White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2464: Too empty

Chu Li looked down at the sword on his chest, and lightly pressed.

There is no entity, it is just a shadow, but it has penetrated into his chest, and can clearly feel the pain, just like the essence. This long sword between reality and reality is really weird.

He didn't warn instinctively, so he didn't dodge. Instead, he had to see what this too virtual sword was.

This sword seems to have no power, but suddenly it exploded in the body, trying to disperse his internal organs, but it was a force of Yin to softness, which made people silently caught off guard.

When the magical power of the cloud turned, it immediately absorbed and swallowed the power of Yin to Rou, and it couldn't stand the waves.

The true power of the absolute cloud is amazing, and the power of devouring is also amazing. It can overcome all the internal forces that devour the body. This is too virtual sword to yin to soft, hurting the invisible but not hiding the absolute cloud.

Chu Li spewed a mist of blood, pointing at Jin Ning: "You ..., what a too virtual sword!"

Jin Ning shook her head with a smile: "Too vain is the mother of heaven and earth, supreme, surpassing everything. Brother Chu, you have deep martial arts and many mysteries, but I have only cultivated one mentality, too."

Chu Lidao said: "Tai Shangzong ..."

"Haha ..." Jin Ning interrupted him and shook his head with a smile: "Brother Chu, this is wrong. The Taixu Sect's Taixu Jing is nothing to do with my Taixu Divine Gong, but the names are similar."

Chu Lidao said: "As far as I know, Taishangzong is an ancient sect door, retreating to the world. Isn't this too virtual magic contained in too virtual scriptures?"

"Nothing." Jin Ning shook his head and said, "Although Tai Shangzong is powerful, he is far from deep enough in the way of the void, let Chu brother see you too the virtual sword!"

Chu Li suddenly raised his hand, an invisible force ran straight down, condensed on his head, outsiders could not see anything, but under the insight of Da Yuan Jing's wisdom, he could clearly see a long sword, which was antique, but it was a sword of forgetfulness.

At first, he had no chance to cast the sword of ecstasy that he realized in the cliff of ecstasy. One was the nine swords returning to one, and the sword of the **** of thunder and thunder was also invisible and traceless, but it directly assassinated the spirit. No trace is better.

At this time, the sword of forgetfulness condensed, he did not wait for Jin Ning to act, and the sword of stranger fell out.

"Bang!" There was a bang in the void.

The surrounding air was violently shaken and the wind was howling, Chu Li fluttered in white robes in the shock, and Sun Mingyue fluttered in white as snow, like a fairy.

Jin Ning slightly narrowed his eyes and said, "This is the sword of forgetfulness?"

Chu Li coldly said: "It seems that Yaotianlou knows me very well."

"This is nature." Jin Ning smiled. "We are the brothers of Chu, but we have a lot of trouble. We can escape under Song Wuji. The brothers' skills are obvious, but after flying up to heaven and sky, they have leapt to such a short time. In addition to good luck, there is also a high level of understanding, and Diaolou speculates that Brother Chu has no one in the world. "

Chu Li hummed, "Dare to be."

Jin Ning said: "The world martial arts, but wherever Brother Chu comes into contact, you will never understand, but brother Brother Chu has made a big mistake."

Chu Li coldly said: "I would like to hear the details!"

He wanted to see how Yaotianlou analyzed himself.

Jin Ning smiled: "No one in the world has the understanding of Brother Chu. This is both a strength and a disadvantage. Such understanding makes Brother Chu become greedy and want to cultivate all the top martial arts in the world."

He spoke to Sun Mingyue and laughed: "Sun Jingzhu agrees?"

He smiled brightly like the rising sun.

Sun Mingyue was the young master at a young age. He had already passed the stage of looking at human skin, and said lightly, "Continue."

She feels that this is not unreasonable. Chu Li ’s martial arts is too extensive, and she has learned too many secrets. It seems that she is omnipotent and omnipotent.

This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is profound, omniscient, and well-connected, which is conducive to understanding other martial arts. It is the most effective way to instruct the disciples, so she will send Li Meng to study in front of him.

The disadvantage is the distraction of energy. A person's energy is limited. After practicing this, one cannot practice the other. Even though Chu Li can be multi-purpose, the body is not successful. Some minds conflict with each other and cannot be cultivated at the same time.

She knows that Chu Li ’s spirit is strong. Other people can cultivate two hours a day, but he can cultivate ten hours or even twelve hours. One day is worth a few days. Therefore, the promotion is surprisingly fast, and he can multi-task and practice at the same time. Counting Hearts.

But no matter how strong the spirit is, we cannot practice all our minds.

Jin Ning said: "In this way, I have a lot of miscellaneous knowledge, but I am not professional enough. Often, a mentality requires a lifetime of hard work to practice and enlighten. Brother Chu, you are distracted by others. How can you go deeper? ? "

Chu Li smiled and shook his head.

He feels that Boza is an advantage instead. The stones of other mountains can attack jade and practice one more heart. One more understanding of martial arts. It is much easier to learn martial arts that you really want to cultivate. Although a martial arts practice is pure, it is difficult to truly understand its essence.

The creation of any mentality is a collection of essences, and often many essences are adopted to extract its essence.

This kind of mentality is more difficult to practice, but it will be difficult in the later stages, but if you can see the collected mentality and understand it one by one, you may not be able to restore the essence of the original mentality and then realize it.

Jin Ningdao said, "There is also a bit of understanding underneath ~ www.readwn.com ~, which is not inferior to you, but you dare not waste your spirits so much. You only focus on the road of imagination, which is deep and supreme. Nowadays, the reality and reality are combined. "

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Your sword is too common."

The Taixu Sword is extremely powerful, but it is a pity that when I met myself, I was able to restrain the Taixu Sword. This is the advantage of the miscellaneous. He can always find a restraint, and his soul is overbearing. Door to door and door to door are flat, but practice one door and deep one door, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

He has practiced extremely deep magic skills, and it is easy to restrain the sword of too much imagination.

"Hehe ..." Jin Ning shook her head and smiled, "then see the real sword of too much imagination!"

He said swing a wide sleeve.

The void seemed to condense into a giant sword, about the size of Chu Li, and struck him instantly.

Chu Li shoots with his right palm.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise in the void, and it trembled, and then the wind howled.

Jin Ning's face was sober, she did not expect Chu Li to be so embarrassed, and she was no longer confident.

The Taixu Sword is invisible and inexistent, but it is between his thoughts, but Chuli's body is strange and the internal force is special, otherwise he will condense the Taixu Sword from the inside of Chuli's body to avoid it.

So for him, no matter how strong the cultivation is, the power of body protection will be more powerful, and no matter how fast it is, it will be useless no matter how fast you move, you will condense too much virtual sword in the other person's body, and the inside is the weakest.

However, Chu Li's body is strange, the internal force is strange, and the too-virtual sword cannot be condensed. He can only condense outside his body, which gives him a chance to meet.

He then gritted his teeth, even though he could not directly attack the five internal organs and six concubines, with the mystery of the too virtual sword, it was enough to defeat Chu Li!

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