White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2706: Calculate

[Title: white robe manifold body calculations Chapter 2706 (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the century of the most powerful system elf smuggled into sacredness: GO God-level hex American city rancher rebirth city repair immortal crossing the black coffin Tao Jun "good breath!" Song Manyin sneered sneered: "Since Brother Zhou is so powerful, why should he be a disused person in the case?

"Exactly." Zhou Yong slowly said, "I know that martial arts is stronger than you, but I am willing to stay in Zong as a waste person because of my deep affection for Zong Men, and I am not willing to leave, otherwise I will leave directly. Who can find me! "

"Isn't this finding you?" Song Manin said.

Zhou Yong said coldly, "It's the kid before!"

Song Man-Yin said: "It's so hypocritical! It's obvious that I was lying in the dominion, looking for an opportunity to give me a fatal blow, but it was so grandiose. This shameful strength is really disgusting!"

"You are a woman with long hair and short knowledge, so you ca n’t do the suzerain!" Zhou Yong Shen said, "Tiandao Zong will only get weaker and weaker in your hands, but will get stronger and stronger in my hands, sister. You are a sinner of the sky sword! "

"It's ridiculous!" Song Manyin said coldly: "With your narrow-minded and suffocating air, you can make Tiandao Sect better and better? It will only bring Tiandao Sect into the abyss. This is the last ruler. Pass on to your roots! "

Zhou Yong said: "This is just the prejudice of the suzerain. I am a person who takes care of the whole situation!"

"Haha!" Song Manin laughed, with a sarcastic look.

"Shimei, you are forcing me to kill you!" Zhou Yong looked dull and coldly: "As soon as you die, you will not be able to see the glory of Tian Daozong under my leadership!"

"Stupid person dreams!" Song Manyin sneered, his left hand moved lightly, and his figure disappeared into place.

"Oh!" A white light flickered through the void and vanished.

At the same time, Zhou Yong's left hand also moved a bit, and after a sudden change of body shape, he appeared again, resolidified, and failed to disappear.

Zhou Yong flew out as if hit by a Mercedes horse.

Suddenly, Song Man-yin's figure appeared in the void, and she flew upside down.

Zhou Yong covered her heart, spit a blood in the air, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Sister, you can't stop the phaseless sword no matter how strong you are!"

He beckoned as he spoke, and his left hand once again appeared in a shadow of a blade of light, faintly a knife in his palm.

"A good knife, I despise you!" After Song Manyin spit a blood in the air, his left hand also did a trick. The white light of "嗤" flashed, and a flying knife fell on her hand. The flying knife is one.

The power of the Phaseless Sword is stronger than she imagined. Shooting with one stroke, it is invisible and traceless. It is extremely fast, and more importantly, it can enter the void.

She had been dodging and disappearing, lest she be shot by Zhou Yongfei, but she could not escape the chase without a sword.

"Bang!" The two fell into the woods, hit a tree, and then waved their hands again.

Song Manyin's figure flashed several times instantly, but it was the best method of avatar.

It's a pity that he hasn't been able to dodge the phaseless sword and was hit again.

But several times to avoid it, he still barely avoided the key, Wu Xiangdao rubbed his heart and shot through.

"Ahem!" Zhou Yong also failed to avoid the sky knife, and his heart had been shot through.

He lamented that he still looked down on Song Manyin, and the sky knife was so hot!

He looked down at his heart, a knife edge had appeared, and the blood had been blocked but did not flow out, but he knew that the heart was almost shattered, and the blade of the sword was overbearing and abnormal, and it would explode when he entered the body.

"Ah ..." He yelled, his face sullen, and he stared viciously into the depths of the woods, reached for his heart to point his finger, crushed a jade bottle and stuffed the black pills into it.

At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and retracted the sword without phase, and then he turned into a shadow and brushed the treetop, and he could not see it.

Song Manyin tried to chase, but coughed a few times, and blood poured out.

The damage of the non-phase sword to the body is better than that of the sky sword. Although it did not hurt the heart, all the internal organs and the six organs were severely damaged. All the strength seemed to be out of the body.

"Song Zongzhu!" Chu Li suddenly appeared, reaching out to help her.

Song Manyin's figure suddenly tightened, and gave him a cold look.

Chu Li stepped back and waved with a smile: "I didn't mean to take advantage of people."

Song Man-Yin said: "You have been watching?"

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Don't I dare, it will solve me in one stroke! ... Song Zongzhu doesn't matter?"

"Can't die," Song Man-yin hummed and sat down slowly.

Now she could not move the void, she could only heal the wound in situ. She took out a jade bottle from her arms, poured it into her mouth completely after opening it, and a cold air rose up and quickly lingered in her body.

Her injuries suddenly eased and she was able to use her internal forces.

Chu Li said: "That guy escaped?"

"Um." Song Manin hummed. "I still underestimated him!"

The last time Zhou Yong escaped was because of contempt. This time, I have paid attention to it, and went all out to cast the sky knife directly. I wanted to be deadly, but he was still escaped by Zhou Yong.

Chu Li said bitterly: "That's troublesome, he will definitely kill me next!"

Song Man-Yin said, "Come to our Sky Sword Sect!"

Chu Li showed a moving expression, then shook his head: "I am worshipped at Nantianmen, Nantianmen is enough to protect me!"

"Huh, then try!" Song Manin sneered, putting pressure on Chu Li: "Brother Zhou only needs one knife to kill you."

Chu Lidao said: "Nantianmen is not so easy to break through."

Nantianmen is in the formation method, and cannot be moved directly. It can only be moved under the questioning heart. There is a treasure in the sect, and invisible power isolates the void. Unless there is a token of this disciple, the emptiness can be moved freely.

"It's not difficult for him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Song Manyin said:" No sword can break through the void. "

Chu Li frowned.

Song Man-Yin closed her eyes and said, "Think about it, I ’m gonna work on my injury, don't disturb me!"

Chu Li said: "That's goodbye!"

"Go on," Song Manin said.

There are few people here, and Chu Li is not at ease, lest she be hurt by Chu Li when she is doing power, it is better for Chu Li to leave.

Chu Li hugs his fist and disappears suddenly.


"Brother Fan, come with me!" Chu Li appeared in Nantianmen's own courtyard, and said to Fan Yi who was walking around in the courtyard.

Fan Yi stopped quickly: "Have you found an opportunity?"

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "The opportunity is coming!"

Jing Xiaojie asked quickly: "I haven't heard that he was found."

"I only revealed to the Heavenly Knife Lord, too many people could not control the scene, and told the Heavenly Knife Lord enough." Chu Lidao.

"Song lord killed him?" Jing Xiaojie asked.

Chu Li shook his head: "Just seriously injured."

He said, grabbing their sleeves, disappeared from the yard, and appeared next to a torrential river the next moment.

The river is about a hundred meters wide, mighty and steep.

The river was flowing, the water was rushing, and the water splashed, as if the beast roared all the time.

Jing Xiaojie looked around. Here was a pile of rocks. The stones were sharp and weird. Ordinary people couldn't move at all. They couldn't help looking at Chu Li: "Brother Li, no one!"

"Wait." Chu Li pointed to the upstream: "Should float down from here."

His voice had just fallen, and a small green dot had appeared in the distance.

"Well, there is someone!" Fan Yi said in a deep voice.

He stepped out and already appeared at a height of two hundred meters away. He came to the river and looked at the green man who followed the water. Then he lifted it up to Chu Li and Jing Xiaojie. 166 novel reading network

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