White-Robed Chief

Chapter 27: Smash

Xiao Qi glanced at him and said lightly, "Did you practice King Kong's magical skills?"

Chu Chuli nodded: "Try to practice."

"How well did you train?"


After Chu Li practiced for ten days, King Kong's magical power was really powerful. It formed a strange qi, which did not circulate in the meridians, but accumulated in the muscle and periosteum. When the Jin Gong's magical power was operated, the breath in the muscles flowed, forming a layer Intangible and qualitative film, extremely tough.

There are six layers of Jin Gongdu's magical power: skin, meat, tendons, veins, bones, and marrow.

目前 He is currently the first layer of Xiaocheng, with a layer of air film on his skin, which is as tough as crocodile skin and can be attacked without breaking the ordinary sword.

"No backwash?" Xiao Qi stared at him.

Chu Chu left: "It's a bit wrong."

After practicing King Kong's magical powers, a constant impatient mood arose from time to time. In this state, it is not pleasing to look at anything, and there is an urge to destroy everything.

Fortunately, his dharma is deep, and the intention of killing is to recite the Buddhist scriptures in silence. If he can't control it, he will run Dayuan Jingzhi, keep it clean, and straighten out the intention of killing.

Without Dayuan Jingzhi, he would not dare to practice any more. Without Dayuan Jingzhi, if he continues to practice like this, he will definitely become the murderer.

He faintly felt that the change of the fierce tiger village chief was likely to be caused by the vain repair of King Kong's magic.

"Don't practice it!"

"I will pay attention and stop if it doesn't work."

"You know the size!" Xiao Qi glanced at him warningly.

Chu Chu nodded from being busy.

"Go!" Su Ru waved his hand.

The two fluttered away, taking away the faint fragrance.

Li Chuli breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at their graceful and moving back, and was heartbroken. If such a beautiful woman does not belong to herself, how unfortunate life is!

清 In the early morning of the next day, after he got up, he would start to break through the delusional swordsmanship. Li Yue was already practicing boxing in a tiger-like fashion, and the courtyard was lively.

Suddenly Yuyu rang, and yoyo came.

越 Li Yue stopped punching: "I'll see."

Chu Chu kept on the sword, nodded, and continued to wield the sword softly.

越大 The bigger Li stepped out, the meteor ran out and laughed a while later: "Brother, look at it, who is coming!"

Zhe Chuli Dayuan Jingzhi has seen Zhao Ying, the lake green shirt fluttering, Su Na's figure, her face is like white jade, Chu Chu is moving.

She stepped into the courtyard with a pout and smiled: "Brother Chu."

"Sister," Chu Lijian kept on, and smiled: "Come, learn from each other!"

"Okay!" Zhao Ying drew his sword out of the sheath and jumped lightly to him. The sword stabbed and stretched gracefully, like a spirit swallow across the lake.

越 Li Yue was amazed, his eyes widened without blinking.

Chu Li's sword is still slow and slow, with one finger left and one right, Zhao Ying keeps changing her moves. The graceful stretch of the sword becomes fragmented. With more than twenty moves, she leans back and stares at him: "Brother, you are too Excessive! "

Li Chu closed his sword and shook his head: "You haven't made much progress in swordsmanship."

"I've been practicing it." Zhao Ying returned to her sword, and Xiaoying Ying said, "Brother, I'm already the guard of Qipin!"

"Don't go to the sixth grade?"

"It's more secure to wait for the innate and then break through the sixth grade."

"Well, too."

"Seven guards?" Li Yue asked in surprise.

Zhao Ying turned around and smiled, "Brother Li, don't you look?"

"Obviously, Zhuo Feiyang only has seven grades!" Li Yue admired: "Another genius, did you enter the house together?"

"Yes." Zhao Ying nodded: "I and Brother Chu, Brother Zhuo."

"Seven products." Li Yue shook his head with emotion: "I really don't let others live!"

颖 Zhao Ying said with a smile: "If Brother Chu is going to break through, he will be able to break through the sixth grade."

"He--?" Li Yue glanced at Chuli and laughed, "His swordsmanship is very good, but he is afraid of hidden weapon, unfortunately!"

Chu Chu left: "Let's go and enjoy the flowers in the garden."

"Okay." Zhao Ying clapped her hands.

越 Li Yue was busy and said, "Sister Zhao, didn't you have breakfast?"


"That's right, what do you want to eat together?"

"I don't care, I eat whatever you eat."

"I will handle it!"

Li Chuli and Zhao Ying left the courtyard and strolled leisurely along the flower garden on the island.

"Brother, did the lady know about the Tiger Village?"

"Well, the director will help."

"That's good ..." Zhao Yingsong sighed and shook his head: "I've asked about it, it's difficult to open a restaurant. You have to build a high-rise building first. There are four restaurants in the city. Yes, it's hard to fight with them ... "

Chu Chuli nodded.

Zhao Ying said: "It takes at least a year to build a high-rise building, and it takes a lot of money. Once the building is built, there must be a good cook. The good cooks in Chongming have a master, and you ca n’t always pull them out of the house, right?"

"The governor will invite the chef from God to come. As for building the building, don't rush first, take a moment. Initially, I plan to collect a shop first and open a tavern to practice hands."

"That couldn't be better!"

The two walk side by side, shoulder to shoulder, from time to time.

Wu Chu departed: "Sister Mei, are you happy the day after tomorrow?"

"Well, it will be almost half a month later." Zhao Ying said: "Brother, I found that I didn't practice fast in the valley in my house."

"It's quiet there and the environment is good."

"Unfortunately, I ca n’t go back to practice. If you go there to retreat, it's better."

"It's better not to go."

"By the way, I want to go back to Menghuzhai to see if anyone can find them. They have no strength to protect themselves. I'm not at ease."

"Go and see in a few days."

颖 Zhao Ying smiled: "Then it's OK, I'll go back to retreat to practice, and the day after tomorrow will go out, we will start!"

Chu Chuli smiled and nodded.

The two of them turned the island around, and Zhao Ying's eyes widened. He admired that every flower here seemed to be beautiful, it was almost irresistible.

Li Yue yelled from the distance: "I'm eating—!"

The two returned to the small courtyard. The stone table was already full of meals, and the aroma was tangy. Zhao Ying smiled and thanked, Li Yue held her **** proudly and proudly, and introduced the dozens of small dishes one by one.

They sat down and began to eat. They were eating deliciously. Suddenly, there was a sound of jade tink. Li Yue put down the tableware and said helplessly, "I'll go and see!"

Chu Chuli frowning is Zhuo Feiyang!

越 Li Yue quickly brought Zhuo Feiyang back to the courtyard.

Zhuo Feiyang struck a royal blue shirt, with a crown-like face and a star-like look. As soon as he entered the door, his face gloomed. He looked at Zhao Ying angrily, and looked at Chu Li again, sneer. It looks like a couple at first glance!

"Brother Zhuo." Zhao Ying stood up quickly: "Why are you here?"

"I'm not here at the right time, right?" Zhuo Feiyang hummed coldly: "I'm sorry to bother you!"

Chu Chuli dropped the bowl: "Zhuo Feiyang, a rare customer!"

Xi Zhuofeiyang waved his hand: "If it wasn't for Zhao Shimei, I wouldn't be in your kennel!"

"You are not welcome here!" Chu Lilan said coldly: "Please!"

"Sister Zhao, how do you eat with this guy?" Zhuo Feiyang ignored Chu Li, turned his head solemnly to Zhao Ying, "It's better for him to stay away, let's go!"

"Brother Zhuo!" Zhao Ying frowned, and said, "Don't do this!"

Bian Zhuofeiyang said: "Just right, I didn't have breakfast, let's go to Baiyun Tower!"

"I'm almost full." Zhao Ying said: "You can try it too, Brother Li's cooking is great!"

"He can make a meal too, and turn around the kitchen all day and do some women's work!" Zhuo Feiyang pouted his lips and glanced at Li Yue dismissively: "unproductive waste!"

越 Li Yue gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and finally did not punch out. There was no chance of such a genius himself.

"Brother Li, don't listen to his barking!" Chu Li patted Li Yue on the shoulder, turned his head and hummed, "Zhuo Feiyang, you're crazy home, come to our place, dare to be so pretentious!"

"Brother!" Zhao Ying waved her hands and said, "Forget it, I'm leaving now."

"Well, I won't leave you." Chu Li gave her a deep look and shook her head.

颖 Zhao Ying knew Chu Li's martial arts, she really turned Zhuo Feiyang into a disability, Zhuo Feiyang said without reason, who let this be the East Garden, it is a felony to enter without permission, and no one said more than killed.

Even though Brother Zhuo Zhuo has done too much, if he is beaten into a disability, he will feel uneasy.

Wu Zhuofei sneered: "How can you help me!"

Chu Chuli laughed.

颖 Zhao Ying is busy pulling Zhuo Feiyang: "Brother Zhuo, hurry up!"

Bian Zhuofeiyang wanted to break away, but found that he couldn't, and was pulled out of the courtyard, and soon came to the shore. Bai Zhijie was waiting on the boat.

Seeing them appear, Bai Zhijie breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly approached the boat to pick up the two.

Qi Zhuofeiyang stood at the bow and looked up and down at Zhao Ying in surprise: "Sister Zhao, when are you so deep inside, you are better than me!"

颖 Zhao Ying smiled: "How can I."

"Sister Zhao, since you returned from the mission, you have changed!" Zhuo Feiyang shook his head and sighed.

颖 Zhao Ying smiled unnaturally, but did not answer.

Zhuo Feiyang asked sincerely: "Sister, what am I doing wrong that makes you angry?"

"No." Zhao Ying shook her head.

"Then why?" Zhuo Feiyang stared at her beautiful face, "Why is it so cold?"

"Brother Zhuo, I have always been like this, you think too much." Zhao Ying shook her head, avoiding his eyes.

Wu Zhuofeiyang stared at her: "Sister Zhao, who do you do with the task?"

"Top secret task, can't say, Brother Zhuo you know the rules." Zhao Ying shook her head.

Tong Zhuofei raised a frown: "You like others, don't you?"

"Brother Zhuo, what are you talking about!" Zhao Ying waved his hands and said angrily: "None of me like it! ... And, Brother Zhuo, don't get me wrong, we are just friends, not that relationship!"

"You ... you ..." Zhuo Feiyangjun flushed, rising anger.

Zhao Ying said: "Because we are classmates, the relationship is closer, but it's not what you think. Brother Zhuo, don't get me wrong!"

"You like others!" Zhuo Feiyang said coldly.

颖 Zhao Ying shook her head and sighed. He couldn't make any sense now and had to avoid his eyes and look into the distance.

Zhuo Feiyang frowned and thought, intending to investigate exactly who she was doing the task with, and the top secret task could not be inquired. You can look at it from other aspects, such as who has gone out during this period of time, and then use the exclusion method to investigate one by one. It's a little clue!

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then what are you going to do with that waste?" Zhuo Feiyang took a deep breath and hummed: "He has a ghost idea, Shimei you are too simple, don't be fooled by him!"

"Brother Zhuo, Brother Chu is not so bad."

"Who isn't bad? Who is bad?" Zhuo Feiyang sneered: "However, no matter how bad he is, one waste, there is no need to look at it!"

Zhao Ying used to think he scolded Chu Li waste, but it didn't sound good, and didn't feel much, but now he heard it harshly, and he couldn't wait to cover his mouth.

"Brother Zhuo, Brother Chu is not that weak."

"He's just better at swordsmaning, how can he not change the nature of his waste, until I reach the innate, hit him to find teeth all over the floor, he must be wasted!"

"Brother Chu is now a guard of Liupin!" Zhao Ying hummed.

"Six grades?" Zhuo Feiyang looked suddenly, his face suddenly changed: "He is six grades?"

"You can look it up."

"Impossible!" Zhuo Feiyang frowned and shook his head: "How is it possible ..."

Liuliu is a kind of heavenly spirit, especially for guards, Chu is very young, how could he be Liuliu!

"Brother Chu, do you remember to make a bet?" Zhao Ying suddenly raised an inexplicable revenge and smiled, "Six products, you are now seven products!"

"I'll go to the sixth grade!" Zhuo Feiyang hummed.

颖 Zhao Ying shook her head and said, "Before innate, Liupin has no hope."

"I can do it!" Zhuo Feiyang hated.

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