White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2537: Startled

In a runner tower, Soul Lotus's body slowly opened her eyes, Chu Li woke up, stretched her neck and twisted her waist, feeling a touch of sourness.

When the mind moved, the aura flowed, and the blink of an eye drove away this astringent feeling, and resumed the normal operation.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, slowly got up and stood up, glanced around, still in his runner tower, the situation is no different from his previous departure, no enemy invasion.

This made him relieved. When outside the sky, he was always worried that the Jiuding Town Tianzhen was not working, was broken, and then broke into the army to destroy his soul lotus body. Then he would give up all his efforts and start from scratch. Importantly, Xiao Qi will also be in distress.

Dayuan Jing Zhi looked around, his face was so calm.

He found no trace of Xiao Qi.

If Xiao Qi is there, even if he can't see it, Da Yuan Jing can't see it, there will be induction. The two's induction is not limited to space, and can be sensed from any distance, except at the beginning.

But now, Xiao Qi's existence is not found, just like when he first entered this sky.

At that time, Xiao Qi was pregnant with hidden treasures and cut off all induction.

He smiled immediately.

He thought it was Xiao Qi's prudence that he always took the treasure, so that no one could trace her over the sky in Jiuding Town.

But his smile disappeared quickly. Dayuan Jingzhi and induction did not find her. It must have been an accident. This is an intuition. Xiao Qi must have run into a powerful opponent and could only escape.

She was afraid to lead people here, so she led her opponent alone.

What's more worrying is that he doesn't know whether Xiao Qi is dead or alive, or whether it is completely dissipated in the heavens and the earth, so he can't sense it, or he can't sense it because he wears the treasure.

He was anxious, his thoughts changed rapidly.

A flash of light disappeared, then appeared on top of a mountain, Yangtianxiao.

The howling sounded like a thunder, rolling away, like a dark cloud, endless, and spread far away.

He was standing on the top of the mountain in a white robe, standing up against the wind, with one hand behind him, thinking about Xiao Qi, but Dayuan Jingzhi looked around. There was already a runner tower not far from here, but Jiuding Town Tianda Array.

When he was unknowingly, many runner towers had been arranged on this floor, and they were hidden by the matrix method. Non-matrix masters could not find their existence. Through these runner towers, his soul power was unknown. Unconscious enhancement.

Even if the soul is injured, it will soon nourish.

A few moments later, as he expected, four middle-aged men fluttered, with elegant and pleasant movements. Even the rough and bold men still felt polite, like the jade tree under the moonlight.

This auspicious power is indeed mysterious and the change of temperament is most significant. The disciples of these four auspicious ancestors all look warm and kind, and do not want to be rivals, but they do not know that they are merciless.

The four middle-aged men are rough-looking, burly and gracefully float to Chu Li.

One of the square-faced middle-aged men yelled, "But the boy is Chu Li?"

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Where is Xiao Qi?"

"Dead!" Fanglian middle-aged hummed. "Just kill you now!"

Chu Li's face hummed slightly: "ridiculous!"

He stared at him, his face changed dramatically.

Seeing from their minds, Xiao Qi was indeed dead.

He originally intended to draw out the disciples of Jixiang Zong, and then killed them and shook off the shock, so that Xiao Qi knew that he was returning and let her find herself. She could not find Xiao Qi.

But he never expected that what he saw was Xiao Qi's bad news!

His eyes suddenly turned red, the blood in his eyes rose and cracked, and blood was faintly flowing out of the corners of the eyes, staring at the four.

The four of them were glared by his blood-red eyes, his face changed slightly, and his heart became cold, knowing that Chu Li was crazy, but he was helpless, why did Chu Li believe his words so much!

"You **** it!" Chu Li took a deep breath and said slowly, his eyes blinked suddenly, then all the out-of-phase disappeared, his eyes became warm again, and his voice calmed down.

Four chills were even worse. They were busy fighting for the attack, and the eight palms fluttered lightly, not giving Chu Li an escape.

"Bang, bang, bang ..." Chu Li shot up at the four men in a vacant nether sword.

The four were busy resisting, but the strength of the sword became stronger and stronger, and the four gradually couldn't resist.

"Oh!" Jian Qi shot through their arms and shoulders, then their chests.

The bright flashing light shone, covering their bodies, but the body's suffocation was crumbling under the attack of the sword gas, like a candle remaining in the wind, which would disappear at any time. They secretly complained but could not do anything.

I ca n’t do mystiques, the sword-like qi like storms will not give them time to breathe, endless, inexplicably giving up despair, it seems that they will never be able to deal with these sword qi, and will be killed sooner or later.

"Uh ..." In the moaning sound, the two middle-aged men fell down and their swords were already in their hearts. After all, the suffocation of the body guard could not bear the sword's anger that killed the sky and died directly.

The remaining two were shocked, their hands and feet were suddenly scattered, and then the sword air penetrated their internal organs, and several round holes appeared on their bodies, slowly falling down, and the air became quiet for a moment.

Chu Li coldly glanced at them, staring into the distance.

Xiao Qi died for more than a month. It is reasonable to say that she has her own jade card body ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if she dies, she will protect her soul and enter the runner tower, but she just couldn't sense her soul. This shows that Jixiang Zong had a superior person and directly destroyed her soul.

Thinking of this, his heart was like a knife, and his mind was blank, I didn't know how to face it.

He never thought about what would happen without Xiao Qi. The position of Xiao Qi in her heart was definitely not comparable to that of Sun Mingyue and Lu Yurong. She existed in the place of peace of mind and the world with her.

I never thought that Xiao Qi would leave him first, and sometimes I turned away immediately, but I did n’t dare to think about it, but after all, the day came, he was at a loss, and his heart was in a state of pain, sadness, or despair. .

The reason why he practiced the Jizo Scriptures and built the runner tower and couldn't save Xiao Qi's soul was a great irony to him.

"Ah-!" He roared to the sky, crying.

His body flickered, and the next moment he appeared in a city, in a magnificent mansion, and the sound of silk and bamboo, as well as the gentle and melodious singing voice, haha ​​laughed from time to time.

Chu Li flashed into the mansion and immediately mobilized the guards. The six elders rushed from all over, but they were greeted by the violent sword qi, which was like the fierce sword qi, which made them retreat in horror and sent out. Roar, summoning the other guards to help.

In the blink of an eye, twenty guards surrounded Chu Li, and the fluttering palm shadows swept the sky and surrounded Chu Li tightly.

Chu Li, however, didn't care about these palms, but just desperately urged the swordless spirit of forgetfulness, pain in his heart, but another cold and calm, the sword spirit was attacking their weakness.

"Uh-huh ..." The muffled humming sounded endlessly, and the guards fell down one by one, and another one came up to make up, even if he couldn't beat him, he would be killed.

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