White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2493: memory

Chu Lihe smiled and shook his head: "Forbearance? Ridiculous!"

The faces of the other dozen gray robe old men became more and more ugly, and this Yuan Yuansi was so unbridled so far, and they became more and more incompetent. He watched several brothers die tragically under his sword, and could not help. x

They haven't tasted this feeling for many years, and now they feel it again, and they hate it more and more.

Chu Li sighed, "You won't save people anymore, I'm afraid it won't save you!"

"... Save people!" An old man in the gray robe gritted his teeth, and finally decided to save people first.

Chu Li smiled: "This is the big picture."

"Last name, we will count this account!" The old man in the gray robe gritted his teeth.

Chu Li smiled: "Okay, then take care of it."

Ten meters after he resigned, he signaled that he would not bother, but the old men in the gray robes did not care, and he felt the shame of Chu Li deeply.

They soon carried out the secret technique, Chu Li really did not bother, but closed his eyes, as if he was adjusting his breath and doing exercises, preparing for the next battle, but reassured the old men in gray robes.

Knowing that the use of mystery to save people is extremely energy-intensive, they can't help but never die. If it is true, the next death may be themselves, but they cannot be treated.

They left two old men on alert, and the rest were doing mystery. After a while, the sky was sullen and thunderous, and then lightnings fell and began to tremble, at the most critical time.

"Ah!" A gray robe old man growled.

He found that the mystery had no effect after the cast, as if the mud cow entered the sea, and the thunder entered the body, but did not respond at all, as if it hit the ground, and there was no vitality at all.

In this way, this mystery is regarded as a failure, and it is impossible to save the same brother.

Can't help yelling when disappointed.

"Ah!" A few more roars sounded, all of which were mysterious failures, and could not be saved.

They looked slumped and stared at Chu Li, their eyes covered with bloodshot as if dripping water, their angry eyes seemed to burn.

At this time, they were dull and knew that it was wrong. The problem lies with Chu Li. Chu Li killed Zheng Er with a special secret method, so he could not be saved by mystery and died completely.

They felt that Zheng Er's body was different, and their internal organs and brain were destroyed. What's more hateful is that without a breath of soul, they killed the soul and destroyed the soul.

From then on, the spirits disappeared, and they could not even enter reincarnation, and they completely disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

If the soul remains, after practicing to a very deep realm, you can practice mystery, which can trace the memories of previous lives, so death does not really disappear, but Zheng Er and them completely disappear.

This shows Chu Li's hate, they are angry.

Chu Li looked at them with a smile, and was already familiar with their secret technique, and sighed, "What is this secret technique?"

The old men in gray robes stared at him dead and said nothing.

Chu Li already knows that this is a resurrection of the sun, one of the most acute mysteries of the Celestial Wind Sect. It is passed down from ancient times, and the conditions for its use are extremely harsh, and it cannot be performed without sufficient cultivation.

And they all have a lot of talents to succeed, and most people do n’t even think about it.

Chu Li smiled, "Do you still want revenge?"

"We must kill you!" Said an old man in a gray robe.

He took a bead from his arms and raised it coldly: "Just hate us for being one step late!"

This bead is clear and clear, like an ice-carved bead, flashing an intimidating light, Chu Li feels a warm atmosphere, does not seem to have any power, but makes him feel strange.

He frowned, Shen said, "This is the one who restrained the sword!"

"A sun bead!" The old man in the gray robe said coldly: "Eliminate all evils, so is the Heavenly Sword!"

Chu Li smiled: "Very good!"

The crowd glared at Chu Li, and there was a sun bead. They were full of confidence. Even if Chu Li was killed, they could save their souls and be resurrected, so their hearts were filled with fear and anger again.

Chu Li slowly pulled out the magic sword, and said lightly, "Then how many swords you can bear!"

He cut it out with a knife, his figure disappeared with the sword of heaven, and the next moment appeared behind a gray robe old man.

The old man in the gray robe felt something strange, and when he wanted to dodge, the void was a coagulation. He was a bit delayed, and he was already in a different place.

Chu Li frowned and waved the knife, and killed the second gray robe old man, but sighed. This sun ball is indeed mysterious, and it can block the devour of the heavenly magic sword, and cannot swallow the soul of these people.

But even if they can't devour the soul, it doesn't matter to Chu Li. As long as they kill them, they can't perform the resurrection.

Moreover, as long as he built the runner tower, he could collect their souls into it, and what he would do with it at that time would be his heart. More importantly, he wanted to look through all the memories of the runner tower to penetrate the secret.

Once aware of this, the secret realm is the same as belonging to him, and can be fully used, so that the Feitianzong rises.

He wanted to slay while killing. The power of the Sky Sword became stronger after his soul was strengthened, and the sword cut directly across the void, killing a first-class without hindrance without giving the other party a chance to dodge.

"Go!" Suddenly a gray robe old man sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ body suddenly burst open.

"Bang!" The surrounding void oscillated. Even Chuli could not help but stagnate even if he had the sky magic, and his shape was forced back by invisible forces.

At the time of the retreat, the six gray robe old men had already shot out in two directions, and no shadows were seen instantly. The remaining two gray robe old men rushed up and "banged" again with two muffled sounds.

Chu Li was again sent out ten meters away by Zhen, but it was too late to chase after him. The most important thing was that a sun bead rolled down to the ground. One of the elders who self-exploded the gray robe took the bead.

Chu Li stepped forward to pick up a sun bead, the tentacles were warm, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in the hot spring, which was not comfortable.

However, he did not rush to study, put it into his arms, and quickly built nine runner towers to form the Jiuding Town Tian array, so as to isolate the surrounding array, and then stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down.

Qingyutan is still invisible. The invisible fog hinders the observation of Da Yuan Jing Zhi. The power of Da Yuan Jing Zhi in this invisible fog is greatly damaged.

He was not in a hurry to chase the six grey-paved old men who had escaped. It was no longer a threat. He entered the runner tower, looked at a dozen souls in the tower, sat on the site inside the tower, and began to perform mysteries. Soul memory.

The memory of thousands of years is pale, and the days are boring. Chu Li can not help but sigh. Such a life of ten thousand years is indeed not happy, but a kind of suffering and pain. Once the secret is opened, they are regarded as Got to understand.

They have been suffering for ten thousand years in the secret territory, and they have become a little crazy. They do not want to unify the Heaven Demon Realm for Tianfengzong, but simply vent their anger. Seeing this, Chu Li shook his head.

In this release, I don't know how many innocent people will die.

ps: After the update is completed, I feel ashamed to faceless, and the more anxious I can't write.


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