White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2461: Fierce battle

Letting Sun Mingyue protect the law for himself and wandering on his own is a bit cruel and should never be done. As long as he sits inside the runner tower, he is enough to protect himself.

Sun Mingyue frowned: "I can't do it. I'll come."

After Chu Li's soul was separated from his body, he was like a piece of wood with no resistance. If he could shake up the situation as if he could shake the sky tower, he would have nothing to do if he entered the situation.

Without the body, only the existence of the soul would be tragic, and she did not want Chu Li to fall into that field.

Chu Li sighed: "It doesn't matter, they can't be calculated to me."

He understood Sun Mingyue's concerns, but didn't want her to keep guarding herself and go to find Xiao Qi by herself, which was too unfair to her.

Sun Mingyue said irritably: "Instead of being scared and afraid, let me guard you! ... Rest assured, I am not so stingy!"

Chu Li smiled bitterly, and the beauty is gracious. What can I say?

Sun Mingyue said: "Can Shenyou help you strengthen?"

"It helps a lot," Chu said.

Not to mention that you have a deeper understanding of martial arts, which is the enhancement of soul power, which will make the God of Thunder, Sword and Dayuan Jingzhi, as well as all magical powers and martial arts, go up.

Relying on the God of Thunder God sword and the true skill of the absolute cloud, he had some control over Song Wuji, but this time Song Wuji retreat, he became unsure and couldn't wait to strengthen his strength.

It is difficult to practice the absolute skill of the cloud, and it will be difficult to improve for a while and a half, but only the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword will improve rapidly under the method of refining God. Of course, he will not let this opportunity go.

And this time Jin Ning is even more important.

Sun Mingyue sighed: "Go on a swim, I suddenly feel restless today. I'm afraid that this Jin Ning is not easy, but it's better to be careful."

Chu Li nodded.

Shaotianlou is still very secure. Since he dares to deal with himself, he is afraid that he has full confidence, otherwise he will not damage his majesty, but he cannot go to Shaotianlou to beg for mercy. This time, he must come back to me and let them know Honestly.

He thought of closing his eyes here again, and the light in front of him was bright. The scene seemed to change rapidly. When the light in his eyes returned to normal, he found himself in the place where he came in for the first time.

He suddenly understood that the sky survey was indeed an entrance, like the existence of a sky gate, and every time he came in, it would be in this place, so it was really planned well.

Fortunately, it is still in the shrouded area of ​​Jiuding Town, and suddenly flashes. The next moment it appeared outside the small town, living in the runner tower, and the great circle mirror looked at the whole small town.

Through refining the gods, he kept recovering from exhaustion.

Instantly moving the void, but not spending as much spirit as imagined, it seems that the soul is far more tired than moving the void.

At this time, it was already late at night. A bright moon hung in the sky, as if an ice wheel was spinning slowly, and the moonlight was like water and thin as a veil, just like the outer sky, not as substantive as the realm.

The people here are not different from the heavens and the heavens, but they are stronger and better qualified. The aura of heaven and earth here is richer and purer. Apart from that, there is no big difference.

The biggest difference is Shou Yuan. It is said that it is horrible to live for ten thousand years.

He remembered the experience of this time of wandering. Here is a day, but there is only one hour in Tianwaitian. In this way, the time of Tianwaitian is worth twelve days in this layer of sky, and twelve years in a year.

And Tian Life Insurance is nearly a thousand years old, and it is not strange to live here for 10,000 years.

"Tang Yuan is dead!" Suddenly he stopped drinking.

The guards in the city's mansion were shocked. Fourteen men in black rushed into the city's mansion and divided into three shares. One was responsible for setting fire. The other two rushed to the courtyard where the city's owner was. The guards could only scatter one by one.

The fourteen men in black practiced a deeper and better defense of the city's main government. Chu Li estimates that these people's practice has reached the level of Fu Caiwei, and if it is put into the sky, it is already an extraordinary master.

The guards of the city's main house were beaten back and forth, and they kept shrinking to the courtyard where the city's main body was located, and then a strong resistance resolutely refused to let the people in black go forward, and let Chu Li couldn't help but praise their loyalty.

Looking at their minds, they knew that they had to be faithful, and they were actually the worshippers of the Seven Seas Church, while the city owner was the incense master of the Seven Seas Church. Once there were three strengths and two shorts, not only could they not live, but even their families. To be buried.

Chu Li couldn't help but sting the fierceness of the seven sea religions, but it was effective and forced everyone to die.

Fourteen men in black were also desperately desperate. Chu Li stared and observed, but he was a disciple of the Eight Sects. The disciples of the Eight Sects were killed by the incense master of the Seven Seas, the Lord of the Lost City, and died of conspiracy.

The Eight Disasters sent disciples to take revenge, and they must kill Tang Yuan, otherwise his brother would not die. Even after he died in Tang Yuan, he could still be worthy of his fellowship, and would never spare his life.

Chu Li couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that there was such blood and morale. He had only heard of it but hadn't seen it. He occasionally encountered it in the Nether, but didn't see it in Tianwaitian, all of them were selfish and indifferent.

He had a good opinion of these eight desolate disciples. Those who are so deserving are indeed worthy of help, but did not rush to do so. He is now in a state of soul. Once discovered, it is very dangerous.

Even if there is Jiuding Zhentian, after all, I do n’t know about this world. I wonder if Jiuding Zhentian will be restrained. If there is a secret technique specifically aimed at the soul, be careful.

In the center of the two groups struggling to fight, in a small courtyard, a burly, middle-aged man with a magnificent face, sitting in the atrium, admired the moonlight quietly, and turned a deaf ear to the sound of the killing outside.

From time to time, he raised his jade cup, greeted the bright moonlight, and then drank it ~ www.readwn.com ~ a bit lonely.

Suddenly a guard in a purple suit drifted down the courtyard, with a fist in his voice, and said, "Citylord, let's retreat for a while, the gangs of crazy dogs are really crazy this time."

"I won't go." Tang Yuan lowered the jade cup and said calmly: "They can come in, then come in. This is the land of the city's owner, how can the small Eight Wilds be presumptuous!"

"Well ..., the Lord of the City, stay away from its sharp edge, it is not advisable to fight hard. They are all holding the meaning of death. Why should we have general knowledge with him?" But the guard in purple clothing is an old man with a brow eyebrows, persuading: When they lose their spirits, they can clean up and save their energy. "

"Old Song, I won't retreat." Tang Yuan said lightly: "I'll see if they can kill me!"

"The Lord of the City ..." The old man in purple was waiting to be persuaded, but was interrupted by Tang Yuan.

"Hehe ..." A chuckling sound suddenly rang through the city's main mansion, and even spread throughout the city of Los Angeles.

Tang Yuan's face changed slightly.

"It's a tough Tang Yuan." Qinglang laughed again: "The Seven Seas teaches Tang Yuan's reputation!"

"Who are you? Sneaky, sneaky!" Tang Yuan's voice followed through the entire city of Luoxia.

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