White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2586: Law number

Chu Li stunned, and then stunned.

The monk Huiguang had an excellent relationship with He Jin. Obviously, he learned from Xiao Jin about Xiao Qi's news. He knew that Xiao Qi was going to be in retreat for a hundred years. Then, he guessed Chu Li's thoughts, worked hard for 100 years, and then continued the front.

Chu Li groaned silently.

Huiguang monk Shen said: "If you can't really cut off the dust, you should still be a disciple!"

Chu Li sighed, "Master, if I break the precept, what punishment will I have?"

Huiguang monk said: "Abolition of martial arts, expulsion from the temple! ... At that time, ordinary students can not do it."

What he said was very clear. Rather than being expelled from the temple in the future, he might as well be a disciple of the home, be able to come and go, and stay with his wife.

Chu Lidao said: "If the martial arts are abolished, I will practice it again, will the temple be held accountable?"

The Huiguang monk smiled and shook his head, "You thought you would abandon your martial arts in the temple, and you can still practice it? Naive!"

Chu Li frowned.

The monk Huiguang hummed: "The use of martial arts in the temple is a mystery, and it is impossible to rebuild them completely. Besides, deep martial arts require deep Buddhist dharma. Perseverance, Dharma cannot be achieved, and martial arts cannot be practiced in depth. "

Chu Li smiled: "If that's the case, why can I cultivate Tianertong?"

Huiguang monk frowned.

This is exactly what he couldn't understand, and it was also incomprehensible to the monks in the temple.

Theoretically speaking, Chu Centrifugal has fetters and obstacles. It should be that the spiritual platform is not clean, the mind is not empty, it is impossible to enter the deep state of Zen, and it is impossible to practice and obtain magical powers.

However, he will be able to cultivate magical powers for a year, breaking their common sense and old rules, making them all feel strange, and knowing that Chu Li has also become a magical foot power, and even surprised them.

Many monks outside the Daci'en Temple have two supernatural powers, and even several supernatural powers, but they have often cultivated for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. The heart has been removed, and the pearl of the heart is bright. There are many supernatural powers in the stature.

Chu Li, however, is quite different, with a beautiful wife and strong emotions, which is the opposite of seeing through and being liberated. How can two supernatural powers be achieved?

It can only be said that he was born in a monastery from an early age, maybe a reincarnation of a monk came, and he was full of wisdom.

Chu Lidao said, "Master, I have no problem in practicing Dharma."

"This ..." The monk Huiguang hesitated and did not want to hurt Chu Li.

He faintly felt that Chu Li was in Hongchen and had a beautiful wife, but he still had such a deep understanding of the Dharma. It can only be said that he has a deep Buddha nature and is far superior to ordinary people. It is likely that as the predecessors said, the reincarnation of the great monk Come.

It is difficult to get magical power without seeing Hongchen and life and death. This is an unquestionable thing. You can see and have both. This kind of mentality is not something you can do. You can only admire it.

However, if you admire it, you still cannot violate the temple rules. If you really want to break the precepts, you must abolish martial arts, and if you are serious, you will be expelled from the temple.

The abolition of martial arts is inevitable, and the expulsion from the temple depends on the serious consequences.

In order to make Chu Li retreat, he said more seriously.

However, Chu Li ’s qualifications are very good, and it is an upper root organ. Once he has a profound Dharma, the practice of martial arts in Da Ci'en Temple will inevitably advance by a thousand miles, and he can practice to the deepest depths.

Once practicing, he must be a top master, and he really can't bear to hinder.

"Stop it!" The monk Huiguang sighed, he shouted in the direction of the temple inside Daci'en Temple, muttered in his mouth, seemed to confess his sins, and looked up at Chu Li after half a while: "Today only says today Fate is impermanent, and who knows it well. If you want to keep the ring, then shave it! "

"Thank you, Master!" Chu Li smiled.

The monk Huiguang sighed: "I hope he will not regret such a decision in the future!"

Chu Li smiled, "Master will never regret it!"

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The monk Huiguang was in harmony, with a solemn expression.


Inside the main hall of the outer temple, before the huge Buddha statue.

Chu Li knelt on a futon, his eyes narrowed, motionless.

There are nearly a hundred old monks standing on either side, all with solemn and solemn expressions, like a Buddha statue. There are more than 200 middle-aged monks standing outside the hall, and there are more than a hundred young monks behind them.

The monk Huiguang stood in front of him, standing next to Sha Midingming.

The handsome Dingming held a small sandalwood incense plate in his hands, his expression was so calm.

Under the observations of the old monks, the monk Huiguang first recited the seven precepts of Da Ci'en Temple, and then asked Chu Li: "May I hold precepts?"

"Yes." Chu Li answered respectfully.

"Today's troubles are removed, but red dust is cut off!" The monk of Huiguang gently wiped Chu Li from the top of his head, his hair fell, and a bright bald head appeared. people.

The monk Huiguang stretched out his hands and offered a fragrant dish, burning three thick incense sticks.

The monk Huiguang held up three thick incense sticks, first turned around and worshiped the statue, then turned back and pressed on top of Chu Li's head.

Chu Li felt a splitting headache, like three nails coming in.

He frowned, but remained motionless, knowing that the three incenses were weird and definitely different from ordinary incense.

Ordinary incense sticks will not leave marks on their heads, and there will be no pain.

The monk Huiguang picked up three thick incense sticks, and three black spots had appeared on the top of Chu Li's head ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"Chu Li, I will give you the law today. I hope your heart will be as it is, so don't be distracted!" Said the monk Huiguang Shen.

"Thank you, Master."

Monk Huiguang picked up a gray monk robe from the incense tray next to him.

Chu Li got up.

The monk Huiguang wore a gray monk robe on him, Chu Li took the opportunity to cover it, covered the white robe, the gray monk robe was simple, and Chu Li had a bald head and scars prominent, coupled with the rustic gray monk robe, has a unique temperament.

The grey monk robe was worn on him without any trace of inconsistency, as if he was born to wear the monk robe.

The monk Huiguang said, "Dingru, after today, you are a disciple of Da Ci'en Temple, walking around the world, and holding on to the precepts everywhere. If you break the precepts, you have your own temple rule!"

"Yes, Master!" Chu Lihe said.

Huiguang monk Heshi salutes everyone: "Thank you all for your testimony!"

"Amitabha ..." The old monks Hexuan Buddhism said, his voice was low and solemn.

Chu Li courted everyone.

A tall and old monk with a white eyebrow and a childlike face, slowly came to Chuli and said gently, "Dingru, you have a deep Buddha nature.

"Yes, abbot." Chu Lihe even said.

This old monk, with a sacred heart, was hosted by Da Ci'en Temple, but he did not know how to martial arts.

Huiguang monk said: "Abbot, I will bring Dingru into the inner temple for spiritual practice today."

"... and outside the temple." Xin Ji abiding said slowly: "Live there at the Tian Xin Yuan."

Hui Guang hesitated.

Xinji smiled and said, "Dingru is a Buddhism seed. Even if you practice martial arts with Huiguang, you still have to focus on the Dharma."

"... Yes." The Huiguang monk nodded helplessly.

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