside down ~ www.readwn.com ~ The name of this mystery is the same as the set of arrays he has learned However, although the names are the same, they are by no means the same.

Cheng Yuandao: "I didn't expect it to be so dangerous."

Only he knew how amazing the power of the wind was, and the Eight Wild Treasures had no effect, this was the first time.

Chu Li sighed, "How can you get in so dangerous?"

Cheng Yuan shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be so dangerous. I was wrong. The method was wrong."

Chu Lidao said: "Mr. Cheng found the right way?"

"I try." Cheng Yuan said.

Lu Qingxue frowned, "Still continue to try?"

Cheng Yuandao: "How can you give up at this step, and you should step back a bit so as not to be implicated."

Chu Li smiled and nodded, Lu Qingxue didn't speak.

Cheng Yuan took a bag from his arms, two stones, and three dull beads, all stuffed into Lu Qingxue: "Save for me, if I don't come back, use it myself."

"What are these?" Lu Qingxue frowned and took the bag.

Cheng Yuan laughed: "Some treasures, originally intended to be brought into the mystery, now seem to be the source of the disaster."

Lu Qingxue thought, the light jaw was first put into Luo sleeves.

The three came to the pond again, and at the fist-sized hole, Cheng Yuan turned his head and smiled, "This time it should be fine."

He fluttered closer to the hole, and then approached step by step, his body tense but still under his feet.

Chu Li secretly nodded.

He sensed that Cheng Yuan was running Tianfeng Jue. Although there were only five layers, it was very pure. As he approached the entrance of the cave, Tianfeng Jue became faster and faster, and then there was no noise. But it grows bigger invisibly.

Cheng Yuan turned to smile at the two, stepped into the cave, disappeared.

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