White-Robed Chief

Chapter 246: Kill

"It's better to be obsessed than to be oblivious to each other. Relentless is affectionate."

"One piece of jade worn next to you was thrown in the lake to lay the foundation!"

Xiao Qi looked at the only two lines on the paper, stroking Bai Yupei, and tears fell from the bright eyes.

She clenched her teeth tightly to keep herself from crying, her body shaking more and more.

"Oh!" Yu Pei drew a curve and fell into the lake, sinking leisurely.

"Oh!" Xiao Qi spit out blood and fell down.

Shen Yinghu caught her, sighed, and finally took this step. I don't know what the future will be!


Chu Li went out of the valley in the moonlight, and went down step by step without performing light work.

With every step, one minute away from Xueyue Xuan, his heart became heavy, as if an invisible boulder was pressing on his heart, the more heavier and heavier he became, the more he could not breathe.

He finally left the gate.

He went into a dense forest, took off his blue shirt, and put on a white robe. The whole man suddenly felt a little bit more spiritual and more elegant.

In the moonlight, he stepped on the treetops and looked back at the towering mountains.

Since then, I do not know when I can come to Xueyue Xuan again!

The white robe fluttered and he turned to leave.

His mind was complicated, if he was lost, hesitated and pained, and unknowingly, his speed was getting faster and faster.

Breathless Mercedes-Benz stayed overnight, but still couldn't relax the heart.

When the first ray of sunlight from the eastern sky hit his body, he picked up the great round mirror wisdom, pressed down the turbulent thoughts, and made a decision: no matter what, no matter what, he must enter the heaven of God!

As he passed through a forest, he stopped suddenly and turned to look behind him: "Come out!"

Three figures appeared in the woods, like ghosts.

Together is Zhou Zhicheng. The other two figures did not know each other, and faintly appeared with Feng Qi.

He speculated that the three were related by blood, and frowned, "Green Mountain?"

Zhou Zhicheng sighed: "Du Feng. You killed Brother Feng ..."

He shook his head and couldn't keep talking.

At that time, I personally said that I would break the grudge with one palm, and I would not entangle it again. Never thought about it, destroying his promise immediately, making his face hot and speechless.

Chu Li was holding his belly and wanted to vent, and said coldly: "Who are these two? ... Oh, it's Feng Qiliang's eldest brother, second brother, but one family. Hey!"

He urged Dayuan Jingzhi to the extreme and hummed coldly: "You do n’t like your younger brother, do you like to torture girls?"

His face grew more gloomy, and he sneered, "It's so good!

The scenes they found in their heads poured fuel on the fire and made him kill.

Zhou Zhicheng sighed: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng Er, now that I recognize someone, I should go!"

"Let's go!" An old man waved his hand and sneered coldly: "Cartilage. People killed our man in the Mangshan Mountain, and you just let it go, and kept what you promised. It's extremely pedantic!"

Zhou Zhicheng's face turned red, but he still said, "Brother Feng, my eldest husband has spoken with jealousy, which has made me fat and I can't do it!"

"Go away!" Another old man waved impatiently: "You just keep your promise, get out of here, don't get in the way!"

"Brother Feng Er ..." Zhou Zhicheng stared unconvinced.

The old man waved like a fly: "Roll, you won't want to help him?"

"Well, let me go!" Zhou Zhicheng hummed. Turning his head to look at Chu Li: "Du Shaoxia, the two of them do not represent our Qingmangshan. Qingmangshan speaks absolutely, they find it is personal hatred!"

Chu Li hummed. Coldly: "Senior Zhou waited a while and took their corpses back, so as not to expose the corpse and be swallowed by the beast!"

"Du Shaoxia, please be careful." Zhou Zhicheng shook his head.

Both Brother Feng and Brother Feng Er are deeply cultivated. Even if he is a disciple of Da Leiyin Temple, it is impossible to treat one enemy as two.

Two palms slammed silently.

"Very good, a sneak attack!" Chu Li sneered, his body flashing with gold, and a layer of gold with purple brilliance stained the white robe into purple gold.

"Bang!" Two palms hit the white robe, and Zi Jin Guanghua shook without change.

He blocked both palms stiffly, and pointed out both fingers at the same time.

"Oh!" The **** turned into a single sound.

The two Fengs hurriedly avoided, and they knew how powerful the interrogation was.

No matter where in the finger point, the heart is cut off, and there is no way to save it. This is what the mind refers to as poison, and it is truly a mastery of Da Lei Yin Temple.

Chu Li hummed, and the spirits in all directions rushed into the body, turning into a force of fingers.

Asking the heart means that the power is amazing, and the internal force is also amazing. At the beginning, the law was performed, and it took a long time to point out one finger. After one finger, it takes a while to accumulate the energy to cast the second finger.

King Kong's magical power also consumes a lot of internal force, and disciples in Da Lei Yin Temple rarely perform two types of magical powers at the same time. Most of them perform rotations in turn, and such a wizard can only do so.

Chu Li has the Bronze Sutra as the base, and the heaven and earth aura is endless, let him drive.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Means the sound of force breaking through the air, endless.

He waved his hands together, pointing one after the other, as if he didn't need the internal force.

They also want to force Chu to leave the questioning finger, but Chu Li urges King Kong's magical powers, and does not avoid their palm force at all, but hits the body without delaying the fingering, and the heart **** is woven into a big net. .

The space they avoided was getting narrower and narrower, and they could only retreat.

Chu Li chased after him, the surrounding trees and branches were flying, and when he was hit with a force, he was smashed into a ball.

The surrounding trees were so riddled with holes that it was like a plague of insects.

Their hair was disheveled, angry and frightened, and they shouted, "Zhou Zhicheng, do you watch us killed?"

Zhou Zhicheng was struggling, and sighed helplessly; "Du Shaoxia, otherwise, everyone will give in. Brother Feng will not come to you anymore, and you will spare them, and everyone will not hurt you."

Chu Li sneered.

Zhou Zhicheng said: "Let the two brothers Feng take a vow, and they will never be entangled, and Green Mangshan will not be entangled."

Chu Li coldly said: "They can represent Qingmangshan, joke, if you want to save them, go together!"

Zhou Zhicheng sighed: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng Er, let's withdraw!"

He said he turned around and walked away.

"The surname is Zhou, you are waiting!" Brother Feng Er shouted, slamming **** on his body.

Chu Li sneered, knowing that he was about to perform a secret technique, and a flash of flutter came behind him, waving both hands.

Brother Feng Er was stagnation of qi and blood. When switching mysteries, he couldn't avoid the fingertips nearby.

Wenxin pointed out that hitting him, he was stiff, and slowly fell to the ground.

Brother Feng turned and fled.

Chu Li appeared expressionless, flashing behind him, two questioning fingers shot at the same time.

The distance was too close, and Brother Feng could barely avoid one finger. It was the limit. Chu Li shot again with two fingers. He could no longer avoid it.

He froze for a moment, then slowly fell to the ground, even before he could scold Chu Li, and was dead.

Zi Li Guanghua slowly drew as much as possible from Chu Li's body, and Shen cried, "Senior Zhou, please show up!"

Zhou Zhicheng appeared, looked at him helplessly.

He didn't expect that Chu Li was so powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ The disciples of Da Leiyin Temple are really terrible, especially this kind of master in the sky is not human!

Chu Lidan said indifferently: "Senior Zhou, please go back and tell Lushan Lord. If there is another man from Qingshan who comes to take revenge, I will enter Qingmang Mountain. At that time, I will not blame me for being unruly. Regardless of the seniors, Extinction! "

Zhou Zhicheng's face changed.

Chu Lidao said: "With all that said, my patience is limited and there will be a period later!"

He said that the white robe fluttered away.

Zhou Zhicheng looked at his disappearing shadow, looked down at the corpses of the two, shook his head and sighed, what a pain!

I don't know if Lord Shan heard what he said, whether he swallowed his anger or became angry or angry.

However, his choice is indeed correct, and it is really no harm to keep his promises, otherwise, this time he will fall to the ground.

Asking the heart is really terrible, even more terrible is Du Feng's cultivation, like a demon like a god! (To be continued.)

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