White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2522: competition

Lu Qingxue laughed: "If you can marry Mengyun, our two cases are alliances even if they are not alliances."

Chu Li shook her head: "Sister Qin is a good girl, but it's not for me."

"Why?" Lu Qingxue was surprised.

In her opinion, the two should be a natural fit, as long as you push it a little. Qin Mengyun is not only beautiful, but also elegant in appearance and temperament. No man can refuse.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed, "I don't care about men and women privately now."

Lu Qingxue frowned and looked at him with two eyes: "Is there someone in your heart?"

There was only one reason she could find.

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Yes, I already have the person I want, so I can't marry another woman."

"Who is it?" Lu Qingxue asked curiously.

Chu Li smiled and shook his head.

Lu Qingxue tilted his head and looked at him and said, "Depending on your current status, if you like it, you will marry directly. No one will object, unless this person is not in the Demon Realm, is it Ashura?"

Chu Li smiled: "No."

"Heaven?" Lu Qingxue asked.

Chu Li nodded slowly.

Lu Qingxue said: "In the words of heaven, there are many beautiful women, famous as Fu Caiwei, the new landlord of the bright future, and Tai Haofeng's Lu Yurong, Xiao Qi, are top beauty, but unfortunately they are all with Chu is indistinct, Yuansi, you have no chance. "

Chu Lidao: "Does the sovereign know about this Chu Li?"

"Great Wizard, the second Song Wuji." Lu Qingxue frowned. "The threat to us is also great, but fortunately, he didn't have the idea of ​​coming to the demon world, otherwise it could really set off a **** storm."

Chu Li smiled: "He has a relationship with Fu Caiwei?"

"As far as I know, the two are somewhat ambiguous." Lu Qingxue slowly said: "Chu Li focused on the trouble of finding Song Wuji, so he focused on cultivation and didn't know much about common affairs."

Chu Li said: "He really wants to break into our heavenly realm, how to deal with it?"

"Only a few cases can join hands." Lu Qingxue said: "Fortunately, many secret realms are out now, and the strength of our heavenly magic realm will become stronger and stronger, even if Song Wuji comes over, he is not afraid."

Chu Li smiled: "Are you really afraid of Song Wuji?"

Lu Qingxue sighed: "Even if you can stop him, you will have to pay a great price ... but you can't always watch him raging. Although the heavens and men are selfish and indifferent, their understanding is good, and there are often amazing talents. . "

Chu Li Anshu breathed a sigh of relief, finally set off the topic, hugged his fist and said: "Seniors still think about it, leave first!"

He said that he would not wait for Lu Qingxue to say anything else and disappeared directly.

Lu Qingxue shook her head and smiled.

She then turned to look at the void, and said lightly, "Silly girl!"

Qin Mengyun appeared from the void, his white clothes were like snow, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood, his eyes were red, and tears almost fell.

Lu Qingxue said, "Sad?"


Lu Qingxue laughed: "What can be sad about this, he has someone in his heart, but have you ever heard of which woman he is close to?"

"... No." Qin Mengyun shook her head.

Lu Qingxue said: "That's it, men are fancy."

"Master, what does this mean?" Qin Mengyun asked with a tilted head.

Lu Qingxue hummed, "Isn't he not married, as long as you don't get married, you have a chance."

"But he ..." Qin Mengyun raised her eyebrows.

Lu Qingxue shook her head with a smile and said, "Although emotional issues cannot be reluctant, but always try, I think he is reliable. If you can really marry him, you can be assured as a teacher."

Qin Mengyun hummed, "Since he doesn't like it, then forget it!"

Lu Qingxue smiled: "Stop talking about him, you should retreat into a secret place."

"... Master." Qin Mengyun hesitated: "Are we really not in alliance with Feitianzong?"

"As a teacher, I really want to alliance with him, Yuan Si is reliable," Lu Qingxue frowned, and said slowly, "but Feitianzong ..."

She shook her head and sighed: "The strength is too weak, and the alliance is no different from the alliance. Instead, it will be affected by the Feitianzong, and then the shameless ancestors will be seen as a teacher."

She is cautious and not optimistic about Feitianzong's strength.

As the lord of the Butterfly Dance Sect, she knows too many secrets, knows more about Devouring the Heavenly Sect and Dameng Zong, and knows their heritage and strength.

Tianzong ’s strength is the most powerful, but the suzerain and the top master are destroyed by Chu Li, but now Tianzong ’s secret master is enough to make up for this shortcoming. Tianzong ’s secret master is not Tianfengzong ’s. The secret master is enough to entangle Chu Li, and then the remaining disciples of Tianzong are enough to destroy the entire Flying Sect. After a hard battle, Flying Sect will no longer exist.

If the Butterfly Dance Sect is in alliance with the Flying Sect, Devour Sect will never mind taking down the Butterfly Dance Sect.

Qin Mengyun said: "I think Brother Yun is unfathomable ..."

"Yes, he is unfathomable, but he can't stop all the secret masters of Tianzong." Lu Qingxue shook his head and sighed: "So I can only proceed with caution and think about it as a teacher."

"So there is still hope for the alliance?" Qin Mengyun busyly said.

Lu Qingxue lightly jaws: "As long as he is strong enough, like Song Wuji."

Qin Mengyun frowned and sighed.

Song Wuji was a wizard who emerged every millennium. Although Yuan Yuansi was also a Wizard, he might not be able to compare to Song Wuji.

"Lord Zong, Master Qin!" A loud laugh sounded suddenly.

Qin Mengyun Dai Mei frowned and sank her jade face ~ www.readwn.com ~ Murong Qiu stared coldly.

Murong Qiuquan looked at her deeply, and the drunken color was undisguised, and then she looked at Lu Qingxue and laughed: "Lord Zong, the junior is rude."

"What is your son Murong doing here?" Lu Qingxue said lukewarmly.

Murong Qiu laughed: "I represent Zong Men, and I want to form an alliance with Butterfly Dance Sect, and fight against the other sects together."

"Which sects are you fighting?" Lu Qingxue asked, "Willn't it be Tianzong and Damengzong?"

"... Exactly." Murong Qiu laughed. "They have the secret and they must dominate the world. We are all roadblocks and will be cleared by them, so we can only form an alliance to protect ourselves."

"Well ..." Lu Qingxue groaned.

Qin Mengyun hummed, "Can you represent the magic sword sect?"

"This is nature." Murong Qiu proudly laughed: "Sister Qin, I retreat this time and practiced Yu Tianjian!"

He said, pinching his fingers with his right hand and pointing a finger not far away.

"Alas!" A cold light shot from his back, flashing and passing Chu Li from the stone wall he had previously hit. A dagger was already shot into the stone wall, leaving only one hilt gently trembling.

"Yu Tianjian!" Lu Qingxue raised his eyebrows and lightened his jaw: "It really is Yu Tianjian!"

Murong Qiu held a grinning smile: "How can young people lie and lie?"

He laughed: "How is Bi Xi Yuan Si?"

Qin Mengyun sneered: "Big brother Ye is the master!"

"Oh ... he really listened well, but ..." Murong Qiu shook his head. "He is very young, and even if he is very strong in martial arts, it is difficult to convince the public and he cannot be the master!"

He snorted again: "I'll go to Feitianzong in a moment to support the brothers, don't let Feitianzong's old guys bully him!"

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