White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2732: Traitor

Zheng Yuanli was anxious outside, and Xu Yan and Wei Ren in the hall were also anxious.

Chu Li closed her eyes motionless as if turning into a statue, and the air in the whole hall seemed to be frozen.

After an hour, Chu Li opened his eyes.

His eyes flickered, as if the cold stars at night were flashing.

"How, is there a way?" Xu Yan asked quickly.

Chu Li slowly said: "Calculate a rough outline, you can try it."

Two people who are proficient in inferiority oppose each other, just like a master playing chess. The fate that could have been foreseen in their eyes has countless variables. It is necessary to speculate little by little what interference the other party will exert and what will happen to fate Variety.

This is countless times more difficult than playing chess, and it requires more brainpower. At this hour, Chu Li has felt strenuous, thinking like a flash of light, fast and endless, and consuming mental power like a tide.

No matter how powerful his mental strength was, he felt exhausted after an hour and needed to slow down.

He believes that his spirit is much stronger than the other party. The other party can't be as precise and deep as himself, and he can win.

Xu Yan laughed: "How about that, should the disciples shrink?"

The disciples are too scattered and have too many targets. Qi Tianmen can attack at any time. With such scattered power, his side is invincible and difficult to take care of, so it is necessary to infer the opportunity to see which disciples will be attacked.

If the calculation is wrong, the life of the disciple is not guaranteed.

Shrinking the size of the disciples will make it easier for the inferiors to make calculations, and it will also save effort and effort.

Chu Li slowly shook his head: "Can't shrink, otherwise it will be more troublesome."

Now these disciples are already a game of chess. If you shrink your disciples, you will change the layout of the chess pieces, but you will have to re-evaluate them.

"So what?" Xu Yan said, "Let's all listen to you!"

Chu Li groaned: "Zheng Yuanli will also be assassinated by top masters, which is the most important thing, so this time Elder Wei will take nine elders to make sure that he is foolproof .... It is possible to encounter Gong Tianya.

"No problem!" Wei Ren's jaw: "Will you still win the palace?"

Chu Li nodded slowly: "The treasure that hid the heavens is probably still on Gong Tianya. In order to win him and find the treasure, it is the key to our victory!"

"Understand!" Wei Ren nodded slowly and firmly.

He has already decided to find the best masters in the door to unite, to make a full blow, and to use mystery directly, he will never give Gong Tianya a chance to escape, otherwise he will be faceless.

Chu Lidao said: "There are four roads that will encounter secret calculations: Jing Xing'an, Luo Hongguang, Zhao Tianhe, and Zeng Anning."

"How many people will be sent on these four routes?" Xu Yan said.

Chu Lidao said: "In case, just send ten masters."

"Good for ten people each way," Xu Yan said, "they will attack us?"

Chu Li slowly nodded: "After the five-way scheme, if we can't stop them, they will continue to dispatch manpower to attack the others, and then lead us to the army, and then storm the sect, ... there should be internal traitors."

"Impossible!" Xu Yan shook his head flatly.

Sima Xun also shook his head and said, "Under the way of asking the heart, and the hall of asking the heart, no one can hide it!"

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

Xu Yan frowned: "Is there really a traitor?"

Chu Lidao said: "The last blow was peace between the inside and the outside, and the identity of this traitor was extremely high. I am afraid that neither the doorkeeper nor the elders would believe it."

Xu Yan's face sank and he looked at Sima Fu.

Sima Xing was originally confident. When he asked Xinlu and His Highness, there was no possibility of traitor. But Chuli was so determined, and then he thought of his methods, and he was inexplicably unconfident.

Wei Rendao: "Who is this traitor? ... I can never hide my mind and never heard of it."

Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "Master, I also want to see all the disciples in the door, including the elders who are still invisible."

"... Okay." Xu Yan nodded slowly.

Wei Ren winked at Xu Yan.

Xu Yan said, "I'll arrange it, and Li Feng will follow me later."

Chu Li nodded.

Wei Ren followed Xu Yan out of the Temple of Questioning Hearts, and slowly stepped into the valley next to him.

"Master, do you really believe in traitors?" Wei Ren said in a deep voice.

Xu Yan said: "The world is impermanent, there is no absolute thing."

"It never happened." Wei Ren said: "It's just that this matter is for Li Feng, in case Li worships him ..."

He shook his head and sighed without saying a word.

Xu Yan understood his worries, and his face was astonished.

Wei Rendao: "Of course, I may be multi-hearted, but like the master said, there is no absolute thing in the world, everything is in case."

"Brother Wei, do you think we have a retreat?" Xu Yan said.

"No," Wei Ren said, "to this day we can only work hard with Qi Tianmen."

"Then we have a chance?"


"That's it. Since there is no chance of winning, I can only bet on one." Xu Yan said: "I have a penetrating stone. This is a strange thing obtained from Lan Xingzong. It was passed down by the ancestor and can only be used once. . "

"Throughstone?" Wei Ren frowned.

He shook his head. He hadn't heard of it. It wasn't a treasure of the world.

Xu Yan said: "This stone is precious and unusual, but it is extremely limited and can only know if the other party is hostile."

Wei Ren nodded gently.

This is indeed a huge limitation. Through intuition and observation, you can see that it is inseparable from ten. This treasure is not true. It is the Supreme Master Lan Xingzong who can't cover his spying, so I have already used this stone. "

"Have you seen Li Fengbong?" Wei Ren asked quickly.

Xu Zheng nodded: "Li Fengshen is not hostile to us, so he is not a speculative person and can be trusted."

"That's all right ..." Wei Renshu breathed out. "It's really chilling to think that he was sent by Qi Tianmen!"

"Couldn't I prevent this as the master?" Xu Yan laughed.

Wei Rendao: "I only thought of this, brother, you have long thought of it, it is indeed the material of the master."

Xu Yan shook his head and smiled.


Chu Li and Xu Zheng have seen all the disciples in Nantianmen, not only in the martial arts field, but also hidden in various places, masters and masters of the halls. Nantianmen has a total of nine halls. The other seven halls are also outside the valley, and there is only one martial arts hall in the valley where they are located.

The nine halls are built in a circle, forming a huge and amazing formation, and Chu Li can be regarded as the true essence and power of Nantianmen.

Back at Chu Li's small courtyard, Xu Yan asked, "Li Feng, can you find a traitor?"

Chu Li nodded slowly.

"Which one?" Xu Yan said.

Chu Li sighed: "Ask Ji Bofa, the main hall of the heart hall."

"Impossible!" Xu Yan said flatly.

Chu Li remained silent.

Xu Yan's face was as dark as iron, staring at Chu Li.

Chu Li sighed: "Master, why should I lie to you, it should be him. The master doesn't believe it, but just in case, let it be opened first and not let him stay in the door. The key to destruction is Now. "

"Really him?" Xu Yan spit out four words coldly.

This is really a great irony. Asking the heart temple is to exclude the traitor, but he is asking the vice-minister of the heart temple to be a traitor.

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