White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2551: Silence

Xiao Qi couldn't wait any longer to think about the restraint without the sword. He quickly walked over to the bookshelf and quickly looked at those books. It took more than an hour to turn over the books on the four bookshelves.

She took off the veil on her face, and her sweet smile exuded a moving light, which brightened the hall by two points, which was too beautiful to look at.

Chu Li looked at her smile and felt happy, and said with a smile: "How?"

"In addition to the original collection of books, there are also some rare auspicious books." Xiao Qi laughed: "both rare secrets and notes, very precious!"

She pouted and laughed: "This time they must be so distressed, ... are there more?"

"All in the corner of the third floor is here." Chu Li smiled. "The rest is not so important."

Xiao Qi sighed: "You are the boss of them! ... There are not only martial arts secrets, but also some anecdotes, all of which are unheard of."

Chu Lidao said: "That's right, I need these to understand the world."

"This world ..." Xiao Qi showed a dignified look, and sighed: "It is much bigger, more complicated, and more dangerous than Tian Wai Tian and the Nether. Although our martial arts are strong, we are not invincible."

Chu Lidao said: "There is no invincible martial art in the world, I understand."

Xiao Qi shook his head gently and said, "Tai Shangfeng is also considered a first-rate sect, and Jixiang sect is also at this level, but these are not top-level forces, they are just a subordinate force."

Chu Lidao said: "The north is extremely chaotic. What is it?"

"No one can figure this out." Xiao Qi frowned. "In short, the grievances and entanglements often occur. Things like annihilation often occur, and blood feuds cannot be resolved, so they must be beaten from generation to generation."

Chu Litan sighed, "Isn't there a stronger force to dominate the North?"

"No." Xiao Qi shook her head gently and said, "Auspicious and Zongxi are both the veins of the Buddhist gate, while Taishangfeng is the vein of the Taomen. The gate of the Buddha has Da Ci'en Temple, the gate of the gate has Lei Xiaofeng, and it is not connected to Fanchen. Ignore the gates below. "

Chu Liheng whispered: "So it is the result of their indulgence."

He heard the cause and effect at a glance. Daci'en Temple and Lei Xiaofeng are super sects. The two giants just ignored the grievances of the younger brothers below. If there is a psychological understanding, how can we not restrain ourselves and reduce friction and slaughter.

Xiao Qi said: "Although Taishangfeng is the root of Taoism, it was created by Lei Xiaofeng's abandonment, so there is nothing to do with Lei Xiaofeng."

Chu Li sighed: "It seems that Auspicious Zong dare to destroy Tai Shangfeng is also a bit hesitant."

"What they just performed should be Jingle Shenguang." Xiao Qi groaned. "It is said that the Jiyue Sutra of Jixiang Zong is the only method inherited from Da Ci'en Temple. All the martial arts of Jixiang Zong come from here, and Jinge God The magical power that can only be exerted to a certain level when the solitary scriptures are practiced. I did not expect that someone from Jixiang Zong has actually practiced this step, it is a kind of Buddha! "

Chu Lidao said: "Silence, joy, light ..."

Suddenly he felt the name familiar, and then he saved it and laughed, "What's the connection with the light of silence?"

"The Light of Silence is actually the Light of Silence," Xiao Qi said, "It is the magical power of the Silence Sutra, which is different from the Silence Sutra. The Silence Sutra should be the true scripture of the town temple of Sheshen Temple. Come on, it is said that after the monks of Sheshen Temple cultivated into the magical power of annihilation, even after the death, the relics still contain annihilation and power.

"Supernatural power ..." Chu Li shook his head and smiled bitterly.

There are countless supernatural powers, but it is extremely difficult to practice. The gates like King Kong Monastery have only a few supernatural powers. The ten-time Buddhist dharma can be described as a marvelous work. I did not expect that this level of heaven is so easy to cultivate superpowers.

Xiao Qi said: "Don't practice with the magical powers of Buddhism. It is much harder than you think. The swordless classic is not a magical power, but a Taoist magical power."

Chu Li sighed: "So, Jixiang Zong can restrain without a sword."

Xiao Qi nodded gently: "Let's think about it simple, and think that we have picked up the auspicious sects after practicing without a sword!"

She squeezed her red lips tightly and Daimei frowned.

Chu Lidao said: "That can only be used to deepen the flames without the sword, to see if they can survive them ... the auspicious flowers have to be taken, and the **** of refining, we need to practice well."

Although Taishangfeng has no sword, but there is no auspicious flower to enhance the spirit, and no magical skill such as refining the gods to enhance the soul, so the swordless scripture is difficult to practice, unless it is a talented stranger.

Even if the soul is as powerful as Chu Li, it is difficult to pass the test of bamboo slips, not to mention others.

He estimated that Taishangfeng did not understand why he could not practice the Swordless Sect. He only thought that it was due to the incompatibility of his qualifications. If he really found out the reason, he believed that he could find a spirit-enhancing spell.

"Um." Xiao Qi nodded gently.

She only has such a killer now, she can't beat Jixiang, after all, it is still empty, and she may be killed by Jixiang.

"How about you?" Xiao Qi whispered softly.

She knows the situation of Chu Li, the soul is too strong, and the body cannot bear it, so she must limit the enhancement of the soul. Otherwise, she may lose her life outside the sky once she leaves here.

Chu Li thought for a while: "No problem."

Xiao Qi tilted his head and looked at him.

Chu Li smiled: "I have an idea to see if it can be realized."

Xiao Qi said: "Is there a way to restrain the soul too strong?"

"Let's try it," Chu Li said.

Xiao Qi knew at first glance that he was risking: "Be careful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chu Li smiles.

He was sitting on a couch, and Xiao Qi was not far away. The two of them were in the valley unique to the auspicious lord Yan Yuanchu.

In front of Chu Li was a small tower carved from white jade, the size of a palm, exquisite and exquisite. The tower was covered with dense seals, strange ancients, exuding white light, as if there was light shining on it.

Xiao Qi stared at Chu Li, feeling his breath carefully, feeling that his breath was getting weaker and weaker. Unlike the movement of the void, the body was there, the breath was also there, but it was much bleak, more importantly, she was in Baiyu Tower Shang felt the breath of Chu Li, like another Chu Li.

Chu Li slowly opened his eyes, and the white jade tower still emited hazy white light.

Xiao Qi was surprised: "What is this?"

"Divided magic" Chu departed.

Xiao Qi frowned and said, "What kind of magic in the auspicious mystery?"

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Although it's just a scrap, it makes perfect sense."

"You ..." Xiao Qi glanced at him disappointedly but helplessly.

This is a fragment, incomplete, and involves the soul art, no one dares to take risks easily, more importantly, this divine magic has no power, it is a mental method included in the double art.

The avatar technique is only a legendary technique. I have never heard anyone practice it.

Chu Li smiled: "I'm not doing it, it's just enough, and I don't expect it to be like distraction."

"Well ..." Xiao Qi shook his head lightly: "You should go down now, right?"

"I'll give it a try." Chu Li smiled. "Come back later, focus on refining the gods. Wait for me to return to Jixiang Zong to settle accounts."

Xiao Qi nodded.

Chu Liwei narrowed his eyes, then his breath converged, and he bowed his head.

The white jade tower flickered slightly.

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