White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2678: Wildfire

"Master?" Chu Li asked.

Wen Hua, the old monk, said, "The Diamond Monkey is a disciple of Qi Tianmen!"

Chu Li nodded: "He is a disciple of Qi Tianmen, but he is full of evil, and has no idea how many human brains he has eaten. In this way, he will continue to eat people until he becomes the absolute best."

"How can eating a human brain be cultivated to the top, such an evil way, it would be self-defeating." The old monk of Wen Hua said, "It would be nice to wait for him to perish, why bother him."

Chu Li said: "I don't know how many innocent people will die in his hands."

"Oh ..." Wen Hua sighed, "It's set to be like a genius, and he will always win against the enemy. He hasn't encountered any setbacks, so he doesn't know much about the world's top schools."

Chu Lidao said, "Master, is Qi Tianmen so terrible?"

"Qi Tianmen is stronger than your imagination." Wenhua old monk He Shi, looking at the east, seems to be looking at that Qi Tianmen, slowly said: "Qi Tianmen disciples have always been violent and overbearing. If you kill Nahou Xianji will incur a hundredfold revenge. If they kill one of their disciples, they will kill the other one hundred disciples. "

Chu Li smiled: "It's a big deal."

"When you die and don't say, they will kill the disciples in the temple." The old monk Wenhua Shen said: "There is no reason to tell them. As long as they are their disciples, regardless of good and evil, no one else can move, otherwise they will endlessly die. They will come back in frantic revenge, no matter how much they lose! "

Qualitatively: "It's really a bunch of lunatics."

"It is a lunatic who is extremely martial arts." Said Wenhua old monk: "The old man has taught them in person, better than us. Once they are brought in, it is a big trouble."

Once Qi Tianmen comes over to deal with Da Ci'en Temple, the sea islands will certainly not let go of this good opportunity. They may not be able to help each other in Zhengqi Hall of Wuleifeng War God Temple.

Chu Li frowned: "Then I'll change my appearance and not let them recognize it."

Wen Hua shook his head: "Do you think Qi Tianmen can't find out? They also have some unique abilities. Whoever kills Qi Tianmen's disciples can't hide it, they will know immediately."

Chu Li said: "Then you can just watch him killing innocent people wantonly?"

The monk Wenhua sighed: "The world wants to kill Hou Xianji countless times, but they dare not to do it, they just want to avoid Qi Tianmen."

Chu Lidao said: "Don't Qi Tianmen clean up the portal?"

"This Hou Xianji is the son of an elder from Qi Tianmen." Wen Hua said.

Chu Li frowned and sank.

Qualitatively: "Master, then there is no way to deal with them?"

"Well ..." Monk Wenhua glanced at Chuli, shook her head helplessly: "You really want to do it, then don't kill him, catch him and give it to Qi Tianmen, let them handle it!"

"It can only be so." Nodded qualitatively.

Chu Liheng hummed: "What a Qitianmen, it is really magnificent!"

"No one wants to be an enemy of lunatics." The monk Wenhua shook his head and said, "Killing a Hou Xianji, I don't know how many disciples in the temple will die, so you won't understand this."

"Yes!" Chu Lihe said in a deep voice.

Qualitative has scared a cold sweat.

This time, I almost made a big disaster, and I gave the Diamond Monkey Demon as Master. In case Master Dingru succeeded, I was afraid that it would be endless trouble. Qi Tianmen came to the door. The disciples in the temple did not know how many deaths and injuries. .

He still thinks too simple.

Many of the world's top masters are that these masters really want to kill the Diamond Monkey, but they may not be able to succeed, but it is clear that the Diamond Monkey has survived to this day, obviously there is no inside story.

Hearing the analysis of Master Shi Hua, he realized that he was ridiculously wrong, too naive, and not sufficiently aware of the human heart and the world.

Chu Li smiled at qualitatively: "Quality qualifier, rest assured, I will catch but not kill."

"That's fine." He breathed qualitatively, and then said, "But be careful, he's not a weak hand, there are some miracles and wonders, or he won't kill so many masters."

Chu Li nodded slowly.

Wen Hua saw Chu Li's expression resolutely, and sighed, "Well, I'll go with you!"

"Thank you, Master!" Chu Li rejoiced.

Wen Hua sighed, "I really do n’t know if it is a blessing or a curse. Come with me!"

Chu Li pulled up his sleeve, and the two disappeared suddenly.

The qualitative monk thought about it, went out of the Zen courtyard, and came to the Daxiong Baodian to understand the absurdity of his heart.

Xin Ji stood on the steps in front of Daxiongbao Hall and looked up at the blue sky.

The white clouds are long and the sky is blue.

Surrounded by the Sanskrit sounds, the sandalwood is quiet and quiet.

"This matter depends on how to do it." Peacefully said: "Although he is young, he is safe and smart, and does not need to worry about it."

"I was afraid that Brother Dingru could kill him or see Hou Xianji killing him, and really killed him." The qualitative monk said: "The abbot still has to be more prepared, in case Qitianmen really kills him? . "

"Well, I'll take care of it." Xinji jaw.

A qualitative monk combined a ritual, and gently withdrew.


Chu Li and Wen Hua monk appeared outside a bustling big city and stood on a mountain peak looking down at the city.

It's noon over Da Ci'en Temple, but it's midnight.

The huge wildfire city is brightly lit, like the daylight, more bustling than the daytime, the noise is endless, and there is no sense of tranquility at night. His big round mirror intelligently sees that the people in the city are busy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wildfire City is known as the city that never sleeps. "Monk Wenhua said calmly.

Chu Li exclaimed: "The prosperity of this city is really rare."

Wenhua monk lightly jaws: "This is also Qi Tianmen's credit. Because he is aggressive and powerful, so no one provokes it. There are no martial arts masters in the wild fire city, so they are extremely safe and countless people want to come in. "

Chu from the jaw.

In such a troubled world, martial arts are constantly in strife, killings are happening at any time, and some martial arts are less restless. Being able to enter the wild fire city means safety, and naturally there will be countless people coming.

Wenhua monk said: "Hou Xianji came here?"

Chu Li nodded slowly.

Seeing this bustling city is so prosperous and huge, he determined that Hou Xianji must have run here. The more people there are, the easier it is to hide his body. If there are one or two people from Qitianmen, he will not be found.

"Qi Tianmen is actually chasing and killing him. He had the courage to come back here. It must have surprised everyone." Wenhua monk said calmly, "Can you find him here?"

Chu Li Road said, "If the news of walking takes him here, can Qi Tianmen catch him?"

"... It's very likely." Monk Wen Hua nodded slowly.

Chu Lidao said, "What if someone stalks it?"

"The elders of Qi Tianmen are not mediocre people, how can they be unprepared?" Said Wen Hua monk.

Chu Li finally shook his head: "Catch him and take him to Qi Tianmen!"

"... Very good." Monk Wen Hua nodded slowly.

In this way, Qi Tianmen has nothing to say even if he is secretly annoyed.

This also contributes to the reputation of Da Ci'en Temple.

Chu Liwei narrowed his eyes, devoted all his spirits to Dayuan Jingzhi, and began searching for Hou Xianji.

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