White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2699: Brother

All three appeared in a bustling city at the same time.

Jing Xiaojie turned around curiously and looked forward.

Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi has observed the entire city.

This is a huge and prosperous city that is not inferior to Nanyang City. They are located in the center of the city. In an alley in a residential area, the surroundings are quiet and silent, the green bricks at the feet are spotless, and the walls of the alley are white and flawless.

Across the street, there is the central avenue, where people come and go, traffic is crowded, and the bustle is noisy and noisy.

Jing Xiaojie said: "Master, where is this?"

"Sky knife city," Xu Yan said.

He walked slowly forward, walking along the green paved path.

The two followed closely, passed several magnificent mansions, and finally came to a house. Two young men in yellow shirts stood beside the stone beast outside the door, staring at them with eyes.

They stopped at the gate, and the two young men in yellow shirts were stumped and wanted to shoot at any time.

Jing Xiaojie said in surprise: "Master, is this ...?"

"Tiandao Zong!" Xu Xu said.

Jing Xiaojie said, "No, right? Skydagger is here? Is it a branch or a temporary place?"

"This is the gate of the Sword Sect." Xu Xu said.

He Shen said: "Song Zong, please see me!"

"Giggle ..." A burst of eroding laughter sounded suddenly in their ears.

Chu centrifuged slightly.

Dayuan Jingzhi can't see this house, but if this woman's voice is absent, she has an astonishing spirit, and seems to intrude directly into the spirit. This shows that the woman's spiritual strength is very strong, and martial arts is focused on spiritual strength.

Such opponents are the most difficult to defend.

And his cultivation is not so female, it is even more defensive.

"Song of the Sovereign!" Xu Yan held his fist.

Suddenly, a yellow-shirted woman appeared in front of everyone's eyes. She was petite, graceful, and feminine, with a bit of majesty, which made people dare not profane, but could not approach from a distance.

Chu centrifugally sank. The beautiful woman in front of her was even more terrible than Xu Yan. She was standing in front of her, but Dayuan Jingzhi could not see it, as if it was just an illusion, not a real person.

More importantly, he didn't see the knife on her.

"Why is Master Xu Men coming here again?" The beautiful lady chuckled, and bowed her head slightly. "Since this seat promised you not to kill Fan Yi, you would not kill him. Master Xu Men put his heart in his stomach. "

Xu Yan said with a clenched fist: "This time I came to thank you for a special trip!"

"Everything is trivial, and Xu Menzhu is too serious and old-fashioned." Song Man-yin chuckled and said, "This Fan Yi also has a deep connection with our Tian Daozong, but unfortunately entered your Nantianmen. Let us miss a talent. "

Fan Yi is a rising star with a great reputation. He is very strong in the younger generation. He is indeed a martial arts wizard and the top pillar of Zongmen's future. If there is no such top pillar in one case, it will damage his reputation and majesty.

Xu Yan said: "This is a coincidence. I did not expect that Pingbai picked up such a big deal, but what secrets were there in the past, how can I ignore the life and death of Zongmen disciples?"

His expression was cold and his voice was low.

Song Man Yin shook her head gently.

Fan Yi is a top talent, but his parents' qualifications are unusual. He is unknown in the case. She is not too impressed as a fellow student. She is not too concerned. Now she is the suzerain and it is difficult to find out .

Xu Yan sighed and shook his head: "We can trust Song Zongzhu. Since Song Zongzhu said that he did not kill them, it is not Song Zongzhu, but the knife cannot be faked."

"Yeah ..." Song Man-yin sighed. "It seems that the enemies of this seat have done it. It may be that this seat has affected them. It really is ... Unfortunately, Fan Yi is not a disciple of this case."

Her flying knife only fell on the enemy's hands. Holding this knife to kill the disciples of Tiandao Zong must be intentional revenge. The intentional leaving of the flying knife was a demonstration and an intentional **** on her.

"As long as Song Zongzhu helps to detect the murderer, it will be a great compensation to him!" Xu Yan said.

"This seat will naturally track this down!" Song Manin said in a deep voice.

Xu Yan hugged his fist and said, "Then don't disturb Song Zongzhu!"

Chu Li coughed, "Master."

Xu Yan looked at him, his eyes revealing the question.

Song Manyin chuckled a little, and the laughter was eclipsed again, Xiaoyingying looked at Chu Li: "Master Xu Men, is this little guy ...?"

Xu Yan Shen said: "It is our dedication to Nantianmen."

"Oh, oblation." Song Man-yin chuckled. "It becomes oblation at a young age. It must have a unique ability. It is very powerful. I don't know what to say, why not say it face to face?"

"Lee Li has seen the Sovereign Song." Chu Libao held his fist and slowly said, "I have figured out that I am holding the sword to destroy Fanfu. It would be better to show Song Sovereign and not to know."

Xu Yan's face became unsightly, but he also knew that Chu Li's choice was correct. At this time, he could no longer cover his identity, and it was better to be frank. He asked in a deep voice, "Is the murderer found?"

Chu Li nodded slowly.

Xu Yan looked at Song Man Yin.

Song Manyin stretched out her hand, "Come on, come in!"

She entered the gate Yingying, followed by three people, through the path around the flowers, came to the warm and pleasant hall.

The hall is warmly and elegantly arranged, and at first glance it is known that the woman did it.

They sat on the embroidery pier. A young girl had already studied ink in front of Xuan Qianxuan's case ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"The little man's surname is Li Mingqi, which has deduced a murderer. Is it a star apprentice to Lan Xingzong?" Song Manyin looked at Chu Li with clear eyes, like looking at a treasure, and asked with a smile.

There is a faint fragrance in her body, which is mixed with the fragrance in the temple. The fragrance is unique and calming.

Chu Li shook his head: "The technique of deduction is a family tradition, so we can't compare it with Lan Xingzong."

"Well, it's not Lan Xingzong's ..." Song Manyin's light jaw: "There are many inferred techniques in the world, and it is also a blessing to carry forward the pedigree. Xu Master is really lucky."

The deduction technique that can be seen by Nantianmen must be extraordinary. This unique ability can be encountered but not sought.

Tian Daozong also recruited such strangers, but unfortunately the deduction technique is not perfect, it is wrong to count ten times, and occasionally, it depends on luck, but it can only be supported like this. Earned.

The girl who is studying Mo has stepped back and exited the hall gently.

Chu Li got up and came to the case. With a few pens, a middle-aged man was already on the paper.

Song Man-yin frowned lightly.

Chu Li put down his pen and turned to Song Man-yin and said, "This is the man who holds the sword and destroys the Fan House. Does the Song Zongzhang know?"

Xu Yan stared at Song Man Yin: "Song Zong, this should be your enemy, right?"

Song Manyin was silent and stared at the painting.

Jing Xiaojie kept obediently speaking, lest she made a mistake. At this time, Song Manyin was just staring, and she didn't speak for a long time. She was anxious: "Don't be an enemy, but a relative?"

Song Manin turned to look at her.

Jing Xiaojie said in surprise: "No, isn't it true that I was right? Is it really an enemy?"

"It's my brother." Song Manin sighed.

Xu Yan's face became ugly, and he looked deeply at Song Manyin.

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