White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2609: City owner

At this time it was twilight, and the wild fields were shrouded in mist.

At the beginning of the city's Chinese lanterns, the city's main house and the restaurants under their feet were all bright.

Ding Jian's chubby face was full of solitude.

Ding Shi Shen said: "Seeing our news, the city's main government did not act at all, and it was not alert. It is abnormal!"

As soon as the signal from the elder brother was issued, it indicated that there was enemy invasion and that the whole city was required to be on guard, but now it is better. The lights in the city's main house are bright, and the sound of silk bamboo and gentle songs are heard, and there is no warning.

"It's too wrong." Ding Jian said in a deep voice.

Chu Li's eyes were slightly coagulated, and Tianyantong was displayed again, and scenes appeared in his mind.

He took a deep breath and said, "Brother, second brother, there is something wrong with the owner!"

"Impossible!" Both shook their heads.

They are not fools. All the masters of Nebula Island retreated. When they reoccupied Taicheng Zhenhai City, they had already made a careful investigation. The city's main government house was innocent and impeccable.

At that time, the inexplicable fall of Taidong Zhenhai City was the only lasting result. Let them be certain that there would be internal traitors in Taidong Zhenhai City. Otherwise, it would not be possible to silently break the Zhenhai City's large array, even if Wan Ziyang was close.

Any break character who wants to break this large array will send a huge movement, thus awakening the masters in the city.

Passing the formation method silently, there is only one possibility. There is a traitor who destroys the formation method from the city!

They screened the masters in the city like a sieve, especially the masters of the city, and they checked again and again. Even the masters of the city did not let it go. Except for a few missing masters, they did not find any problems.

Apparently, those traitors had taken the opportunity to get away and not give them the opportunity to retaliate.

Chu Li slowly said: "There is indeed a problem with the city master ... the two brothers, Brother and Brother, don't believe it, but they can't help it."

"... Yes, I would rather believe in it than in it." Ding Jian said in a deep voice.

Dingshi said: "Do n’t you directly control the master of the city? ... brother, this is not a trivial matter, in case he is wronged or he cannot find the handle, our reputation at Dacien Temple will be damaged!"

The owner of the city is not an ordinary master. I really blame him for it. The consequence is not that the two of them can afford it, but the master of Da Ci'en Temple only has them, but he cannot help but decide.

He turned to look at Chu Li.

Chu Li Road said: "Second Brother, I believe Tianyantong!"

Ding Shi silently.

He also believed in Tianyantong, and the three masters wouldn't tell lies, but the most important thing is to find a handle. Otherwise, they believe in Tianyantong but others don't.

"It's important, let's stop before talking!" Ding Jian said in a deep voice.

Chu Li nodded gently: "This city owner is also a top master."

"The three of us went together, and we won even the best!" Ding Jian hummed.

Chu Li nodded.

"Go!" Ding Jian floated downstairs and went directly to the city's mansion. There was no need to guard him to enter the newspaper and walk straight in.

Chu Li and Ding Shi followed behind him.

The three went straight to the reception hall of the city's main house, and the sound of silk bamboo and soft and charming singing became clearer.

Chu Li lowered his voice: "The two main guards of the city owner are also top masters, and they are also the handles!"

"Master of Nebula Island?" Ding Shi busy.

Chu Li shook his head gently and said, "Not Nebula Island."

"That's ...?" Ding Shi asked.

Chu Li sighed, "I have never seen the martial arts they performed before, but it is definitely not Xingyun Island."

Ding Jian whispered: "If the master of the city is in control first, if there is something wrong with you, the third master will stop you, and the second master will help me to capture the master!"

"Yes." Chu Lihe even.

The sound of silk bamboo and soft singing became more and more clear, and they had already come outside the hall.

The four guards in black were standing straight on the steps, looking down at the three, and then one turned and picked the curtain into the hall.

Chu Li doesn't have to look through his eyes. The situation inside Dayuan Jingzhi has been clearly seen.

There is a handsome, middle-aged man sitting on the seat just north of the road. The long sacral under the jaw adds a bit of singularity, a bit of immortality, is touching the eyes with closed eyes, a look of intoxication, It was Lin Zhaodong, the city's owner, who was completely immersed in the singing of the beautiful woman in the middle of the hall.

The two middle-aged middle-aged men standing behind him narrowed their eyes, as if they had fallen asleep, turning a deaf ear to the soft singing.

The graceful woman in the middle of the hall is long and slender, her face is covered with white veil, only the delicate and delicate jaw is exposed, and Tankou spit out a beautiful and pleasant voice, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Chu Li has Tianertong, which is extremely sensitive to the sound. The same sound he hears is hundreds of times richer than ordinary people. Therefore, he enjoys the beautiful voice more. The beauty of this woman's voice is truly amazing.

He didn't hear any traces of spiritual power from his voice. It was pure voice that was fascinating, not the lucky charm that used charm.

Dayuan Jingzhi has already observed the woman's appearance and she is beautiful. Although not as stunning as Xiao Qi and Lu Yurong, she is a rare beauty. She covered herself with white veil and added a little temptation.

In addition to this slender and graceful woman in the hall, there are six middle-aged women playing, and the rest are some masters sitting in a couple of shorts, filled with wine, meat and fruits, and the abundance is abnormal.

Apparently they were cheering wildly.

A guard in black clothes came lightly to the main body of the city ~ www.readwn.com ~ A middle-aged man in a gray robe blocked him. Caught a whisper in the ear of the city owner.

After hearing this, the city owner opened his squinted eyes and slowly nodded, "Just let them in."

He slaps, interrupts the singing and the sound of the silk bamboo, and laughs: "Heroes, the three masters of Da Ci'en Temple are here. Let's drink here, but the two masters are inspecting. It's really hard!"

Everyone smiled and nodded.

He Jin sat at the bottom of the head and smiled, "The two masters acted earnestly and admiredly, but unfortunately the precepts were in the body, and it was inconvenient to invite each other."

"The poor monk came here and swept everyone's interest and sin!" Ding Jian monk said loudly, the gray monk robe fluttered, and Ding Shi and Chu Li entered slowly.

He Jin laughed and said, "It's hard work."

A ritual of steadfastness, nonstop, still walking towards the city owner: "The duty lies, the city owner, the poor monk have a matter of conflict."

"Oh-?" Lin Zhaodong, the city's owner, said with a grin, "Master Dingjian, please."

Ding Jian took another step forward, and a middle-aged man in a gray robe stepped forward to block it.

Ding Jian frowned at him and looked at Lin Zhaodong, the city's owner.

Lin Zhaodong waved his hand and laughed, "Zihua, don't make such a fuss, how can Master Dingjian not do me good?"

Ding Jian said: "The owner of the city is a matter of great importance, or it is not appropriate to preach, it is about the matter of Nebula Island."

"Master, please." Lin Zhaodong beckoned.

The monk Dingjian stepped forward, glancing at the middle-aged gray man, and whispered in Lin Zhaodong's ear, "City Lord, Nebula Island is making a comeback, it is likely to have been mixed in the city!"

"Uh-?" Lin Zhaodong looked at him in surprise.

The monk Dingjian looked somber and nodded firmly.

"Don't dare to come again!" Lin Zhaodong lowered his face and stroked a moan.

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