White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2666: Meet again

Chu Li nodded helplessly: "To save one's life is to build a seven-level floating slaughter, okay, let me try it, but there are so many masters in the world, especially the masters of the sea islands, such as clouds, I may not be well-protected."

"Just do your best, and look at her fate."

Chu Lihe even reciprocated, and got up and said, "I'll pass."

"Wait a moment." Huicheng monk said.

Chu Li looked at him.

The monk Huicheng took a string of beads from her arms and handed it to Chu Li: "This is my token."

Chu Li smiled and accepted.

He knew that the beads were treasures, and wearing them had the effect of calming the mind and soul, and he said that he was a token, which was actually a gift to himself. He also accepted it frankly. Compared with the efforts he had to give, the beads were precious, but It's nothing.

The monk Huicheng sought himself, not because he cultivated in depth, but because of Tianyantong. With Tianyantong, he can know the good luck and avoid evil, in order to protect Lu Zhu's comprehensiveness.

The monk Huicheng was deeply gifted.

Chu Li also withdrew from the Xingxinyuan after a ceremony.


The next moment Chu Li appeared on top of a mountain, standing in front of a fence outside a thatched hut, looking at Luzhu who was bending down to scrawl.

Lu Zhu was wearing a coarse shirt, such as a wooden clog inserted into the hairpin of the hairpin, and both the pearl clam and the precious jade were put away. Although this wooden clog was also of great value, it revealed a bit of simplicity and beauty, and it had faded out of its gorgeousness and nobility.

Suddenly she looked up and saw Chu Li standing there, wiping the sweat on her forehead, lowering her **** and approaching, opened the fence door and hummed, "Come in."

Chu Li smiled together.

The gray monk robe hunted, he slowly entered the fence gate, stepped on the gravel path to the cottage, and Lu Zhu made a cup of tea and handed him: "How can you come here, Master Ding?"

Chu Li said: "Girl Lu, you should have guessed."

"... Brother Zhou, is he okay?" Lu Zhu hesitated, his red lips moved slightly, and after a few clicks, he finally found the courage to ask.

Chu Li smiled: "Master Huicheng has been punished to face the wall of the heartwashing center for hundreds of years. Whether it is punishment or opportunity, can he realize the magical power? The further development of the Dharma depends on his own fortune."

Lu Zhushu breathed a sigh of relief, slowly nodded, her beautiful face smiled.

Chu Li said: "Girl Lu will have to wait for Master Huicheng for 100 years?"

"Yes," Lu Zhu said softly, "we said yes, if he doesn't die, he will return to the vulgar, and he will grow old with me."

There was a sweet smile on her face, and her eyes were full of longing.

Chu Li smiled: "Hundred years of time flicked my fingers, a lover finally became a family member, gratifying and congratulating, Master Huicheng could not rest assured that you are safe, girl Lu, let me come to protect you."

"Brother Zhou is still thinking of me ..." Lu Zhu Yan smiled.

Chu Li nodded gently.

Lu Zhudao: "Actually, Brother Zhou needn't worry. I'm alone now, without any concerns, and I'm completely cut off from Fenglie Island, and there is no grudge, who will deal with me."

Chu Li shook his head: "You said it, but how can you break the family relationship, others want to deal with the landlord, you are the best weakness."

Lu Zhudao: "No one knows where I am."

Chu Li smiled and said: "Girl Lu is too naive? There are so many strange people in the world, it is not difficult to find you."

"Then I have no place to stay?" Lu Zhu frowned.

Chu Li nodded: "Still stay at Fenglie Island."

"Impossible!" Lu Zhu said flatly.

She was extremely embarrassed by Lu Junshan. If it was not for the tiger's seal, how could Brother Zhou commit suicide? It is not as if the monk has great magical power, and it will make Brother Zhou come back to life.

Chu Li sighed: "For Master Huicheng not to worry, girl Lu should return to Fenglie Island."

"I will never go back again." Lu Zhu shook his head slightly.

Seeing her firm, Chu Li felt helpless, and sighed, "Well, then, I wouldn't force Barry Lu anymore, then go to Da Ci'en Temple."

Lu Zhuheng said, "Can Daci'en Temple enter a woman?"

Chu Lidao said: "You can live outside Da Ci'en Temple."

"How did Brother Brother get on with himself that week? No way." Lu Zhu shook his head gently and whispered: "Master Ding, I have a good idea for you, I don't care, I have my own way."

"Girl Lu, your whole body is nothing more than the protection of Fenglie Island, isn't it?" Chu Li shook his head gently, "They are not embarrassed."

No matter how vicious Lu Junshan was, he wouldn't watch his daughter be killed, so he secretly sent a guard around, but he couldn't hide it, he could sense their presence.

However, although these guards are strong, they are far from being thorough.

"Is someone really going to kill me?" Lu Zhu frowned.

Chu Li slowly said: "Meng Yu from Qianyang Island will come to kill you."

He had previously seen the fate of Lu Zhu, and he was about to provoke the fire of the industry. Lu Zhu was killed by Meng Yu.

"Meng Yu!" Lu Zhu pinched his mouth, showing a disdainful look: "This guy is so badly pussy!"

Chu Lidao said: "Although he is bad, his martial arts are strong. Do you think the guards around him can stop him?"

"How could he kill me?" Lu Zhu frowned. "Although Fenglie Island and Qianyang Island have grievances, they have not killed me."

"Who knows." Chu Li shook his head.

Meng Yu acted viciously, thought deeply, and acted unscrupulously. In order to achieve the purpose, killing is just a trivial matter ~ www.readwn.com ~ he guessed that it might be to get rid of others and cause disputes.

Lu Zhu groaned silently.

As a sea sect, she naturally knows Meng Yu's power, and is the top master of the young generation. She is one of the best. She really wants to kill herself. The guards of Fenglie Island must not be able to protect herself.

"Bang, bang ..." Suddenly a muffled noise came from outside.

"Miss, let's go!" A stern scream rang suddenly.

Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi has observed the situation outside. Six middle-aged men are besieging Meng Yu, defeated by Meng Yu, and collapse when they see it.

"Really ..." Chu Li shook his head.

He flashed behind Meng Yu, and Fu Moyin struck out.

"Bang!" Meng Yu stepped back to Wuzhang and looked at Chu Li in amazement: "It's you!"

He recognized Fu Moyin at a glance, and felt Chu Li's Xiu Xiu surged, his handsome face was so gloomy that he stared at him.

Chu Lihe said with a ritual smile, "Meng Gongzi has a good relationship with the little monk!"

"You are everywhere!" Meng Yu gritted her teeth, swallowed the blood that came up, and hated, "I kill Lu Zhu, it's none of your business? When will your Daci'en Temple rescue the people on Fenglie Island? ? "

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Why can't you hit when you see the uneven road? Girl Lu, a weak woman, how can you die under your hands?"

"Did Fenglie Island collude with your Daci'en Temple?" Meng Yu took a deep breath and smiled: "It's a real discovery!"

Chu Li smiled: "If Meng Meng does not leave now, he will not blame the little monk for being ruthless!"

"Okay, goodbye!" Meng Yu turned and walked without hesitation.

His blood was surging, and the demon seal raged in his body.

Fu Moyin's hegemony had already been taught, and he couldn't control it by himself. He could only wait for death and needed help.

Lu Zhu walked out of the courtyard and came to Chu Li.

PS: The update is complete.

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