White-Robed Chief

Chapter 269: Phoenix

Chu Li pulled out a dossier from his sleeve and opened it: "Ledong Chu, a Yueshan man on Qingshan Road, worshipped under the Phoenix Mountain from a young age, and stepped into the sky outside a year ago."

He put away the dossier: "Le Dongchu, am I right?"

Jing Zhixue's face was gloomy.

He did not expect Chu Li to find his boss so quickly.

It stands to reason that even in Fenghuang Mountain, he is a secret master. Outsiders do n’t know it, so he dared to enter the state government and become an insider.

I really underestimated the power of the Government House, and it was really ubiquitous.

"Le Dongchu, are you playing for the Renguo?" Chu Lidan said indifferently.

"Haha!" Le Dongchu laughed loudly, indifferently said: "It's all up to now, let's talk about He Yi!"

"Is it the National Palace?"


"Very good!" Chu Li smiled: "Lin Lao, abandon his martial arts, throw it away."

"Yes." Lin Quan smiled and agreed, came to Le Dongchu, and slowly stretched out his hand.

"Slow, slow!" Le Dongchu's face changed greatly, and he called quickly: "Why should I dispose of my martial arts, I'll just leave!"

Chu Li sank his face and said coldly: "Do you think that the state government is where you want to come, and you want to leave? When you enter the country government, you are subject to government regulations and treat you as such a bad-hearted person. The government is already very gracious. If you haven't seen the disaster, you will never be spared! "

"The surname is Chu, you are vicious enough!" Le Dongchu yelled: "If you dare to abolish my martial arts, the Renguo Government will never spare you!"

Chu Li said: "You are wrong, it should be Phoenix Mountain will not spare me, right? I want to see your skills in Phoenix Mountain, Lao Lin!"

"Yes." Lin Quan responded, without waiting for Le Dongchu to say, and patted him at Dandan.

Everyone heard the long howling sound of "嗤", and Le Dongchu looked like a broken ball. Quickly languished, and his energy disappeared.

The surrounding people trembled, as if this palm was on themselves.

Tianwaitian master. An out-of-the-box existence, you may not have this luck in your life to set foot in the sky.

But such a heavenly master. It's a waste to say nothing, and falling from the cloud into the mud is like changing from an emperor to a beggar, it's scary to think about it.

In this world, without martial arts, it is a waste. Originally, the world laughed at the world, but now it is a waste. This is what Ledong is all over!

Chuang Chu waved his hand. Lin Quan mentioned Le Dongchu, Zhao Qingshan mentioned the two, flew across the crowd, flew into the boat, and then went to the gate of the house like an arrow, and soon disappeared.

Chu Lichong nodded and turned to walk to Yanwu Hall.

Everyone was busy saluting their fists, secretly stunned, and the cold was blowing.

The power of this director Chu is increasing day by day, even as a master of the sky. It was also enough to suffocate, and he became cold all at a glance.


Xue Ling followed Chu Li and squeezed her red lips. Don't make yourself laugh.

This is too much fun, too hateful! It's too prestigious!

The guards on the training ground did not dare to look directly at the son.

At the fingertips, without a boy doing it himself, a master of heaven and earth is abolished. Who dares to be right with the boy again? Say bad things to my son?

Chu Li thoughtfully entered the Yanwu Palace, went directly to the ancient library on the fourth floor, flipped through the books one by one, and quickly looked at them, shaking his head. There is no record of Tiangong Gong.

He walked back and Xue Ling kept up.

Standing at the bow of the boat. The breeze blows, Chu Libaipao flutters. Looking thoughtfully at the direction of Yushi Island.

"My son, what's wrong?" Xue Ling puzzled: "Except that guy, you should be happy!"

Chu Li glanced at her and shook her head.

Le Dongchu is not the internal response of the National Government, but it is An Wang's.

The boldness of Wang An's work is directly visible.

But this is not to tell the truth to the eldest son.

The eldest son always thought that King An was fond of this marriage, and felt that the second sister was the first beauty of the season, and the second lady of the government office.

Xiao Qi originally decided to hide from the eldest son, just because he was afraid that he would get angry and know what to do.

To this day, I can't even tell the granddaughter that there are branches outside the festival.

Without Xiao Qi's discussion, she could only hold her heart, and could not talk to others.

He is also a master of Tianwaitian now. It is not difficult to kill An An, but the emperor is difficult.

The death of King Ann, the emperor was absolutely furious, maybe he did it himself.

He couldn't take a punch from Lu Guogong, let alone the emperor.

The masters of the gods of God must have some magical methods, and they can no longer be found and locked to themselves no matter how secret they are.

Then my own life is over!

Wanting to kill King An, and throwing in a mouse jerk, he has been thinking hard about a solution.

Suddenly a boat floated in the distance. On the boat stood a slender woman. It was Yang Su, a palace girl sent by King An.

"Mr. Chu! Mr. Chu!" Yang Xu greeted far away.

Chu Li urged the boat, as the arrow from the string struck her: "Girl Liu."

Yang Su struck a broken flower blue shirt and gave a gift: "Mr. Chu, Miss please."

"... Okay." Chu Li nodded.

Xue Ling pouted and smiled, "My son, shall I go too?"

"You go back first." Chu left, falling to Yang Xu's side.

Yang Su laughed: "I heard that Director Chu is in the Yanwu Palace and is about to pass by. I didn't expect to meet here.

Chu Li said, "What's the matter with Miss?"

He urged the boat without the need for Yang Su to paddle. The speed was so fast that Xue Ling was quickly thrown behind him.

Yang Xu shook her head: "Miss seems to have something on her mind."

Chu Li nodded: "How is Zhu Quan?"

"He--" Yang Xu pouted and chuckled: "He is going to become a wild child, and is going crazy."

"That's good." Chu Li nodded: "Don't hurry to let him practice martial arts, build a foundation, there will be benefits in the future."

Yang Xuan smiled.

Chu Li glanced at her: "Miss still likes someone alone?"

"Like keeping me aside," Yang Xu laughed.

Chu Lidao said: "She has suffered since childhood and her temperament is inevitably strange."

"Miss is kind, I understand." Yang Xu said.

When she entered the palace at the age of twelve, she saw more concubines that were difficult to serve, so she was so eye-opening that she could serve Xiao Shi, and it was impossible for a maid to be competent.

Chu Li sighed: "Since this is the case, you have been following the lady."

"Yes." Yang Xu nodded with a smile.

Chu Li sighed: "Miss is also a poor person."

Yang Xu smiled and nodded.

The boat came to the shore, and the sound of chirping came from the high and vast, clear sea. Chu Li heard that she was in a good mood, and her mood was much broader.

Chu Li came to the small pavilion in the sea of ​​flowers ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Shi turned his back on him and focused on the piano.

Looking at her graceful back, Chu Li sighed.

God is not fair. She puts all Lingxiu bells on her, and she is beautiful everywhere, every move, every smile and every move.

Chu Li came to Xiaoting and sat opposite her.

Xiao Shi glanced at him slightly, and continued to lower his bright eyes, concentrating on the strings.

Chu Li closed his eyes and listened to the sound of cymbals.

A gust of wind blew, thousands of flowers swayed in the wind, and the fragrance of fragrance floated around the kiosk.

"Hmm ..." The sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Xiao Shi looked up, stared at him with clear eyes, and hummed, "I won't invite you, you won't come, will you?"

Chu Li smiled silently. (To be continued.)

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